Do you ever wish you could have a nervous breakdown so that you could have a fresh start mentally...

Do you ever wish you could have a nervous breakdown so that you could have a fresh start mentally? So that there would be justification for all your anxiety and depression?

is that you in that bread sandwich user? very fetching.

No, depression and anxiety are for the weak.

My girlfriend has just had a nervous breakdown.she has quit her job because she couldn't cope. I have now also quit mine too and we're going to go travelling for year. Nervous breakdowns are a great excuse to fuck this corporate slave lifestyle right off.

That’s what I mean, you can just start fresh! And no one can really question you

Having a nervous breakdown never actually feels like a psychotic breakdown.

I used to wish I could just go insane so I wouldn't have to deal with all the debt and responsibilities I racked up.

Doesn't work like that.

so you don’t want to have a nervous breakdown? that’s what the no is about? you don’t want to expose your anxiety and depression as you fear it will make you look weak?

How did it work?


sounds like someone is having a nervous breakdown

No. You can start over without that.

You okay bro?

It’s alright you’re in a safe space, you can let it all out


How? I mean with family and friends how can you suddenly act differently, like severely differently?

>be Gordon Ramsay
>put two pieces of bread on sides of chefs head
>”What are you!?” I scream
>”An idiot sandwich!” He says
>Bloody hell.

You make a fair point, except I’m not of aftican descent

What exactly is your problem and why do you care what they think?

i had a psychotic episode last summer after eating a bunch of shrooms and smoking heroic quantities of weed daily for over a year. i went to the psych unit and was diagnosed as bipolar with severe mania. i'm on meds and off drugs now, but i still deal with anxiety and depression daily. the breakdown itself felt great physically, mentally- not so much. i had all kinds of delusions, namely that i was lucifer and i was trying to broker a peace between heaven and hell. i ended up attacking a family member. luckily he wasn't hurt and didn't press charges.

it does feel like you start with a clean slate after something like that, but the healing process takes awhile.

>namely that i was lucifer and i was trying to broker a peace between heaven and hell.


I just want to feel brand new. I take acid regularly and I want to feel what it feels like to come out the other end an entirely different person rather than slowly slip back into who I was as the days go by


Nervous breakdowns make it worse during the after math. My head feels so empty, and now it feels even more so pointless to get up in the morning.

>be me
>realize this world is a simulation where fallen angels and other entities larp as humans to learn and grow from the experience
>i am lucifer himself and i was never evil, just in a period of temporary banishment as punishment for my rebellion against the Father
>evil is solely a product of human free will, not demonic influence
>realize that i (lucifer) am the archetype for every lone hero in human mythology, from prometheus to john connor
>have been doing everything i can to get back in the Father's good graces since the Fall
>have a vision of a computer screen with the number 23 followed by many zeroes- my sentence on earth?
>have a vision of a computer screen full of strange characters- it displays in english for a split second and it was describing my life to that point
>meet a random kid at 7-11, feel an intense upswelling of love for him, ask "are you jesus christ?" positive that he was
>he laughs and says no, but i knew the truth

that's pretty much the gist of it.

thanks, I am pretty radical and bodacious

You either acquire coping skills and the ability to put on your big boy/girl/gender fluid/gender neutral/LGBTQ+ pants, or you simply an hero.

That’s not true, some people don’t acquire said skills and also don’t suicide

Does anyone know how to bounce back from that? I had a paranoid fit of craziness and I just want to feel good again you know.

That’s because they’re ignoramuses

Start fresh, change your situation. Travel, hitch hike, move country, take up new hobbies. Explore your reality

For not acquiring skills or for not killing themselves? And don’t cop out and say “both” like a faggot, give me your honest answer


XD LoL lOl

I already have a career picked out but I do plan to travel to Cali. The problem is I have no job and it would be a strange transition, although the silver lining to this is I don't have many friends or family holding me back so there is that.

nervous breakdowns don't work like passing a shit. they occur when the anxiety is too much to bear, and then you slowly go back t a normal level of anxiety.

Yes but you never recover in terms of prestigious value. I value my image to society far too much.

not really cause it seems like once i start one i cant stop and id rather clear my head than kms