Found this mushrooms on a river source in a city of brazil, state of sao paulo...

found this mushrooms on a river source in a city of brazil, state of sao paulo. Search in google images and other searching tools and can't get more informations about this mushrooms... i suspect the thin ones can be a magical mushroom (hallucinogen)... there's also a interesting mushroom thats looks like a brain... can someone, please, gimme more information about that mushroom species? Tks

Bump for interest.

The thin ones (hallucinogen or not?)


other 2

other 3

Not active

Not active

Not active


not worth it user. also, stop getting so close to that shit. one bad spore in your respiratory system and your life will be shit for a long time.

annon, can you please name the species?

dude don't fuck with mushrooms you aren't sure about unless you want to die.

Also, don't take anybody on Sup Forums's advice about shrooms, we'll just try and get you to eat them all on stream kek

The thin one looks like the "psilocybe semperviva" and "psilocybe mexicana"... someone know those mushrooms species? Please, help us

If dubs eat as many of the mushrooms as you can

Yes good idea, roll

Take a chance. Columbus did.

i don't wanna use or eat this mushrooms annons, it's just for the knowledge...

Roll for this

fark up

there was this guy on one of those nature stations that went all over testing wild native "drug" plants. mid 20's with glasses...nerdy

Double dubs op you gotta do it also livestream


i just see jokes and bullshit on the comments, anyone know the name of the species? tks

i bet you are against vacines too

wtf? no, vaccines are good. random mushrooms are bad.

the dumbiest thing is consider all mushrooms dangerous and poisonous... there numerous species in the nature that provides bennefits for the man... it's just hard to identificate them

genuinely, what's your native langue?

portuguese - br