I have a problem. I'm way too smart for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually inferior

I have a problem. I'm way too smart for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually inferior.

I'm 18 and at high school, but everyone in my class is fucking stupid. I try to engage them in religious debates (Atheist here) and political debates (Neo-Socialist) but all they care about is parties and Facebook. They also listen to shit music (metalhead here).

What can I do to get away from these morons

Pic related, me.

I have a problem. I'm way too smart for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually inferior.

I'm 18 and at high school, but everyone in my class is fucking stupid. I try to engage them in religious debates (Atheist here) and political debates (Neo-Socialist) but all they care about is parties and Facebook. They also listen to shit music (metalhead here).

What can I do to get away from these morons

Pic related, me.

Rick And Morty fan spotted

death is the only escape

nothing nigga, just wait until you go to uni, there you will get A LOT of cucks who would just love debating with you, one day you will miss being surrounded by morans

18 and in high school I bet your dumb ass can't count to 10


U a virgin and they ain't. That's what's killing you

Who posted pg kumbi i love them


Respect my mans

what are you even asking for honetly? nothing matters

Move to Denver, not only you'll feel above them, you'll really be on a different level. Also, thinner air carries sound worse than at lowlands, so your annoying whining will bother less people.
And if you're a *true* btard, you know the real answer in your heart. Don't forget to check that the cam and streaming work, before you pull the trigger!

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them

Ooo I laugh at all of rick and morty I must be a scientist.

Great band

I wouldn't bet on you being a scientist, considering the scientific name for the show is Richard and Mortimer.

id fuck that guy that op posted hes cute

>posts on the chin
>claims to be intellectually superior
weak troll is weak

Hey, dude

I feel ya. Half of my grade is failing math studies, and sometimes it feels like I, alongside a few others, are the only ones who actually have their heads in the right place. Wanna chat?

Also, huge metal fan too btw. I play guitar :D

A7X, Disturbed, Trivium. What're your favorite bands?


Show your boypussy

lol whatever happened to that kid

Underage detected?

Rolling for this

hey you've been here before right? your face looks familiar... also, a lot of same on everything you said, the only thing that worked for me is going out at night and finding places with like-minded people...

I have a problem. I'm way too retarded for my age, and everyone around me is intellectually superior.

I'm 18 and at high school (Special ED), but everyone in my class is fucking brilliant. I try to engage them in religious debates (retard here) and political debates (Neo-Socialist) but all they care about is Studying and Science. They also listen to shit music (Avid Pop Enthusiast here).

What can I do to get away from these smart blokes

Pic related, me.

just be gay in Iran.

shit b8
qt grill

5/10 post

Nope. You're retarded.

oh god i hope this is fake

OP is not necessarily smarter, just has interests that no one gives a shit about..

because they're retarded.

Now it's art


>caring about peers in high school
I see the problem

You’re smart. Figure it out yourself.


would bang. probably b& tho

because its fun and that sounds gay af. just go be happy with other smart ass autistic people. enjoy the gay shit u enjoy stop bitching bout the gay shit others enjoy

bait aside, the problem isn't that you're smart, which you most probably aren't, but that you believe that you are smart. therefore, no one want's to engage in a debate because they don't like monumental fags like you, not because they can't. advice: man the fuck up.

Kill yourself

Use your smarts to create new tech, start a business, or invest in crypto young padawan. Friends are tools; literal tools to satisfy your social needs. When it comes college time you’ll realize the importance of social currency and conversely how waning an asset it is. Work on making money and learning to protect your assets, that’s all that truly matters in this cruel world.

Person who does not get jokes spotted