They're a good band

They're a good band

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the stage and city of evil are good albums, waking the fallen is okay

everything else is garbage, the self titled is some of the worst shit i've ever heard and nightmare is forgettable overproduced shite

r u 13


Pleasantly surprised by The Stage after the load of garbage that was Hail to the King. It just wasn't the same without the Rev, but The Stage will go down as one of the best albums of their career.

Why i mostly agree with that, I wouldn't neccisarly think they are bad albums,

Except Hail.
No, and before you ask i don't think im edgy for listening to them, they are borderline hard rock, i just dont understand the shit they get

I used to love them in High School, around the time The Rev died. Then I wanna say around Hail to the King I thought it was okay, and I've since learned theory..... The new covers are god awful and new album is literally "babys first experimental" and it's clunky. The mixing sucks too. But ever since learning theory, I can only really still dig their rawer 1st and 2nd albums. Now jiving with their lighter music.

I agree alot with you, The Stage is one of my favorite albums even a year after

ratio of bad to good weighs way too heavily towards bad

I used to love the album that had that cover tho

The best part of the Stage is Exist is a remake of sorts of Funeral For A Friend, or their take at least. and the drumming is great.

If you really have been learning theory to the degree that you proclaim expertise on it in the way that you post this, you'd realise The Stage is not 'baby's first experimental', that would be the White Album. The Stage and it's extension songs (covers) are technically and theoretically very proficient, especially compared to any other album they have released. Only City of Evil comes close.

While i cant really say much because i don't know theroy, i wouldnt say its "babys first experimental"

City of Evil > Waking the Fallen >>> Nightmare >>>>>>> Self Titled >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hail to the King

haven't listened to anything else of theirs

As an avid Dream Theater fan, I haven't noticed that! Thanks for pointing that out, now that you say it it does seem similar.

I definitely recommend you listen to The Stage, if only the title track. It's pretty amazing.

I'll throw it on after I finish this album I'm on right now. City of Evil is still one of my fave albums ever so if it comes even close to that I'll enjoy it. I relistened to their self titled earlier this year after not hearing it for a long time and I didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I still would.

Nu metal bands are always shit

Dude I love Overkill, The Years of Decay is my favorite of their albums.

What album are you listening right now if I may sneakily ask?

Is there a story behind why they took their logo?

No World For Tomorrow by Coheed and Cambria

Just finished Storm of the Light's Bane by Dissection as well, but I just got some packages in the mail so I gotta deal with these since I just got a new cartridge for my turntable and I gotta set it up and align it.

No it's far from as experimental as they say. Outside of maybe the topics being different for them, the music itself isn't that weird. Actually some of the weirder parts are just cringe in my opinion.

>The "oh doctor do we need more this" on Simulation. It's way to campy, and sounds like they're trying to be Alice Cooper or a scene from COD. Plus that isn't even that chaotic, it's still very digestible when the piece is having a break down. That sound of the strings on

>Angels just reminds me of a mellotron, which you can hear done better on King Crimson's albums.

>God Damn has grown on me, but I still don't think it's perfect its' an okay song.

>The Stage, for being the opener and title track, isn't as epic feeling once the song starts. Upon many revisits, it just doesn't pay off.

>Exist is pretty solid, though I don't like the effect on his vocals when he comes in, but the song is fine. Also that message Neil's saying isn't anything profound, it just takes away from what could have been a monster of a solo to end the album. Like Save Me had a punch, this just kinda has a vamp and a guy talking over it then just kinda ends. Wasted potential IMO.

>Roman Sky is a lesser Crimson Day

It's not perfect, but it's far from as good as people think it is. I kind of feel like if you get into more out there music or their influences even.

Yeah no problem, I love that song and one day I was like why not listen, it's been a while since I've heard Elton John. Then I put it on and was like.... Holy Shit this is Exist.

Is not nu metal idiot

I agree, when i first listened to the stage it blew me away, i also like what they did with the "evolving album" although most of the covers were meh, retrovertigo and wish you were here a good though.

Yeah it is

I agree with what you say for the most part, but i would say the stage is a solid opening

MalagueƱa Salerosa pretty much made my summer, as I have been studying Spanish for a couple of years and finally got to go to Spain with a very good friend right about when the song was released. Good times.

Haven't heard Wish You Were Here yet, but the evolving album was influnced by Hip-Hop, how they just drop singles and stuff. I'm paraphrasing M Shadows. But Life of Pablo came out in February 2016 and he remixed the album before the Stage came out. I am positive they got the idea from Kanye.

But the only song I think was okay is Dose from those

also listen to the original it's so much better

By watching this thread i have a question...
What's wrong with Self-Titled?

I think it isn't as bad as "Runaway" but I think there are far better versions like The Tubes' and the more traditional Spanish versions. Though theirs reminded me a ton of the version from Kill Bill. But it's probably the best of the covers.

I just feel like the chorus is kinda weak, and the song never builds to what it could be. Like it could be epic, but never goes there. Also the nylon guitar at the end is cool, but I feel like it just feels a bit tacked on. That's my opinion though.

Honestly as much as I like The Stage and I was the guy who mentioned this album would be one of the greatest in their career, I felt the same way when I listened to the song for the very first time.

There was a huge build-up and the chorus felt indeed like it should have been way more epic than it was. However for me, it has grown on me a lot, so I don't quite feel that way anymore. But this was definitely true for my first listening as well.

Witch is a great conclusion to make, it could have been more yes, but im satisfied with how it turned out

I'd like to add that in my experience, the chorus isn't actually the point of climax. It all just builds up to the part where the lyrics go "When did the walking apes decide that nuclear war...", and that is what everything before built up to.

bad production (not as bad as nightmare), generic songs that were clearly written as singles, "lmao zack look at this shit, it's called autotune, pretty cool huh" song, awful attempt at a country song

a little piece of heaven is good though

That part makes the song in my opinion

I'll go back and listen to it with that in mind in a few minutes, I'll let you know what I think

I love both versions of retrovertigo, yet for some reason sevenfold's just clicks with me more


fuck off

Pretty accurate but City of Evil is their best album

Meh. When self-titled came out, it was pretty amazing. It definitely has depreciated over the years, but A Little Piece Of Heaven is still a legendary song that could single-handedly put said album above Waking The Fallen and 7 Trumpets, in my opinion.

>Sounding the Seventh Trumpet
Good fucking god, who the hell rated that?

Piero Scaruffi
Getting a 7/10 or even a 6.5/10 from him is insane. He totally whiffed on Ax7, it shows his age.

We come out at night is their best song after beast and the harlot and a little piece of heaven
>not recognizing blue text on parchment background
Namefags are crypto newfags

that's fair, out of curiosity which did you hear first. They are quite similar so I could see which ever you hear first being the one you like more.

I heard the self titled back in 2009. I loved and listened the fuck out of it. Now I don't listen to anything out that album, though a little piece of heaven is still a great tune.

So I just re-listened to the song, so soloing is still solid in the beginning and it's definitely building to something. It does sound a bit better, but that chorus still hurts it for me. I also feel like that slower part that is the break down feels a bit out of place, but not in a "good way". Like the song kind of completely stops it's momentum, but I'm sure it might work better for me live. I do like the bridge part that comes in there, but it also just feels like another songs I'm drawing a blank on to be honest. So it might be "nostalgia" that makes me like that part. Maybe Danger Line. It's okay, I still don't jive with it, but it isn't as bad as I remembered but I still wouldn't return unless it was to be like, I wonder if I should give the album another chance it's been quite a while.

Also kinda stupid side note, I never picked up on this but for whatever reason I was waiting in the beginning to hear. "There's a king of fear"

To be fair, there are a number of solid tunes on StST if you actually listen to it. We Come Out at Night, Turn the Other Way, Lips of Deciet, Shattered by Broken Dreams, Warmness on the Soul and I like both To End The Raptures.

Please do

I can explain your expectations for the lyrics "There's a king of fear" as it's kinda similar to the bridge in Hail To The King (around 3:47) but the actual lyrics is "taste" not "king" lol

I'm glad you caught what I meant, I was gonna go back and look up the lyrics but I was like eh it's just a little funny thing I thought of while listening. It didn't hurt the song for me, just made me laugh a bit

The original

It could just be I'm a Bungle fan and still love them, but I didn't get anything out of the cover I couldn't in the original. Like I don't like when people stay to close to the original when doing a cover, like Wish You Were Here.

But to each their own


Sweet album, listening to it right now. About halfway through. Thanks.

I'm a HUGE fan of Coheed and Cambria, my absolute favourite band. I listened to their entire discography in a single day a few weeks ago since I finally got the last album I was missing on vinyl. I adore them so much and could go on for hours.

Waking the fallen is a great album

Walking the fallen>city of evil>sounding>>nightmare>self titled>stage>>>>>>>>>>>hail to the raditude

the absolute state of this board

waking the fallen is pure music kino