Post stories and other things pertaining to your personal experience(s) with any sleep related problems, whether it's you experiencing them, of someone you know.

I consistently experience hallucinations very briefly after I wake up sometimes. These vary from random qt girls being in my room, insects the size of large dogs flying around my room, and pitch black, faceless figures floating over me. I don't have paralysis, but the hallucinations definitely feel very, very real.

I'm actually making this thread because I just woke up from one. Some person was trying to hand me something, so I got up to grab it and they kept moving backwards, until they eventually ended up falling to their knees near my lightswitch. Turned it on and boom, fucking nothing

Annoying ass shit

Other urls found in this thread:

It takes me hours to fall asleep every night. How do i fix this?

Some people can not fall asleep as easy if they eat or exercise a certain amount of time before bed. Look it up and experiment a little.

I also heard that the brain needs to have a significant break from light before it's comfortable falling asleep, and lights from your computer/phone/tv screen fuck up these receptors, tricking a part of your brain into thinking it's daylight.

When I'm trying to focus on sleeping, I just do a form of meditation where I focus on my breathing. You just sort of push other thoughts that wander into your head away, and just focus on the inhale, then the exhale, then the inhale etc. Nothing else.

Do as many of the things listed on the right side of this article as your can:

They helped me a lot. Also, there's no point to keep "trying" to fall asleep if you've been lying in bed for over 25 minutes. Get up, go for a night time walk around your house/apartment, or read a paper book in minimal light for half an hour. Then get in bed and try again.

>I also heard that the brain needs to have a significant break from light before it's comfortable falling asleep, and lights from your computer/phone/tv screen fuck up these receptors, tricking a part of your brain into thinking it's daylight.

This. Keep all screens away from you like 30 min before you go to bed.


I fall asleep 15 minutes later each night but always sleep 7 hours. While I'm going to bed at 2 am tonight, in a month, I'll be going to bed at 4 PM

I had this to. It sucks when your sleep and wake time don't add up to 24 hours every day.

Even if I sleep at 10 pm or 4 am I always wake up at more or less 8:30 am no matter what.
Most of the time a noise wakes me up, like someone running on the roof, a whisper, or a door being shut, I live alone

I also find it hard to get to sleep. Alcohol is an easy fix, but not a good one.
Try Zopiclone from your Dr to get into a regular pattern, then a long term course of melatonin - has helped me in the past, about to do it again. Also some exercise so you’re actually tired.
On to disorders.
Just as I drift off most nights (without a drink or sleep pill) I get a big jolt through my body, something like Adrenalin rush meets electric shock meets vertigo feeling you get when you’re about to fall from something high. It’s pretty fucked. Also sleep paralysis - which sounds a lot like your problem. The hallucinating part is your mind is awake, but doesn’t connect with your body basically. dreaming wile not being quite asleep plus not being able to move. The worst thing is wanting to get up but you can’t.
Or having a night kind of dreaming, but also knowing you’re not really sleeping- the whole things pretty fucked up. I’ll go see a doctor in the next week and post results.

did you overcome it? a doc put me on trazodone a couple years ago and it fixed me, but it gave me heart palpitations, so i had to stop taking it. So now my clock is once again fucked.

OP here, actually worrying that eventually I will develop sleep paralysis. I have no idea what happens to the figments that appear before me if I don't pursue them. Obviously I realize they're not real when I get close enough to interact with them, but if I can't get up and get in reaching distance, who know's what will happen.

I had horrible insomnia for 10 years. All I did was stay indoors and sit in front of the computer. Then I discovered the sport of disc golf, ended up getting tons of exercise and sunlight. Now I no longer have insomnia.

When your doctor tells you to get sunlight/vitd and exercise, he ain't just blowing smoke up your ass. It fucking works.

But I am guessing you want some pill to fix your problems or some shit like that and you will dismiss my post because its not what you want, just like how I dismissed the doctors advice for so many years.

This so so so much.
Sunlight and exercise does wonders for insomnia.

>I'm guessing you want some pill fix etc etc
I don't know if that's specifically directed at me (OP) but I believe you. 30 minutes or so of sunlight a day has even been shown to help people with mood problems like depression, it's definitely important, and probably has other benefits. Problem is, I work outside every day for multiple hours. I am exposed to enough sunlight, to the point where I have a god awful farmers tan 50% of the year.

other folks should definitely look into this though.

Sounds similar to me, but I can’t get up to do anything about it thankfully.
The shock thing is what really fucks with me. It makes me not want to go to sleep.
It come on in an increasing wave and feels like if I don’t jerk myself back awake I might totally just shut down or something. It’s a bit scary and hard to explain.

I have suffered with sleep issues/irregularities nearly as long as I can remember. As you could imagine, it hasn't helped my life at all.
6 years ago I developed schizophrenia. as a side effect I have full time insomnia, which can get so bad I am virtually bed ridden.
As a teen I have experienced sleep paralysis twice, which i can tell you, at the time, was a very frightening phenomena.
In my mid-late 20's i would wake up in a semi concious state and speak in tongues. I never found an answer to why i was experiencing this, but my assumption is more that it was a religious experience as I was very deep into meditation and a practising Buddhist,

anxiety and a racing mind has kept me from sleeping for 15+ years.

take at least 400mg seroquel and 300mg trazadone a night

i have horrible trust issues because first GF was a bitch

Have you bedn screened for scizophrenia, user? And are you a heavy recreational drug user?

hallucinations can come from sleep deprivation, in fact it is a common side effect.
though if you are experiencing sleep issues they can be the onset symptoms for a mental illness developing.

Sleep apnia or however it's spelt.
I get 10 hours of sleep, feel like I've had 2.
Thought this was normal for years until I was staying in a hostel with some friends and friend said "Yo dude, you woke up like 50 times last night"
Turns out every 5min or so I snore so badly I choke on my own throat, briefly wake up, then fall back to sleep. But I don't remember it.

Another friend of mine had the same thing, saw a doctor, got some gas mask thing he sleeps with and now he reckons he sleeps like a baby and wakes up with heaps of energy. Should I look into it? I'm sick of yawning and being tired literally all of the time.

I haven't been screened, also most I ever did was smoke marijuana. Haven't in almost 2 years now though.

Sleep paralysis is normal and happens literally every time you fall asleep. First, go see a doc about your hallucinations. Secondly cut back or quit any weed or drugs you might be on. Third, give lucid dreaming a go.

I've had night terrors/sleep paralysis episodes since around 15 years old. I am 30 now. It comes and goes. The longest I've went without an episode is about 3 months. I've had multiple episodes in one night. I also scream and yell in my sleep. My wife hates it and still scares her when it happens. Some contributing factors that make it happen with me is sleeping on my back, consuming lots of alcohol or leaving the tv on.

It sucks but I don't have issues with sleeping. I drink this stuff called "neuro sleep". Works wonders. 5mg of melatonin per bottle along with other stuff to induce sleep but nothing artificial.

have insomnia and currently getting treatment for it after it got absolutely horrible. had some pretty fucked hallucinations but also had a spout of full anterograde amnesia for about a week. that was likely down to a number of things in addition to the exhaustion though

I've been an alcohol for 18 years, and the good thing is we get very vivid lucid dreams the last 2-3 hours of the night that we can steer however we want. You wake up around 4am then think about lolitas and get pulled into dreams with them where you are doing everything you ever wanted to do.

Exercise, sunlight, vitamin D.

got all three, no dice

Except you are probably lying to yourself because its not the solution you want. You want a pill or a quick fix. If you exercise enough you will have no choice but to fall asleep.

I told my doctor for 10 years I was getting all 3 when I really wasn't. I was lying to him and to myself.

it got bad because i refused to take medication for it or my depression for months because i have an ingrained fear of dependence especially chemical dependence. I don't want no quick fix in exchange of a lifetime of fuckery. I got dragged in by friends to the doctors because I couldn't function at all during the amnesiac state and they were rightly concerned. and i've been excercising quite routinely and regularly for months as a coping mechanism because the mundane repetition of it helps me deal with some nasty auditory hallucinations that have been persistent over the whole run

I sleep in 4hours bulks i sleep at 10 i end up getting up at 1 o clock mid night then i cant sleep untill 4 or 5 then i sleep till noon how can i sleep for 8 hours pls help

I don't know if this will help anyone here but I read a book before I go to bed. Sometimes for a few minutes sometimes for hours. It works every time. It's time to go to sleep when you're passing out in the book.

You have the wrong mindset, m8. Think of it like a dark psychedelic experience.

I've experienced sleep paralysis 4 or 5 times, all starting within this year. Wish I had it more often.
It's really interesting. That is, if you know about sleep paralysis beforehand.
Kek, had I not known about it, I'd've shit myself the first time.

If you develop it, try to revel in the "oshit it's horror time." It's really thrilling.
If things get too exciting, though, calm yourself down -- just think "this is just sleep paralysis. Just go back to sleep, and don't react."

I get tactile and auditory hallucinations.
No voices, but things shuffle around, book pages turn, strange creaks and sounds of movement. Sounds very real.
Hands, the feeling of a presence washing over me, and the feeling of another occupant in the room with unknown nefarious motives are common.
Nothing's sat on me, yet, but I've had the feeling of my sheets being dragged off of me.

Had one visual hallucination: this black swab fuckin' Autodesk Sketchbook brush texture crawled over me.
Shit crossed the threshold from horror to terror a bit, so I had to initiate the calming ritual.
Hopefully I'll overcome this fear, so to start looking these things in the eye, if they show up again.

3:39 AM here, woke up before midnight. Enuff said.

can confirm
I can fall asleep if i have an intense workout

i have to workout/exercise after the very first hours of the day.
I read ecercise induced insomnia is not that rare, Apparently it has to do with cortisol/adrenaline production.
Also cortisol levels decrease very slowly as u age.

The light thing is also true imo

Forgot to mention, I had it this morning.
I realized it was happening, and starting anticipating a normal spooky event, but nothing was happening. So I started opening my eyes, and trying very hard to move, in attempt to beckon a spook.

Then, I got the fuck surprised out of me by an unexpected, invisible figure clasping and enveloping the right side of my face.
Was so unexpected, I just shut my eyes to let it blow over. A 'ringing' feeling was spreading over the right half of my body, where the figure had access to. Kind of like when you strike your funny bone, but heavier.

meant to say *cant fall asleep

will stay awake all night,
breathing and heart beat are fast af

will only fall asleep a couple hours before wake up time

my fucking asshole brain is literally degenerating right in front of my eyes because it doesn't want to FUKCING SLEEEEEEEEEEP

I lay there for hours evey night trying to fucking sleep. It never works. By now my 'sleep' schedule is completely the wrong way round when I can get to sleep. My memory is nuked and I can't remember what I did yesterday nevernmind my university course shit.

It drives me fucking insane. How the fuck do i fix it?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! prepared to shoot my fucking brain multiple times to get revenge for how it has ruined my life

lol, you have no idea how hard it is to fall asleep with chronic insomnia. I have been given ambien by doctor which didn't put me to sleep. Even fucking sleep pills dont work so how the fuck is a book going to

I feel a lot more ready for bed if I spend 30 minutes away from my phone, do some reading, get a cup of tea (herbal), and visualize something in my head while lying down.

Exercise, sunlight and vitamin D. Also avoid bright screens before bed time.

This will fix 99.999% of insomnia. But I am guessing you "tried it" and it "didn't work", because its not the solution you want, or you think you are special or some shit.

Fucking same, m8. And the circles, under your eyes? They get worse every day. Starts looking sickly, like you've a terminal illness.
Down melatonin. Like 3 - 6 mg. Lie the fuck down, and force your thoughts to go as wild, ADHD, and insane as possible.
Your mental monologue should sound like a convincing case to be committed. Then just hope you dose off.

Don't knock it till you've tried. If it doesn't work then come back and bitch.

I often wake up seeing big bugs, i panic turn on the lights and ofc there are no bugs


i have sleep apnea and it fucking sucks eggs. As a complication I also suffer chronic fatigue and daytime sleepiness. I also often wake up when I am sleeping by jolting, and either thrashing an arm or leg against something, be it my girlfriend, the wall or the fish tank next to my bed. I meditate and exercize regularly but it doesn't really help. I'm on such a concoction of medications that I haven't felt myself in years. Drugs I'm on include; serotonin/meltonin, escitalopram, modafinil and ritalin. Just kill me now.

Attention seeking millennial.

no i didn't try it you asshole, i'm not the other guy. I don't have energy to fucking cook food how do you expect me to go for a run?

And sunlight is a rarity in my country, I had vit d supplements but not anymore.

yes, I look like a fucking racoon. People look at me like im a heroin addict. I have used melatonin but I heard using more than 0.5mg is just going to fuck your sleep up more. and on 0.5mg i dont really feel sleepy, plus if i take melatonin and dont fall asleep it makes me super wired and time passes really quick until its morning and Im still awake. Will making my brain go hyper really put me to sleep? wont it just make me stay awake thinking?

Hypnopompic hallucinations.

Then try it you idiot. I live in Finland, don't talk to me about lack of sunlight.


Please look into taking a magnesium glycinate pill at bedtime or shortly before. 200-400mg. Has worked wonders from a former insomniac. i still may not sleep perfect, but im not a zombie at work. also look into how your thyroid may play a role. try going gluten free or even taking a benadryl before bed ti reduce inflammation

fucking sleep paralysis


also cant move and its like ur shouting but nobody hears u..

Well I'm on /b @3am so...

I live in a studio apartment, so I can't keep out electronics noises, but that's okay, because I use earplugs. However, I can't sleep for more than 4 hours at a time, and I can't be awake for more than another 4 before starting to feel tired again. 2-3 times a week I wake up with a headache like I've just lost 6 rounds to Tyson.

Needless to say it's impossible to keep a daily schedule with this kind of sleeping issue. What do?

(Exercise is out of the question, took a shrapnel in my lower back, can consider myself lucky I don't have to wear a diaper.)

Ah thank you

I have anxiety, not severe tho so i unironically thought im developing schizo

I have no problems sleeping, i just find it boring to do so which leads to me staying up till 6-8am when I crash from tiredness and wake up at 5pm, rinse and repeat every weekend

0.5 mg melatonin won't do shit, unless you're a labrat. Do at least 3 mg.
Taking melatonin daily will, over time, create a neurophysiological dependency, reducing its strength and your body's natural ability to make you sleepy.
You can recover from this by not supplementing melatonin for some time.

But think of this way: if you're that god damn desperate, wouldn't you be willing to fuck yourself over, just for a night of fucking sleep, for fucking once? I was desperate enough, at least.
You can only hope getting a bit of sleep can kickstart just a few days of getting it without supplements.

I don't know about you, but I've given up on trying to 'quiet the mind'. I can do it sometimes, under certain circumstances. Let your thoughts run completely wild, like you're going insane. If you're doing it right, your thoughts will get so intense, you'll feel a pressure forming at a spot inbetween your eyes, a little deep in the skull. Is any of this healthy? I don't know. Anything for sleep.

You thought you were developing schizophrenia purely based on your experiences with these hallucinations? Or have you had other symptoms?

Like what?

i struggle to sleep at night. ill be tired all day and then when i finally go to bed im wide awake

Delusions, primarily.
Although prodromal schizophrenics aren't really 'deluded', since they can recognize their thoughts and suspicions as likely unfounded, but I digress.

What u mean by delusions? What kind of delusions

For example, thoughts that others are plotting against you, or are in some way conspiring against you.
Have you beliefs that your thoughts are not your own?
Another common delusion among schizophrenics is a belief that a governmental agency, or extraterrestrial power is monitoring or controlling one's life.

Well yeah sometimes i think ppl are talking behind my back but thats about it, isnt that normal for anxiety?