>Awful CGI is awful
OK, with that out of the way, why does Alien 3 get so much hate?
>Awful CGI is awful
OK, with that out of the way, why does Alien 3 get so much hate?
I don't know if it's so much hate as it is wasted potential, listening to Fincher talk about its creation its like he got hired and then every higher up proceeded to hold him down and piss in his face and kick him in the balls over every creative decision.
Plebs don't understand kino.
Because it's not an action film like Aliens.
Alien > Alien 3 > Aliens >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Resurrection.
killing off newt and hicks straight away kinda rubbed me the wrong way.
the prison setting was lame, especially when the original plan was for a monastery planet, with a far darker, more gothic-horror tone.
The movie was boring.
It looked like a Grunge rock video from the 90s.
Killing major characters off-screen was insulting.
The strategy on trapping the Xeno was confusing.
DVD and later versions removed Newt's naked chest from the autopsy scene.
I didn't appreciate Aliens as much because of its action approach.
It's just a lot more engaging when the characters have to improvise ways to survive this one monster rather than being able to gun them down by the dozen.
Because it's not exciting for the normies like Aliens was.
This place is filled with normalfag pleb scum.
Also, Blomkamp is a hack, I hope he nevet gets to leave his stain on the Alien series.
>Also, Blomkamp is a hack, I hope he nevet gets to leave his stain on the Alien series.
Where did that come from?
There's no CGI in that movie. The alien was a rod puppet shot against green screen using a variant of the "go motion" process. It looks bad because the production was a mess and the effects crew didn't get the time or budget to nail the lighting or perspective needed to insert the puppet. That, and the compositing was shit, but that wasn't as unusual back then.