Hey Sup Forumsros, how does a fat dude get laid? please share tips i just wanna fuck

Hey Sup Forumsros, how does a fat dude get laid? please share tips i just wanna fuck

I know of an 8 hour seminar found on youtube that literally teaches you the ins and outs of picking up woman at any age, size or inbetween that you yourself might be.



Ok OP ill help you out since i feel bad for you. However this requires to llay the long way. I met a girl who was raped as a child. Its fucked up but it made her crave sex. Of course she doesnt give it up easy you gotta earn her trust. I did and in 3 months we were fucking weekly. And the sex is amazing. Shes a pro despite never having a sexual encoujter since that day of molestation. Ive been with her for 3 years now and the sex is still great. Bottom line Only girls with issues amd low self esteem.

jesus dude wouldn't it be easier for the fatty to just lose a couple of lb's

lose weight to get multiple benefits instead

yeah OP here honestly thinking the same shit. need to find motivation to work out. if you got any tips also for that shit leave it here too


I know it is bit i actually ended up falling in love with her. And i did lose weight for her. Its a healthy relationship that was first based off sex

How fat? If you are obses then you do need to at least get to an at least moderate weight. Chubby is fine. That'll get you confidence and really it truly is about confidence. Not like garbage red pill shit I just mean being comfortable and confident in yourself as a person. That's really all it is

I was chubby 5 11 and 260

Honestly user you just gotta know how talk to the ladies. If you fat but have confidence you can still get some. Just gotta know how to play the game.

>Hey Sup Forumsros, how does a fat dude get laid?

Fat girls


sure user. where do you live? like, city/rural/small town

you can totally work that off bro (without having to gut your lifestyle completely). I used to be 5'9/215 lbs and am now at 160.
What helped me was cutting out snacks (I didn't worry too much about cutting down on portion size during lunch/dinner, just no constant munching between meals), trying to eat earlier int the, low impact exercise (walking/biking, anything more substantial would just make me gorge myself when I sat down to eat).
For me, most important thing was trying to limit caloric intake and try to do *some* exercise after my last meal of the day (which I would try to eat around 4-5 pm). I never had any success trying to work it all off via fitness as it was too easy to get discouraged.

Pay for a hooked

Who is she?

Great! That really tells him what he needs! That's like telling a roller skater he just needs to learn how to fall after he's already broken an arm!

I don't think that was OP.

Just search for tongue blowjob on any porn site and you will find her.

Im nearly 500lbs and the answer is simple, I don't, the day I can no longer masturbate is the day I kill myself

...your original post WAS the motivation. You want to get laid? Refer to the rules. Rule 1: Be attractive. Rule 2: Don't be unattractive. There ya go. It's a clear as it can be. Just lift a little bit. Walk more. It's all about calories in vs. calories out. If you're eating more than a recommended amount of calories to LIVE off of, then you're putting on weight. Tell you what, I'll give you a little backstory...

I was about 290-300lbs or so. Had a desk job, never worked out...you know, comfortable. Then, I got laid off. To make ends meet, I had to take whatever job I could find at the moment, which happened to be working freight at the Home Depot. I worked that job for about 8 months. I lived off of 4 for $4's from Wendy's and any other fast food joint that would get me a quick meal; however, I was walking an upwards of 15,000 steps a night, and after the customers left I was sweating my balls off lifting garage doors by myself and stocking 80lb bags of concrete. By the end of my stint there, I was in the best shape of my life. My arms had actual defined muscles, I was in a different pant size...I felt great and didn't care what anyone thought. Now, of course, I'm back to the desk job and I've gained all the weight back.

The point I'm making here is that it CAN be done. You don't have to change much, just work a little bit and enjoy yourself while you do it.

Confidence. All my buddies in high school on up were all way better looking than me but I was the chick magnet because I had confidence. I was also funny which chicks love. :)

I'm fat like 200+ and I have a skinny Latina gf with me. She NEET. And that's your answer user. Find a NEET girl and woo her. We lost our v card to each other and I'm about to get off work to go fuck her now

get rich
get powerful
get rich and powerful

Former fat dude here myself. There's a simple way to get motivated to work out regularly and get in better shape.

Get a manual labor job. Something that involves not just being on your feet all day, but lugging shit around. Warehouse work, landscaping, something like that. When your livelihood depends on your getting your fat ass in motion, you tend to stick to it. If you don't move, you can't pay your bills. Then some minor considerations for food. Don't need to have a strict diet, just don't eat like a dumpster.

the fact you just wanna fuck is why u cant get laid u sack of shit