Do Christians read the Bible?

Do Christians read the Bible?

No they touch little kids.

They do, but if they're Republitards they ignore the part where Jesus says to help the sick and the poor

i can vouch for this

Fuck no. They just need to have faith in the Bible. It doesn't say anything about having to actually read.


Many do. Converts especially.
If that's true, why do conservatives give more on average to charity than liberals?

Because liberals don't give as much to political front groups. Koch bros included.

My opinion is that many liberals like to claim that they're on the side of the poor and sick but do little to nothing to actually help such people besides vote for social programs which are usually extremely expensive and inefficient at helping such people.

Christians in America are not smart enough to read the bible. They rather sit and be told "what the bible says". They pick through the book to only the most famous parts and ignore the contradictions. They refuse to acknowledge the book has been rewritten countless times and also refuse to understand the book's true origins. They also cannot explain how, if God created everything, he (or it) needed many scribes to write his
word. I find God's illiteracy simply fascinating myself.

So you believe that if you understand the book's actual origins, namely in the writings of the apostles and the apprentices of the apostles, that makes it untrue or "made up"?


What I find fascinating is Trump worships the same temple that Christ was killed for protesting.

you raped a 13yo girl
there, now you and Trump have something in common

Thanks to Paul, you don't need to read the bible. Repent once and be set for all eternity.

Thanks Paul, you fuck face

the american christian right has been groomed for decades, they basically been voting for the very people that jesus of the bible condemned as a generation of vipers

because liberals feel that more can be given to charity if they devote their time and effort towards forcing people to "donate" to charity

It can't be proven who wrote what. Things have been added to it and taken from it so many times, I doubt anyone could know the true origins.

charities are just like churches they tax dodges & embezzlers, they dont help anybody

Do dubs read The Bible?

The left is on the side of the poor because the left wants to tax the people who slash wages and ship jobs to china all so they can get an extra 5mill bonus.

They want to tax them to get SOME of the money back to the people who should have it in the way of social programs.

Republicans on da otha had dang ole just dun been seein that as how da way things be wurkin and if day try ta tax da rich den dat der is stealin and the bible say yall anit not sopsed ta steal nothin from nobody not nohow on sum page so them there poo folk just gunna need ta grab there bootstraps n pull em selves up!

"Accused". I dont see any formal charges

Paul is jesus' worst enemy, the epissles of paul basically turned christianity in to judaism-light, all the same greed and corruption, and you get to eat pork and drink booze too.

Obama raped a 10 year old girl.

There. now obama has been accused of raping a 10 year old girl.

See how much weight that carries?

If they truly believe that December 25th was the exact date that Jesus Christ was born, chances are, they probably DON'T!

first off that's a big lie, secondly, paul is not just something you fucking talk about like that, you are just like every other asshole that does that stuff and its not a good habit...there is some stuff in that you don't want on your conscious.

Trumptards certainly don’t!

What a load of bullshit. Most conserviturds include tithing as their primary contribution to charity using the guise that the churches do charitable work. But churches mostly focus on building wealth, for the church. The small percentage they use to promote charitable work is simply window dressing.

i am an atheist, but i dont ignore the impact religion has on the world

Yes, but they don't think about what it says.
>Old Testament
>angry kike smites people who don't recognize his awesomeness
>New Testament
>angry kike god has a son who performs magic tricks and keeps reminding people that going against Israel will doom them to a fate worse than hell

Seriously, it's all fucking jew bullshit. How the hell was this crap popular for 2000 fucking years?

Paul is the worst human on the planet.

He single-handly turned a religion of love, mercy, and bettering yourself into a cesspit of sin and malice.

human as in from human, but not quite, you could say what you want but in the end it's the golden work that will get you btfo.

Superstitious nonsense.

that is a big broad tree you dont want to be barking up buddy...why don't you go read numbers and stay off the little picto-box, that parts for the kids.

I think everyone has touched a kid at some point in their life.

Paul was a fag and easily the worst disciple. Hell, there was a point where Jesus was going to bitch slap him for his impudence.

fuck numbers, fuck paul, fuck being able to deny god to save your mortal flesh.

Fear not those who have no dominion on your soul

yup, christianity uses the same tactics as a mafia protection racket,

I am and I do every day

wrong paul, talking Paul of tarsus, aka Saul, aka the first pope aka Paul the misguided

They don't. They like to pretend they do. Fuck off Christ bait, back to target touchies naked mass.

The Christian faith is just a rip off of the Greeks Sun God...look it up

ok so you said some shit, but you want to facts, go be a mormon and we can figure out how to levitate without those fuck magnets , otherwise shut up and stop trying, to act holier than thou, for thou arentest.

I'll take it, fuck you and fuck Paul right in the shit button.

The Christian faith is rip off of countless other faiths that date back to the Greeks Sun God

And what did obama do to help the poor and sick?

you must be one of those tartus loving hippie sociomites.

I'm not Christian, but I've read most of the New International Version, and keep it on my bedside for some light reading to put me to sleep. Fun little book. Crazy fiction. Story is kinda all over the place though.

When a conservative fag counts his donations, he includes the money to sponsor the megachurch and it's band, the entertainment system, the land/parking lot, the big ass building, and all the other non-Jesus bullshit that they fill their lives with.

Makes sense, Apollo was always a dick.

Wrong zoroastrianism goes back 2400BC at a time the Greeks still lived on that island.

Yes. Unfortunately people add a massive ammount of Americans to the "christian" category any time it is convenient in identity politics.

I am an undergraduate at a major american university where I am a departmental honors canidate in German. For my thesis I am writing a published work on the reformation in the northern HRE. I have studied Luther intensely and have surrounded myself with like minded people young and old;both in academia and outside of it. Real christians read the bible. Personally I adhere strictly to to small catechism and read the bible daily. It doesn't consume my life and out of the probably hundreds of people I used for a sample size from several synods the consensus was the habitual bible reading is quite common among non-catholics(which is likely a slight error because I did not interview many catholics) and can be found at all ages.

Like I said,it is identity politics and they just group people together arbitrarily when its convenient. An aborigine is not the same as a South African and not the same as a turks and so in,but they are "POC" when its convenient for a point.

Also,non-denominational "mega-churches" aren't christian. Its just a cookie cuttrr self help book in steroids.

Her fault for not staying inside with her parents.

Only the priests do. In all the years I was Catholic I never read the bible except perhaps a few pages from the mini bible we received at school, and not much either, once was when I was playing the role of priest in a bit in language class. And masses had the same booklet featuring 5 different masses, which I stopped going to not long after I received Communion and only for weddings, funerals and baptism now.

Why do people brainwash themselves and their children with Middle Eastern fairytales?

talk to you later when you feel like showing a real value in your life, otherwise salem unto thee.

I know fairytales like Palestine is an actual country.

Are you ignoring Leviticus?

Some of you christ holics don't even know jesus was actually born in trinidad.

Nope, only atheists read the bible. For the purpose of sounding superior in pointless debate.

>If that's true, why do conservatives give more on average to charity than liberals?

That hasn't been true since the 70s. "Liberals" give more money and time to charities.

"Conservatives" are still much more likely to donate to political charities and churches though.

Before people snort, political charities and churches do count. Politicians aren't all scum, many of them truly believe in what they do, and some churches do a lot of humanitarian work in the communities they serve.

Jesus was invented by the Roman emperor August to ensure the survival of the Roman Empire. Which it did as even when it fell, the Holy Roman Empire HRE lived on.

And who was Islam invented by?

that still doesn't change GPO from invading Pursilee so why does it change what is written on paper. The fact is you can say what is what and what is done but it predicates the future and facts are what matters and that's what was prophetized by Elijah, he who stands with Heaven, regardless what the Media does to spin it.