You guys will literally fight over anything

You guys will literally fight over anything

Pffft.... Plebs
How about a bidet?

do you like a wet asshole faggot?

Figure 2 would be the logical choice. Firstly it's easier to take due to the paper hanging away from the wall, and secondly it's more hygienic since potentially-shit-covered fingers are less likely to touch the wall while trying to take sheets of paper.

Doesnt matter, it still ends up with shit on it either way.

kys at your leisure.

>using Fig 1

I would castrate you if I lived with you

Do you like having dried poop on your ass?

you'll never live with anyone if you get caught up on pointless shit like this


This kind of frustration is the last thing I want with my pants around my ankles.

Yes sir/mam. OP can go fuck him/her self and accept that the owner of the house decides the direction of tp rolling. It's not of choice, the home owner decides. And a general fu for thinking you have a choice.

fuck you cunt! no we fucking dont, i see you posting around like you fucking know me, you dont know shit mother fucker, i hope next time you go to take a shit you shit your guts up and are found laying on the floor as your bleeding butt tendrils stream from your arse to the bowl and reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

No need to fight, the original patent for toilet paper has a drawing of it on a dispenser, drawn as show in figure 2, there has never been a debate as it was settled at the point of creation.


Donald Trump

shit covered fingers? are you indian or something?


Amerifat detected

No , we don't faghet !!

fig 2
god tier


I prefer figure one because it looks more pleasing although its kinda impractical

seems legit

I go fig 1 because it's easier to rip