My brother just passed away and never wrote down his pin number on his phone...

My brother just passed away and never wrote down his pin number on his phone. You guys know any software to help me out or am I fucked?

Does it have an Intel processor? You are in luck...



It's fucked. Even the FBI can't crack phones


Her tits make my dick sag

try his birthday, not being shitty just try simple stuff
srry for your bro

Why does this happen?

Your brother died, and you're worried about cracking his phone?

lmao, you're a real piece of shit.

Buy a usb rubber ducky and write an Android brute force program. There are plenty of tutorials online from 2-3 years ago. Idk how old his phone is, and whether it's been patched, but you can look into that. It shouldn't be that hard.

A usb teensy would probably also work, and is less expensive.

depends on the phone and what you want to access

Scream in his grave. Eventually he'll write it down for you.

Yeah we need to see his texts because he killed himself. Answer or fuck off.

Look, I just want to see his girlfriend's tits. Help me out and I will post them, piece of shit or not.

Fuck you tyrone

Does it have to be a rubber duck or can it be any USB??

Thanks man
Fuck off, all of his passwords are on it and we're trying to shut down his accounts.


If the phone is pic related use his fingerprint. Do you still have the body?

fuck me i just woke up my entire flat


We don't have it right now, I wonder if it'll be too late