ITT: Trash that Sup Forums memed you into watching

ITT: Trash that Sup Forums memed you into watching

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Suicide squad


I saw they live when it came out, was hype to see rowdy roddy in a movie

You just got upset because it wasn't masturbating over Capitalism's feet

It's only just started on horror

literal 80s kino

are you saying they live is trash.
Wow how old are you?


literally 2deep4u

>people are defending this b movie

One of the best fist fights in movie history.

Fuck you I'd defend Prince of Darkness

You literally don't like it only because its triggering your latent need to defend capitalism against every and all criticism.

That's it.

>and you probably like Batman vs. Superman

I'm gonna watch the new Ghostbusters film because of you guys

Good luck. oh and here's a gun so you can blow your brains out you'll thank me for it.

Thanks in advance

(won't be able afterwards i think)

>This post
>The 9min fight sequence where the hero's friend refuses to even try on the glasses

Pick two.


13 hours - The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

What an utter garbage was that.

The Pest starring John Leguizamo.

Napkino. Black and white AND subtitles. Boring.

>they're doing exactly what you want them to do

haaaahaha fag

congrats, you're retarded

this medium/board might not be for you

As political commentary it was amazing but the entire second half of the movie as an action movie was painful to watch.

The 7 minute fight scene is great when you realise its context. It goes on and on and on. You think its over and it just keeps going.

The refusal of some people to accept and "see" the truth. And I think it took 2 weeks to film just that fight scene alone.



Pic related and The Nice Guys.

Fuck you Sup Forums, I want those 2 hours of my life back!



But user, as you can tell from the cover, it's undeniably hilarious

Speaking of Refn, Only God Forgives was shit too.

Stay bluepilled faggot.