Melon will persevere through this. stay strong in these trying times, tony

melon will persevere through this. stay strong in these trying times, tony

Other urls found in this thread:


Disgusting Nazi. They need to pay for their horrific views. We need to round up every single Nazi who is or could be a threat to our republic in the future and send them somewhere. Like a camp or something.



Is he, dare i say /our jewniggerspicsandniggerkikehater/?

>20 minutes
Just give highlights

fader was wrong and got destroyed


we already knew that

jesus this ezra faggot didn't even watch any of the videos. he just


wow what a surprise, the kikes are behind yet another damning article

>Be I-talian
>Dude allied powers pepe!

But, honestly this guy is just trying to out cuck Fader by going LOOK GUISE, I LOVE PROGRESSIVEISM!

did you have a stroke typing that comment buddy

>you're saying I'm a racist because of a stupid joke blablabla that because of one guy I have to take the brunt for his actions because I share his gender

This is literally what people who turn alt-right say when they start moving away from the left. If he wasn't alt right before, I think he will be now.


plot twist: he's friends with bernstein
i was going to say i'm watching the video and the videos cited in the article are missing a lot of context and it just sounds like the guy saw the title and thumbnail (like the pepe video) and ran with it rather than watching it.

oh yeah also defending hopsin and x. fucking moron writer.

>I'm not racist! I love black cock!

I thhought memecuck could've done a wittier response vid baka desu senpai

He pretty much refutes it totally.

How does he keep getting away with it?

the man's been a complete faggot since day fucking one, if it gets him to fuck off and kill himself then i won't look a gift horse in the mouth

I unironically hope Ezra gets cancer

What is that logic? Also, "thatistheplan is balls deep in irony" was only one of the points that he made. Mostly, he addressed factual inconsistencies within the article and clearly expressed that he has been, and continues to be, a staunch liberal.

>21 minutes
ffuuucccckkkk offffff

Getting away with what? Refuting Fader's false narrative? At least be specific when you're making provocative comments.

90% of the alt-right are bunch of pissy little ex-liberal bitches who got ostracized or dogpiled on because their social circle got bored and they were expendable so now they have to all hang around one another in the one cultural clique even more pissy and pathetic than they one they just left so yeah, he probably will

because he's a massive faggot

>not even in 720p

this is some fuckin red scare logic right here

let's just hope the same people too retarded to watch a 21 minute video are too retarded to read that article.

>Getting away with what?

Killing all those innocent children!

it's for the fanboys

he basically just stated what we've been saying

anyone with half a brain could refute this article

SLIGHTLY off topic, but what do you guys think of Sam Hyde nowadays?

i honestly loved MDE and even World Piece but the dude really seems to have lost it these past 18 months or so

i fundamentally don't get how he has fans, at all

there is absolutely no appeal to anything he says or does from stanning for pleb trash to landing killing blows to half-dead memes to cal fucking cuchesta

Huge fan, one of the only truly boundary pushing and forward thinking comedy channels out there. The new content is mostly shit and too politicized though. I don't even care if he gets political, but it needs to be funny and not just repeating Sup Forums memes. Sam Hyde embraced the idea of being Sup Forums's mascot and even tanked his show to sneak in Sup Forums memes. I liked the supercut footage of the bumpers though.

Poor man's Chris Morris


- least funny of the main three people in mde
- loves to edgelord to compensate for weak material
- plays with fire, pisses off the cabal one time too many
- loses tv deal, turns into pube-bearded gym hobo
- disowned by all temporary industry friends, snaps

He's still funny but his fanbase is one of the fucking worst ever, so fucking obnoxious

this paranoid narrative brought to you by leftypol and the trappo gay boys.

fuck, that's a thorough BTFO
good job, melon

He's clearly run out of ideas and is running on empty. I do hope he pulls through though.

i watched the whole thing ama reddit

my name is ezra
my skin is soft
i’m a filthy rat
my fat deposits are mainly in my chin and belly
i’m a fat glutton
not fat as in big
fat as in soft
i'm weak
when your hormones are not ideal, neither is your mind
my breasts are soft
they are mine to touch

i’m sick but I don’t need help
i need to infect
drop my feces wherever I please
you will pick up my waste
sniff me
i’m a parasite, a bug

an insect that will infect
i am getting falafel tonight
dad bankrolls my entire lifestyle
with this opportunity
i post socially conscious quips on twitter
3-4 likes on average, this is what daddy funds
there's cum all over my tummy
i react to pop culture
david drake just retweeted me
validate me
i get a life of vanity jobs
daddy paid for sarah lawrence college
daddy paid for this apartment
daddy helps me
i love my daddy
but i hate him too
i’m weak
i’m purposeless
Help Me
young thug, lil yatchi, drake
i am in the the know
i identify with this culture
Help Me

daddy helps me throw parties
when daddy gives me money
i spend it wisely
i throw parties
i get to be the DJ
Help Me
come on down
i can't offer talent
i can't offer anything
but i'm the one with the place
my dad got me the pad
come and be my friend
i will play your favorite songs
i am part of this culture
there's vomit on my tender breasts
my nipples have hair on them
i'm sick, my body has betrayed me
people care when you're the DJ

if you are a minority
please take a picture with me
i like to show you off
my instagram is my trophy case
look what daddy did for me
daddy is proud of me

daddy is proud of his baby boy
i soil my pants but daddy cleans me up
i soil my body but daddy doesn't help
i soil my mind but daddy doesn't help
i'm a dj now
a real life dj
daddy's money gave me an opportunity
an opportunity to rot away

i am a leech
a parasite
the lowest of low
but you will clean me up when i make a mess
come on down
my dad got the pad
cum on me
cum in me
come to the party
hosted by dj ezra marcus

he says that he doesn't find Hyde funny and that it was a nervous laughter, but in the podcast he tells him that he finds him funny and proceeds to laugh his ass off to everything he says.

reported to the ADL, SPLC and the New World Order.

Not that far off
He has his moments of genius though. Charls is superior but you have to unironically be on another plane to comprehend him.

I liked him a few years ago.
He's fallen off the deep end now, and any new content he makes just isn't funny.

because he's a cowardly little bitch who talks out of both sides of his mouth, which should be obvious to anyone

Wants to be Kaufman, isn't.

sam's the bulk of the content and the man behind the slick visuals/aesthetic and a lot of the ideas. mde wouldn't be what it is without him.

thank you mr smothers

Morris was literally the end of century Monty Python; a genius, if you will. Sam is relevant and enjoyable, but not much else.

Good video until the end. His argument that he was "nervous" interviewing Sam Hyde is super weak and his defense of the terrible Amazing Athiest SJW video is lame.

Yeah it'd still be on TV and Nick/Charls would have a career. Sam may have been the driving force creatively, but he also tanked the whole thing.

That's where the "poor man's" part comes in.

Do Charls or Nick even care about Sam anymore? MDE is not only Sam for me and the fact that he controls the main channel and the twitter is not the best imo. All the exclusive Sam only content should gone to hedewars.

There's nothing sweeter than seeing liberals cannibalize one another in their quest for self-righteousness.


I like him. He could commit a shooting for real and it wouldn't change the fact College Cunts and the Ted Talk are the peak of youtube comedy videos.

yeah, I think he played it too safe and almost made himself look like a liar. he should've really owned up to some of it, not that he did anything wrong.

I know, I just wanted to chime in. His influences are so obvious (Morris, Heidecker, Wonder Showzen, etc.), that at one point he banned people mentioning them from his social media accounts and the MDE subreddit.

>look at me im eating my own shit im being ironic u c this will piss the pc nu-males off

yh these

some of his sketches are brilliant but I'm pretty sure he's not right in the head

don't care much about his politics, some of his best videos have come from critiquing juvenile masculinity / masc culture

He wasn't funny in the first place. Neither was Tom Green.

ezra is probably considering suicide right now

He should just admit he finds Sam Hyde funny. It's not a big deal. You can laugh at people who you disagree with.

Freddy Got Fingered is underrated.

Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: you can't

you should watch Bombstrap

nice numbers

Nobody knows what his politics are. There are videos and posts where he denies being a radical, but then he does the Nazi salute with weev and posts racist videos on Facebook. The "not right in the head" part might be correct, I think.

tell me when MDE pulls together as finely fucking honed to perfection as freddy got fingered

You sound retarded "boo boo liberals".

Fuck both people that try to look good by trying to pander to a fucking dumb audience that reacts without investigating anything and the retarded baby boys alt righters.

I didn't say he was.
I thought this before I knew anything about Hyde outside of his comedy stuff: Hyde is CLEARLY trying to emulate both of them but for whatever reason it just comes off as insincere. Maybe the shtick is already worn out, I don't know, but it doesn't have the same effect.

overrated shit

half their videos are just sam hyde acting autistic in a vine iphone video

their "well produced" stuff is incoherent postmodernist stoner crap

It's fucking brilliant. If it were released today it would be hailed as a masterpiece.

I'm happy my shitty 30 second effort meme made it into this guys head

Also if you want to take a look into the mind of the authors head, this is a must read

twitch tv/charlscarroll
watch this instead my dude

Backwards man is all right, the rest of the movie is ehhhh

yeah I don't try too hard to pin him down, I doubt he aligns with any real ideology or coherent system

now that I think about it most of my favorites are him taking the piss out of different facets of "dude culture"

>emm yew

dae le underrated classic

where can I get some spicy Nick action though

Freddy Got Fingered is neo Dada and I wish more people would realize this.

finally someone who actually fucking understands sam hyde and doesn't blindly just say le scary kkk alt right man

The dude made this huge essay on facebook about white genocide a while back I think we all know his politics, lad

It's all just team sports to some people because they're too stupid to come to their own conclusions. Again, it's why so many alt-light types used to be garden-variety liberals. They run into the contradictions and instead of trying to pry apart the branding from the intent or follow some kind of internal moral compass like they're supposed to have, they take their ball to the other side of the playground.

visit one of his antique shops or follow him on instagram I guess

I like MDE from a comedy standpoint
I wish he and his shitty fans could have kept their stupid mouths shut so World Peace could get a season 2

>i'm not as bad as richard spencer!!!

imagine caring enough about this eceleb bullshit to watch a 21 minute video

Charls is real nice, he may be even weirder than Hyde but he's clearly a more balanced, overall enjoyable person

Why does he only attract people that believe in jewish conspiracy theories then? go on his subreddit

but he's always got the bitch-out clause of sucking the dick of kaufman's body double corpse and saying "can't take a joke?" the same way melonboy is trying to do right now, except he's too shook for anyone to believe him

ezra marcuck

has anybody got the vid of one of sam hyde's previous friends pissing on him? its titled "how to be irony cutting edgy comedy dude" or something like that

>doesn't get post-irony
go back to chapofaghouse


what a weird and esoteric thing to you. you wanna tell me something?

he's just more relatable overall for me

It's not hidden though

to say^^

i dont talk to socialists