Another unarmed gorilla shot in the good ole USA. When will the madness end?
Unarmed Gorilla Shot
Whoa totally original canada!
Dad shot as his kid breaks into prison to see his father for the first time in his life
Sad story.
Please don't insult apes by comparing them to Dindu-Americans.
Apes are capable of creating civilization as seen in the Planet of the Apes movie. Niggers are incapable of creating anything for 500000 years now.
did the Gorilla do anything to the kid?
I don t understand why they didn t use tranq.
I don't know anything about tranqs. but I assume they might take a few seconds or a minute to kick in. Now you've got a big gorilla with a needle in his neck all pissed off within arms reach of a child.
The most likely reason is that they wanted to quickly kill it and not agitate it because the baby is black. They're taking no chances when there's a black life on the line.
Meanwhilte niggers are saying that the gorilla got shot because the baby is ''white'', and that if the baby ''was black'' they would have used tranq instead. Completely backwards.
If the kid was white they'd be more concerned about the life of the gorilla.
Latvian sarcasm?
>dumbass kid jumps into a fucking gorilla cage
>shoot the gorilla instead of letting nature take its course
What if it had been an endangered animal?
Wildlife has a right to exist for its own sake.
>be american gorilla
>get shot
Dragged his ass around a few times, was pretty funny desu
It is an endangered animal. I'm wondering if the dude that shot it will face federal charges for killing an endangered species.
Yeah i was about to say this, its unlikely but there's a chance for 10 seconds the Gorilla would've been furious and started attacking the kid since its the closest unknown thing to it. That said Gorillas are one of the most passive species animals out there. Unlike chimps they dont even attack humans even when they're provoked, mostly.
ahh ok then i kinda get why they shot it. Dont blame them now.
>the one that actually din do nuthin
No sarcasm. You guys have been lied to so fucking hard it's insane. It's completely insane that you even have to question what I wrote.
How is this shit not common knowledge yet?
If you're white in America you're statistically more likely to get shot by the police, you're statistically less likely to get any help, if you're white any crime you commit is going to be international news while black crimes get burried, etc. And all the white the media is telling you the opposite.
Remember when Dylan Roof shot those blacks and every stupid nigger ever got together to cry how oppressed they are because ''if the shooter was black this would be international news!''. It's insane.
The reality here is that if the kid was white the gorilla would still be alive because white lives don't matter to these people.
Possibility of a chimpout over a gorilla?
>If you're white in America you're statistically more likely to get shot by the police
no lol, not on a per capita basis.
It's a fucking gorilla, if you wait until it does "something" to shoot it it's too late
It was just checking its cellphone you racist trashbag
You're fucking brainwashed.
It's per capita. Look it up. You're far more likely to get shot as a white male. Check the facts.
Why the fuck are you here if you're blindly accepting complete bullshit pushed by the media? It's a debunked myth that blacks are more likely to get shot. That myth comes from people who can't do the math and don't even know what ''per capita'' is. It's like the wage gap myth.