How will he defend himself?

how will he defend himself?

>dude, I have a black wife

In a long and rambling fashion, repeating himself a lot

tbf, someone who is a white supremacist would in most likelihood not have a black wife

by getting sam hyde to write his press release

digressing endlessly

stuff like this actually happens a lot
the host of one of the biggest antisemitic white supremacist podcasts got into a lot of trouble when his fans found out he has a jewish wife

and Cal Chewchestda makes a few quips here and there

>let it be known that i make more money than ezra marcus

>1 giorno fa

His wife is hot tho so you can't even pretend he's faking it

I should on principle defend Fantano, since he is excising his right to free speech.

But I'm not sure I can defend someone who thinks How Do You Sleep? was the worst song on that album

HP Lovecraft had a jewish wife and he was a huge racist and antisemite. Richard Spencer has an Asian fetish.

still white,i cant see your point

Richard Spencer, like Jared Taylor, isn't a white supremacist but an Asian supremacist

>His wife is hot

s h i t t a s t e

Lovecraft hated jews, married a jew. Bigotry is not rational.

His views on Jews were not that they were inferior but that they were manipulative and snake like, commandeering institutions and shit like that. But he legitimately thought blacks and natives were of a lower racial stock, and I have a hard time believing anyone who has that opinion of a race would be with them in any romantic sense

Daily reminder blacks do not have a net benefit on society.

Overall they are a net drain on society because over the span of an average black mans or womans life time they take more from the state than they give.

70% single motherhood rating is not something that should be encouraged.

Go away.

Wrong. Lovecraft believed that Anglo Saxons were the master race and everyone else was inferior.

As the "Browning of America" happens, less people will contribute to the state. They will they attempt to usher in socialism while yelling "don't be racist" like in Venezuela.

Blacks have not learned self governance and there is not a single city on earth where they flourish without substantial white help.

Stop taking MY tax money and putting it into irresponsible black pockets. I won't do it. I'd rather balkanize. Do you understand? I'm not paying for them anymore.

Without me to pay for them, they will devolve into the next Detroit. Do you understand?

well he's not wrong

>Population enslaved, given half-rights, and downtrodden for centuries
>you one generation later- "WHY AREN'T THEY CONTRIBUTING LIKE ME"
get your head out of your ass