Your votes don't matter

Your votes don't matter.

Just wait until November when Trump gets 65% of the vote and Hillary is still declared the winner.

Exit polls have been showing that Hillary's "wins" are rigged and have no basis in reality. So what has the media decided to do due to the numbers being so far off that the UN would throw the elections out if this was happening in a 3rd world country?

They've simply stopped doing exit polls. No more allowed. They are too off.

Evidence suggests that Hillary has had rigged elections in Georgia (over 10% off!), Virginia, Massachusetts, Alabama (over 14% off!), Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Michigan, Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio (over 10% off!), and New York (over 10% off!).

In foreign countries, if polls are off by more than 2% for a candidate the election is considered suspect.

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I never noticed the small details in this image

At first I saw the soap dispenser and then my eyes trailed down to that sign below it. One has to wonder what the context is for this picture

The presence of a Swiffer in plain sight suggests this isn't a public bathroom but it's definitely in a workplace. She couldn't wait till she was home?

Also I've always ignored how the picture breaks on the left side since you're not supposed to be looking around but what's going on there? I thought it was a door way but the sign just gets chopped in half, so it's obviously a mirror. But why does only one side have a frame? And what's a floor mirror doing in a bathroom, let alone with some kind of fucked up frame

they can play those games among their constituency because they're all retards

most of them don't even know the processes

electoral college is how its rigged.


You guys don't understand. The media keeps pushing Hillary as the winner. Over and over and over.

It doesn't matter in November if Trump gets 60% of the votes. They'll simply declare Hillary the winner anyway.

Why do you think they stopped doing exit polls?

What about all these stories that the FBI is about to fuck Crooked Hillary's shit up?


It doesn't matter what your feeble little brain thinks OP. Donald Trump is going to save the world.

exit polls could be wrong because the person doing the exit poll is an SJW green haired half head shaved nose ring slut walker

Fap time.

Its an coffee shop or somethign like that where the girls dress like sluts

Something like this

I hope this bicch made videos of her twerking or something

Who faps to still images?

People with an imagination.

>Exit polls wrong

In 20 states?!?-?!

if you don't like it, don't be a democrat?


dear god. source?

>if you don't like it, don't live in a Democratic society


This is a fap thread now.


I can't fap to the idea of Hillary stealing the election and our votes not being counted.

I could fap to the idea of Hill going to prison though. Fap fap fap fap

>garter belt over the panties
Bitch you had one fucking job.

This is a man.

Nice thinly veiled trans thread OP

History says that meme magic will propel Trump to victory, regardless of the shady tactics that the establishment tries to pull.

It's a worldwide known attention whoring lingerie barista. You're retarded.

>History says that meme magic will propel Trump to victory
Can you expound upon that?
What did you mean by this

yea don't live in a democratic society.

What kind, senpai?

Keep telling yourself that Pablo

You think rigging elections is new, or uncommon? There's even a fucking game about drawing the election lines. it's just simple statistical manipulations.

And of course the lefties come in shit up the thread with degeneracy to cover up the facts

May it be that Hillarys target audience just doesn't get polled due to being old people or shooting journalists on sight?

That would be a rather huge anomaly that they haven't explained and can't figure out.

In 20 states.

So you know what they are doing instead? They just stopped doing exit polls.

No more exit polling allowed.

Someone post more titties so I can deal with this.

thanks for the pics lads
