they're rebooting johnny bravo...
They're rebooting johnny bravo
>retooled for modern audiences
>tfw too intelligence for cartoons
This is clearly a parody.
>retooled for modern audiences
What did they mean by this?
prepare for him to be fucked right over. Johnny Bravos style of humor is what feminist destroy lives over these days.
They already did
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>retooled for modern audiences
Aka he'll be a nigger
>retooled for modern audiences
Trans black women everywhere
>tv show with buff man that always gets turned down by chicks
From the article:
>The new creative team is headlined by Andromeda Antony, a woman with a bachelor’s degree in woman’s studies, a master’s degree in gender studies, and a doctorate in woman’s gender studies.
Really? I think feminists wouldn't really mind it. One of the running gags on the show is this macho dude getting fucking rekt every time he's hitting on a woman.
It is.
Can't wait for the episode where Johnny gets involved in the Men's Rights movement.
>Johnny Bravo movie
>Not casting John Cena as Johnny Bravo
No buys
>A black man portrayed as a womaniser in a negative way
>woman's studies
>gender studies
>woman's gender
What do these things even mean
>Making Johnny Bravo a betafag who can't laid
>Completely missing the joke that Johnny Bravo is a 10/10 Chad who can't get laid.
At least make him a betafag who gets laid by 10/10 women. That's funny.
>Woah momma, the plight of womyn is todally crimpin muh style
this really whoa's my mommas
The Powerpuff girls remake already had a mra strawman villain.
to balance out the feminist strawman villian they had previously
Can you read? Like are you really that fucking stupid that you don't know what satire is?
>retooled for modern audiences
>hey baby sorry i assumed your gender etc etc
Which one was that?
>retooled for modern audiences
The two aren't even close to comperable. The stronk womyn episode is one long psa on how great Susan B Anthony was and the man hating villains man hating isn't once called out on, meanwhile manboy is the textbook definition of a strawman that is evil because he is a man.
It's massive hypocrisy.
femme fatale is literally a man hating straw feminist that's doing something detrimental by fighting against something that's non-existent though.
>retooled for modern audiences
In b4 they miss literally the entire point of the original and beat people over the head with "being masculine is bad guys!" agenda pushing
>Now featuring voice acting by Lil Bow Wow
>Johnny Bravo has been "retooled," as Jaeqwan Bravo, who is a direct descendant of Rhodesian kings
>they will literally turn Johnny Bravo into propaganda.
I think based Big Poppa Pump would be better than Big Match John.
>retooled for modern audiences
The show was already pretty feminist minded. The big buff dude who made a move on almost every woman he met got shut down (often violently) repeatedly as a main gag. It was very clearly showing being like that is undesirable.
>tfw you will have lived to see Jamal Bravo
oh wow it's going to be duke nukem world tour all over again