American Car Designs

> cant into weight reduction
> still wondering why GM went bankrupt

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yeah cuz thats what all of us drive here

Americans made the best cars in history

>cannot into clean diesel without cheating
>wonders why Americans hate VW now

I've hated german cars since Germany started the Islamic invasion of Europe


Germany just stop posting

Why are you retarded Hans?

If it wasn't for us you wouldn't even have your hot dog carts you call cars

He's german

Do Americans even make cars anymore or just trucks?

They're one of the largest producer of cars in the world

as a life long German car fan and German car mechanic I can say with authority that German cars are mostly over-rated as shit with the exception of Porsche.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW stopped making great cars in the early 90s

Weren't the germcucks who started making ugly bloated car designs...

That car literally looks like a used tampon.

This door is as thick as a submarine hatch

Goddamn. Those things are designed to take a .50 cal, and they still carry a minigun in the presidential motorcade to deal with "problem situations."

I get erect thinking about the Secret Service getting the order to fire to clear out a group of Soros's paid goons at a Trump rally.

mfw my bmw is 93

The fuck is that schnitzel mobile

It's bullet, grenade, and missile proof. It's basically a tank.

Obongo also wears bullet proof suits at all time.

Well never see 'em again will we Charlie?

>grenade, and missile proof
A powerful enough blast can still still kill anyone inside the car

>weight reduction
>on an armored vehicle

thanks for the ride.. still driving one of these for the past ten years..

I don't know who started doing it, but the EUs faggy pedestrian safety standards are why the front end of cars look like bloated corpses now.

Modern cars are so uncomfortable, if you hit a speed bump your head always hits the roof.
They're made like clown cars for tiny little Asian men, I can barely fit in them

The Obama-mobile has some heavy armor. I bet that thing can withstand a fucking RPG.

I love that Mercedes design.
So clean, yet it screams class.

Now all their saloon cars are weird and boring.

In the EU it's illegal for your car to have a hood ornament, it's considered a hazard


>be Murrikan
>be auto worker
>see thread praising Hitlermobiles
>mfw no valid argument besides "b-b-but muh fancy s-style"

Keep pushing out anus sucking vehicles, Hans.

You can thank Chris Bangle back in 2002 for the current trend of doughy, flowy "organic" dogshit desgins

We do--but mostly Mexicans and Chinese import them.

that is something they do take very seriously though. if someone attacks you don't want to be taking off like a loaded cement truck.

i saw a documentary about it

You westfags have it easy at least you drive new cars.
Try doing repairs on some piece of shit made past the mid 90's. I never believed i'd say ladas are good but dear god at least you could fix their horn without having to take of the engine or drill the bumpers.

What is going on with that front.
Looks wimpy and tired

supposedly it can


to this day they look better and will outlive whatever shit 2016 benz is on the dealership lot

Nobody I know owns a new car, they just lease it for a few years then lease a new one again eventually and then complain they have no money for anything.

Does Germany even make cars for the American market?

I thought all your "Mercedes-Benz" and "BMW" were made in Mexico?

That car is almost a tank, you faggot.

>Buying a German made car
Fucking never again

America is German auto manufacturers largest market

American car designs are vulgar.

Its all about JDM bro
>Japanese cars
>jack of all trades
>good mpg

At least with the American cars its possible with enough knowhow to fix it your self.Reason why we see so many junk cars sitting in so many driveways, and in the south all over lawns. but it is doable.

You can't fix a European car yourself and more likely will have to pay out the ass for some obscure part.

Head space in the back seats is shit now.
It's because of muh aerodynamics, muh fuel economy.

Twenty. Inch. Rims.

I made this back when he first ruined BMWs lol

Funny thing is that even though the Subaru Outback is a Japanese car it has ample headroom.

Camels are better eh Sven?


I would do that too, if i was a muslim cock sucking nigger like Obongo.

I literally cannot sit in the back of modern cars without being squashed in and I'm only 6 foot

Truly hideous especially when nigged out with oversized rims , stripes and other retardation

That said sven, your national cars are a poor man's Chinese clone of the Germans, and weigh a ton thanks to all the cuckd safety features

That looks vaguely similar to a pvc pipe.

>You will never be a beaner and build lowriders
>Making 5,000lb vehicles hop and dance around with jet plane pumps

Is it? I thought it was China just like it is here (barring our own domestic market).

They love the Ford Focus for some reason. Also, my old South Korean professor claimed that old school Cadillacs and Buicks are one of the most sought after cars in China and SK. It is an extreme sign of luxury and wealth to own one.

I just want to drop this:

> It's raining so decide to take a Taxi.
> It's a Tesla.
> Get wet inside because American made.

Why is this allowed?

You know what, it might be China now

Still, the US buys a fuckton of German cars

We tried that shit after Nader went on his little crusade against the auto industry. It didn't last long.

No matter what, many Americans want big vehicles. So, it's smart to set your product line across the spectrum of potential buyers and what the market closely.

And GM was fucked by mismanagement and the UAW.

>things that never happened

All the Chinese care about is the amount of legroom in the back.

So I guess the Ford Focus has plenty legroom?

Taxi drivers complain about it all the time, it's well known.


This BMW looks like it has Down's. How the fuck did this even get into production.

Top kek. I've never once seen any car leak unless it has been in a car wreck and the top has a gaping whole in it. You're making this up.


I mean. I'm hung over from the fermented Jew.

>Millennials think you can beat the speed, safety and comfort of the saab 900

Why do Impalas look so shitty now?

>Slechter dan de Mercedes

>Daarnaast zien de auto's er erg goed uit, maar toch zitten de modellen qua bouwkwalteit nog lang niet op het niveau van bijvoorbeeld Mercedes, zegt Dekker.

>"Onlangs werden op Schiphol alle Mercedessen van taxichauffeurs vervangen voor Tesla’s. De eerste week vonden de chauffeurs dat spannend, de tweede week leuk en de derde week wilden ze hun oude auto terug. Wat bleek: de kwaliteit viel tegen, de ruitenwissers zaten niet goed en het tochtte tussen de kieren."

I don't speak cuck, but twitter comments aren't a valid source. It sounds like anti-American lies. I know how much your leftist media likes to shit on America.

Not just German cars though. Most cars after 96 can't be fixed by the average owner. Mercedes after 1992 will have shitty disposable wiring harnesses.

RIP Saab ;__;

Also, if this was true there would have been a product recall and it would be a huge deal here in the USA. Our media would have extensively reported on it.

Because it was a great design when it came out. BMW has been winning the design race in the euro luxury car class since they switched over to those new designs. Mercedes new designs are absolute shit now(not including the CLA)

Hell yeah, Sven!

Unfortunately Saab was ruined by GM. Tragic.

GM ruins everything they touch

They have a shitty design. Does that answer your question?

If they were smart they'd do an update to the 90's impala design. That shit was a classic

Swedes own it again, though. There is no excuse for how shitty they are nowadays.

saabs are for lesbians and dumb white girls.

>twitter comments aren't a valid source.

NOS is a very reputable source.

I've owned 3 9000's, a pair of naturally aspirated 93's and a '94 Aero. Aero was the best car I ever owned.
Slightly bigger turbo, boost cranked up to the fuel cutoff and it just flew. Couldn't floor it in 1st because it'd just spin the tires.

>drivers window opens to pay tolls


This is the one it replaced too

The old one looks 20x better

Why did you burgers stopped making V8 powered cars? Lincoln and Cadillac dont offer a V8 executive car any more.

None of you are mentioning the true greatest car manufacturers, the Japanese.

Is that what Americans think now?

Saab was the typical car for higher earning middle aged men: doctors, lawyers, etc.

Correct me if I'm wrong because I don't speak your language, but it seems like they're only listing random twitter comments as "proof." There would have been a product recall.

And most European media possesses an anti-American bent, so it wouldn't surprise me that such an article would be written in order to dissuade you guys from buying anything American.

I thought Saab was kill?


Ok Helmut, let me know when Volkswagen stops cheating emissions tests

No. Saab was sold to some Chinese. They are not making cars anymore. It's finished.

>it seems like they're only listing random twitter comments as "proof."

Where did you get that impression?

>And most European media possesses an anti-American bent

Oh please.

Is this the perfection?

The brand is still owned by these guys, though. I don't think they're making them any more.

>tfw gommunist
>tfw maximum weight reduction
>car flies away
>factory gets closed by western jews

you can never satisfy anyone eh

85 yrs ago you could knock in the door at the qhighthouse.
>this tank
America's an empire and management is scared

>tfw the real successor to the H-1 actually can't be sold in the USA

...what are they guilty of that would make them so fearful?