Are they degenerate?
They certainly don't like Sup Forums much.
Are they degenerate?
They certainly don't like Sup Forums much.
>using /woo/
that chan is like going into a time machine
Best one of those cancerous AWOO images I've seen yet.
Nah they are harmless.
>some wannabes
>been for the /crops/ and /opi/
/wooo/ = professional wrestling?
not for me but to each they're own...
literally who
100% degeneracy
literally where?
420 is cool. Major sattelite chans are a good thing.
They're a bunch of fucking commies
You must have a low IQ if you think it's real lol.
That section is satire you bumbling dumbass.
Drugs are degenerate but I think you should be able to use it with the exception of marijuana and cigarettes. Those needs to be illegal
How to post on 420chan
>create topic
>wait 3 days for a reply
Fuck you nigger
Sup Forums for degenerate drug users.
>vanilla indie midgets and "muh women's wrestling": The Board
How about no
/tinfoil/ used to be a lot better and good times, but it seemed pretty shit when I randomly last checked it earlier this year.
>spreading shit tier memes out of Sup Forums
You deserved it
>he doesn't huff butthash on the daily
fuckin nerd
>yfw you realize this board is considered a complete joke on literally every other internet forum
It's a drug board
They have people on there addicted to fucking benadryl and huffing shit/piss.
Are you a degenerate stoner?
Also, I'm not the one with a Nigger infestation.