Rekt/gore thread

Rekt/gore thread

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Bump! We're gonna need this for the raid

Here you go mike

hahhahah nice!


Dude is a dick


Thats how you treat people when you're alpha faggot



I'm curious about the story behind that?


When he spent like five minutes reloading I honestly would have kicked the ever loving shit out of him. You don’t get to shoot random people and then just die. Fuck that.

I knew that was going to happen and I watched anyway.


>You don't get to shoot random people and then just die.

Umm, well...apparently you do.


He should have waved since he nailed the twirl.


turns out his guy lived but his ears were burned

It's clinically interesting how/why so many of like seeing people die.

Most people find it sad and disturbing.

Some of you are edgelords. Some of you are true sociopaths (20-30% of society are sociopaths).


The Chad suicide

>alpha faggot
you mean white boi?
BBC shows to such individuals their proper place

Interesting figures. How did you come up with them?

what if im not an edgelord or a sociopath and I don't "like" seeing people die but I like watching the videos?

>It's clinically interesting how/why so many of like seeing people die.

morbid curiosity? you don't have to be a sociopath or an "edgelord"

most people would to see what happened and learn how not to die

for some it is just morbid curiosity


it's honestly pretty unsettling how desensitized i am to stuff like this now though

He's a knuckle dragging slavic tard. No story needed.

nah, you're just a sentimental little bitch.


NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) and the newest DSM

Anyhow I'm glad that some of you care that watching people die isn't in line with good mental health. That denotes that you're likely not sociopaths.

I love it. Not sure why. Most people I know can’t watch this kind of stuff. I genuinely enjoy it. When I watched the video above of the lady on the leg press, my reaction was “ha! Stupid bitch.” The animal stuff I can’t watch. Unless it’s cats. Idgaf about cats for some reason.

Exactly. Because I'm not a sociopath. I have empathy and compassion. My prefrontal lobe is fully developed.

You're likely a sociopath, you'd make a great fighter pilot or spec ops soldier if you're intelligent.

Or a politician (not joking).


Form needs work and they didn't stick the landing.

nah, you're just a pussy whos been sheltered up until now.
this shit is fucking tame compered to other shit out there, so if this gets to you then you should reconsider your hobbies, because this ain't shit.

you've narrowed it down to what we aren't
faggot wannabe armchair psychologist over here

she broke that dog's neck.

that's why people do this to cats:
(if one of your cats EVER scratched or bit me, I'd be within my rights to shoot it)

Fake. But really, who would destroy what possesses those awesome titties?

On the wikipedia article it says only 2 died. The shooter and the teacher. And only injured 3 others. If that makes it any better. Seems awful low.
But he didn't die from the shot immediately, so hopefully, he felt a lot of pain.

>He then attempted to shoot himself in the right temple but failed as he missed, then the firearm ran out of ammunition. He reloaded the weapon with cartridges stored in a nearby box and shot himself in the mouth. He died later in the hospital.[4]

Terrible shot, apparently.

Don't mind me, I'll just dump some classics.


yeah fuck dogs



you got shoveldog?


Why burn when you jump

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them

What if they make me laugh?

Sorry, no animal abuse.

Fuck off with your trigger hounding, faggot.


Fuck outta here wit that gay shit nigga

pretty sure the first kid that took a bullet to the head at 5ft didnt make it

Because it better to burn out than to fade away

shitskins are not too good when it comes to civilized interaction with animals are they?

where was this?

Bitch deserved to die for being a smoker. Getting punch in face ain't enough for these scum.


Moral fag

sadly no, negroids don't do well around animals.

how brave


he ok?


Eh, then Wikis wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. I'm not too invested to look into it further than the article.

100% agree


All those dumb cunts Runnin away after he tops himself

The threat is gone, help your wounded friends

that escalated really quick


>requesting the one when female nigger homeowner didnt control her fucking dog and allowed it to freely attack nigger cop, so he had to shoot it, and ofc the niggres was mad at HIM - not her own stupidity

Yea I grew up with a fucked up environment and have personality disorders. I am intelligent but I’m so manipulative that I don’t even realize I’m doing it until after the matter. I Can’t empathize with people either. I’m cool with it though.

fukken ripped kid's head off yo

Second shot missed the brain

That guy is like should I take it.. Nah the fucking wait that's about to happen.

hate people who think cats should be outside pets look at what happens to them.

Brutal. She didn't expect that at all.

any back story?
>cat most likely survived

Hahaha fuck youuuuuuu cat!

I'm not commenting in any of my (You)s
This is a coping mechanism

this one escalated quickly too

All those people and couldn't contain the dogs.


This is the video that made me drop out of public schools.
Ended up taking my GED test and getting my diploma early because of this.
My school was shot up about a month later


>Terrible shot, apparently.
he missed direct shot through the brain

oh, you.

Nice 10/10

Well, the duck has been officially fucked. Now heres the real question, has the kangaroo been screwed?

what is that machine?

>she broke that dog's neck
>dog literally running around at end of video

disarmed useless police officers
united kingdom of cuckland perhaps?

Holy fuck those people are retarded. Punch it in the snout. Their noses are very sensitive. It would stop them from mauling people. Jfc.


kek, good to hear the brainwashing that smokers are literally the spawn of the devil is working out in the US.