They're a good band
They're a good band
the stage and city of evil are good albums, waking the fallen is okay
everything else is garbage, the self titled is some of the worst shit i've ever heard and nightmare is forgettable overproduced shite
r u 13
Pleasantly surprised by The Stage after the load of garbage that was Hail to the King. It just wasn't the same without the Rev, but The Stage will go down as one of the best albums of their career.
Why i mostly agree with that, I wouldn't neccisarly think they are bad albums,
Except Hail.
No, and before you ask i don't think im edgy for listening to them, they are borderline hard rock, i just dont understand the shit they get
I used to love them in High School, around the time The Rev died. Then I wanna say around Hail to the King I thought it was okay, and I've since learned theory..... The new covers are god awful and new album is literally "babys first experimental" and it's clunky. The mixing sucks too. But ever since learning theory, I can only really still dig their rawer 1st and 2nd albums. Now jiving with their lighter music.
I agree alot with you, The Stage is one of my favorite albums even a year after
ratio of bad to good weighs way too heavily towards bad
I used to love the album that had that cover tho