ITT continue the sentence:

ITT continue the sentence:

Donald Trump is a bad president because _____________

No I am not going to have a political argument with you but I will rate your answer from 1-10 based on factual accuracy and literacy.

The purpose of this thread is to rate the intelligence level of Trump haters. Sorta like a mini research.


Other urls found in this thread:

he wants to get rid of illegal immigrants. As a libtard, I am deeply offended. The goal is to destroy America. Without millions of illegals, it will be far more difficult for us to achieve our goal.

I want to be a leech on Society and Donald Trump will not allow that.

first fact is true.
Your feelings don't count as facts but you score some opinion points.
Very speculative view on his goal
Very vague statement without supporting arguments.
Poor use of sentence connectors

I give you a 2/10

Brutal honestly
Well presented, simple and understandable sentence.


No, silly. OUR goal is to destroy America, not Trump.

Palestine and North Korea still exist

stay mad kid

General statement without supporting details in relation to the question which is very confusing.


ITT you continue to stay mad

sure kid

He cannot stop lying.
He is more interested in image than substance.
He understands little about the topics upon which he is required to me decisions.
He is incapable of discussing complex issues with any nuance or understanding beyond "good" and "bad".
He regularly insults private citizens, veterans, world leaders, and the American people in general.
He is incapable of thinking for himself and instead parrots the latest thing he sees on Fox News.

For a start...

stay weak kid

He acts like a kid ranting on twitter, it's simple bad optics.

so mad

ITT: People who don't understand sarcasm.

Confusing statement that don't seem to fit in the requirements and sentence of the question.


stay mad kid

Confusing statement that don't seem to fit in the requirements and sentence of the question.


stay mad

stay mad

He doesn’t respect the worlds fee fees and he’s a FUCKIN WHITE MALE!

stay mad

10/10 A good start with many great Points. Especially his random insults and attacks on americans are shameful and unfit for a president

very opinionated statements without any supporting arguments and facts.



so weak

He’s actually not that bad, best president we’ve had in quite a while I think. Maybe if he’d lay off twitter for a while and just focus on being president he’d be even better but you could argue his rants have purpose I guess lol

fair point but mostly irrelevant to the job of being a president




He's a good president

0/10 random opinion.

1/10 good meme at least

Very contradicting statement that does not fit in the requirement of the question.

2/10 (lmao)

0/10 russian bot

Donald Trump is a bad president because he has giany balls of steel

Arguments and facts were not requested. But they are readily available to anyone willing to do the slightest amount of research into, oh, about any time Trump has opened his mouth. Every point made has been covered ad nauseum by people far smarter than I, and across numerous publications, but you'll no doubt consider it fake news. Fuck off if you can handle reality.

Here's a freebie for the last point. You can figure it the rest yourself if you want.

>intelligence of trump supporters.

I dont like trump and all but..
Politics is the greatest cause of cognitive dissonance even in intelligent people.

It exists on both sides of the spectrum.

Its not fair or accurate to call people stupid for political beliefs. Theres a lot more going on than that.

Youre driving polarisation. Stop it.



Donald Trump is a bad president because he hasn't gassed the Jews yet.

>Donald Trump is a bad president because _____________
He doesn't act like a president should.
His personality just rubs me the wrong way. If not for that, I wouldn't really have much of a problem with him, aside from the typical bitching that everybody does about every president ever.
I mean, I don't like him, but there's nothing I can do about it until next election.

>still believing in left vs right

He not Obama, and doesn't want to kill Western Civilization.

It is speculated, (but not entirely confirmed,) that he has been working with the Russian government. That he cooperated with them to secure his office and committed acts of treason.
Of course he is innocent until proven guilty, but it certainly has weakened my view of him as a leader.

I see this individual is unsatisfied with his test score and request a remark. Fine

General claim of correctness based on a perception of superiority on a side with a perceived authority of intelligence.

Classic self proclaimed victory through opinionated reflection of correctness.


2/10 sorry

his idea of "making America great again" is to start WW3 and use that to showcase AMURICA

10/10 accurate. While not proven that he is guilty, his campaign team has been charged already. Manafort and Flynn. If he really did not know about it, he is a weak leader and unfit for office, if he knew he is a traitor.

I am literally testing how intelligent these people are. This is a fair test

Until the mainstream can relize that there are more than 2 political party's it really is left v. right

>Donald Trump is a bad president because
he plays too much golf.

Most of the things he says are commonly understood to be false statements, aka he's a big liar, by a measurably wider margin than his predecessors or peers.

>Donald Trump is a bad president because
his malignant narcissism causes unnecessary friction. "My button's bigger". Really?

Attacks on the presidents personality instead of his actions. Fair point nonetheless but irrelevant to the job of being a president.


Just because the "mainstream" can't see it doesn't mean it's not true.

Are you stuck in 2016?

he doesn't understand or practice the concept of diplomacy

statement based on pure speculation. Opinion result out of said unproven speculation


5/10 its true. But Trump can not read, so its a bit rude.



Because he openly admitted to molesting women
Even Bannon said he is treasonous
Hasn't come up with a single piece of legistlation, just undoing al of obamas work
Incabable of having a coherent interview.
Had no idea Africa was a continent.

Bold statement without supporting arguments.


No the investigation is ongoing into 2018.
I can comfortably say I'm not stuck in 2016.

Attacks on the person's personality instead of his actions.

plus points for big words and fancy sentence.


Yes but only 2 people have been charged from Trumps campaign team. So its totally not a big deal- Every Trumptard

Kid you are no authority on intelligence.

entirely false statement

this is the first one with a negative score


I rate your interpretation of said post 0/10. OP is considered retarded and his scores are therefore useless.

I hope you are not a white trash redneck with no money, and you are able to read this. You ignorant twat

Trump has no idea what freedom of speech, means. So your judgement of "false statement" is wrong.

-10/10 Your thread is officially garbage.

>Donald Trump is a bad president because

He has spent more time on the Golf course and the twitter then he has as the actual president.

I was simply remarking on the fact that whether or not he did work with the Russian government, his view as leader was weakened by the allegations made.
I was falsely accused of sexual assult and had to move even after my innocents was proven in a court of law.

Nicely presented statements but lacking in factual accuracy


>this much mental gymnastics



>Donald Trump is a bad president because
1. he doesn't understand the issues
2. is unrefined and undisiplined
3. constantly berates people, some in his own party
4. too much Twitter usage for anyone
5. taunts our enemies like North Korea
6. takes credit for others accomplishments
7. watches too much TV (reported 8 hrs/day)
8. can't nominate qualified people i.e. Flynn, Bannon, etc.
9. doesn't play well with others i.e. England, Canada
10. source of much of the so called "fake news"



>Donald Trump is a bad president because everyone tells me so.

I find no use in calling names when talking about political stances. It just takes away from the actual discussion

when he loses the argument....


Watch the video of him in the bus, admits to molesting women.

the fact that he hasnt come up with a single piece of legislation is fact. just look at his record

and this exact transcript of his incorherent interview

stay mad kid

>irrelevant to the job of being a president
I disagree. How you present your self to the rest of the world and it's leaders has a great deal of relevancy to the job of president.
And to think they don't scrutinize everything he says and tweets just as much as the US does is simply naive. When you're president, the whole world is watching your every move, looking for signs of weakness, strength, aggression, etc., so your personality plays a huge role in the job.

this is the only right thinking

But that's the thing his innocents has NOT been proven yet in court
When it has my viewpoint will change based on the courts findings
I find no flaw in that reasoning

Overused and debunked document depicting Trump's lies. If you actually take the time to read the statements which are called 'lies' you will find that mostly are simply inaccurate. This shit is old. Go read it carefully instead of the headline and you will understand.

just lmao


they are smarter than you kid

??? simply nonsense

-6/10 remark

stay mad kid

He is leading America towards a bleaker future than a brighter one.

Donald Trump is a bad president because his foreign policy will directly contribute to mass loss of human life.

On the contrary,
As im quite calm

stay mad kid

hahaha "inaccurate". I imagine this is like alternative facts? You trumptards are hilarious

describing yourself now?

Because he's still a corporate shrill, freedom hating, and Rockefeller and Israel ass kisser that has made empty and vague promises, and so far has yet to actually accomplish anything in his presidency that actually guarantees both the safety and freedom of the people.

stay mad kid

>mini research
>judging the intelligence of anonymous shitlords on Sup Forums

sure kid

another ad hominem attack


truth hurts, i know.