What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
To rule the world
Pretty shit tbhfam
A semi-fascist, single-party governed, highly industrialized world order
social equality for Orcs
removing all influence from the middle-earth "angels" and creating a secular world
Or Armageddon, im really not sure
What does he achieve after all his enemies are vanquished and he finally has control all over the free land and people? Do you think he would be happy or would he realise that even though he has everything he could ever want, he still feels a hollow emptiness inside that he now no longer knows how to fill?
Industrial revolution.
He wanted a gf to cuddle with at night.
Crashing the middle earth. With no survivors.
Then getting busy killing all the gods presumably.
> To rule the weakest part of the world solely based on the apathy/alien morality of the other part.
Fixed it.
to make coleslaw.
He just wanted to bring technology to Middle Earth, but some religious zealots thwarted him.
you don't need to
they're kinda removing themselves already
Try it, faggot.
Sauron would have been content with being god Emperor of all sentient beings. Unlike morgoth who wanted complete destruction and death.
If morgoth had conquered middle earth he would have waged war on the valar, sauron knows better not to fuck with them
>tfw jackson wanted Aragorn to fight Sauron at the gates of Mordor at the end of RotK
>tfw they scrapped it
>tfw they also scrapped Angmar's original design
Why did everything go so well?
what was angmars original design?
The picture you're replying to.
i can't see shit except for the slightly different helmet
What's the difference?
If you were an evil monster created only for evil you would probably just try to find something impossible to keep you busy for the rest of your immortal life.
And how Sauron recovers his body?
To make middle earth great again.
>an evil monster created only for evil
But that's not what Sauron is at all. He's more like a fallen angel.
He just wants to build shit and everyone else keeps getting in the way
so basically
we can say that Tolkien hated social equality?
Sauron had had his body in a corporeal form for a while, Gollum specifically mentions being tortured by him and "the four fingered hand" IIRC
He was a really really small government conservative. He called himself a tory anarchist.
The movie =/= the book.
To push race mixing therefore destroying culture in middle earth because diveristy is our strength.
Tolkien was one of the most educated, refined and civilized people in the first half of the 20th century-- a time when those things actually had meaning.
He was also an ardent Catholic and realist. Of course he hated what is currently called "social equality."
how come he was hot shit before making the ring and then frodo n co destroy it and he just dies like a bitch?
he obviously had a hard on for ubermensch and genetic determinism
Because his life was tied to the ring
Who are the asians of middle earth? Who are the blacks?
I think hobbits are british but what are dwarves?
Literally to make his own kind of music
by language
orcs/uruk hai=turks
I love how this "Sauron was fighting for orc's rights" meme guys always ignore how orcs are stated to be pure evil
Or that they hate Sauron and only obey him out of fear.
To make middle earth great again
He didnt have one, and neither did Melko, other than just wanting to fuck shit up.
He and Melkor are two completely flat, shallow glib facismiles of villains with no motive whatsoever to their actions. No different than antagonists that you find in childrens books.
Inferior to every villain created in other stories, like GRRMs Song of Ice and Fire series
This, although Tolkien didn't think they were beyond redemption just as bad as it could get without being an embodiment of evil. Sauron didn't care about Orcs, he just used them.
To answer OP's question, Sauron was craftsmen and in his pride he believed he could make the world perfect. It was marred in the beginning and he thought he could and should remake it.
This is in contrast to Morgoth who just wanted to fuck shit up. I don't know how Sauron made sense of being Morgoth's lieutenant when he wanted to perfect the world and Morgoth wanted to destroy it.
i know this is overstated but its not entirely wrong
Yeah, all of the nuance to Sauron's motives is in supplemental material, mainly notes and letters. In both LotR and The Silmarillion he just comes across as a sadistic asshole.
Tolkien didn't really like allegories , he was just evil basically
This sort of
There is a bit more than that.
Melkor was very talented and wanted to do everything his way. When he saw that other Valar had other ideas, he raged and went his own way. Remember when you were a kid, playing in sandboxes, there was often this one kid that was bossy and wanted everyone to follow his rules, and would be mad as soon as something deviated a bit from what he suggested? That's what Melkor is vs the other Valar.
He thinks he's better than every single one of them (and he is), but he doesn't respect them. He doesn't understand that all Valar together are all better than him or they.
Heading off to create things of his own, eventually all he was doing was trying to destroy what they were creating, out of hatred and jealousy (but probably more of the former, in my opinion). Probably started as hatred, and then jealousy, as he was seeing after many thousands of years that his situation wasn't getting any better. I think he really lost it when Feanor made the Silmarils (other valars than him probably felt ambiguous towards that as well). How could an eldar surpass an ainur in craft?
Now, Sauron is harder to understand, and I think the main reason for that is we're not told enough about the previous Sauron, or Mairon, before he joined Melkor. As one of Aule's, chance are he was quite headstrong, like Melkor, Saruman and Aule himself. Melkor probably planted a seed of hatred in Sauron's mild frustrations, and that grew into an hatred for the valar, their children and everything they had built.
By the Third Age, Sauron really wants to rule over men of Gondor more than anything. They are the remains of Numénor, and I don't think he would care about the rest of the lesser free folks (rohirrim, hobbits, etc.) Saruman can rule over these plebs. And then elves, of course, are leaving Middle-Earth, but I think Sauron understood you couldn't rule over these, Melkor having tried before him.