Mfw in 300 Leonidas calls the Athenians "boylovers" when in fact pederasty was far more common in Sparta and was...

>mfw in 300 Leonidas calls the Athenians "boylovers" when in fact pederasty was far more common in Sparta and was practically institutionalized in their military training programs

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How's that even an insult sounds more like a complement to me.


Spartans in the agoge would be sponsered by older statesman , and one of the benefits of this reciprocal relationship was the old guy was allowed to plough the young buck's asshole

when he said boylovers he meant that they love for their men not to go through the ritual passage of manhood depicted at the start of the film where the child fights a huge cat

it's easy to confuse because the script was translated from the original ancient greek

>that time Spartans got beaten by literal homosexuals at Leuctra

Writer Alan Moore has criticized 300 as being historically inaccurate, with particular reference to the characters' attitudes towards homosexuality:

There was just one particular line in it where one of the Spartan soldiers—I'll remind you, this is Spartans that we're talking about—one of them was talking disparagingly about the Athenians, and said, ‘Those boy-lovers.' You know, I mean, read a book, Frank. The Spartans were famous for something other than holding the bridge at Thermopylae, they were quite famous for actually enforcing man-boy love amongst the ranks as a way of military bonding. That specific example probably says more about Frank's grasp of history than it does about his grasp of homosexuality, so I'm not impugning his moral situation there. I'm not saying it was homophobic; just wasn't very well researched

He calls them boylovers because that's all they do. Sure Spartans fuck boys too but they also train them to be living killing machines.

Oh of course from the original greek script

The movie is not supposed to be historically accurate. Thermopylae was not actually 300 vs 1,000,000

What's a pederast Walter?

sorry i don't understand this reference as i do not watch meme movies

Nobody has actual proofs though

Athenian perverts and cucks say they did, laconophiles like Xenophon vehemently deny, there is no proofs.

There is no proofs, I think many confuse what MAY have been true and other well-documented traditions such as Theban military tradition.

>taking 300 seriously

It's just a decent action movie. Not a documentary.

>this kills the spartan

Donnie you're out of your element, OVER THE LINE!!!

Nice fantasy, faggot. If something sexual happened the sponsor was given the choice of death or exile for life.

>mfw in 300 the Persians are Middle Eastern when they were actually Aryan before the mudslime hordes destroyed their existence.

I like it, but it feels like it really brought on a new wave of slo-mo action sequences.

Funny thing is Zack hasn't used slow mo in an action sequence since then.

lol, they were invaded by Aryan speaking folks like most of west Eurasia and beyond, this doesn't mean the average Persian would look any different from a generic middle easterner
they wouldn't look specifically arab but not fully Europid either

he used it in Watchmen

ITT people who've never read a book in their lives not accepting their fantasy super warriors being pedo faggots
>m-muh citation
take your fedora out of our ass. I'm not writing a paper, think I'm gonna spend energy doing your research for you ?



pederasty can only be homosexual you dip



>they were quite famous for actually enforcing man-boy love amongst the ranks as a way of military bonding

You mean gay pedophilia. Call it what it is, we don't call it "man-girl love" when a middle school teacher gets caught fucking a student.




fuck off tripfag

>Alan Moore complains about a fictional depiction of buttfucking

Colour me surprised

Are you retarded?

He used it in Watchmen and in Suckerpunch which is why people assumed Man of Steel would be full of it.

What kind of proof do you want you twat? It was written about extensively, google that. Whether they bother to post it for you or not doesn't change the facts

Im pretty sure it was encouraged because you would fight harder to protect someone who actually loved you, and for whom you loved, if that person was fighting nex to you, wouldn't you fight harder?

Persia did nothing wrong.

300 is based on a comic book.

blood effects look like shit

stupid movie made for normalfags, I don't think spartans or many things showed in the movie were actually like that. They gave too much importance to leonida's wife in the plot, for example. I hate when main characters are women.

Holy shit OP-
I just checked wikipedia and found out Sparta was actually a real place.
What the fuck.

keep it 300 like the romans

that doesn't stop you from being a living meme

>Funny thing is Zack hasn't used slow mo in an action sequence since then.
Are you high on glue or something?

>stupid movie made for normalfags
It was basically a shot-for-shot adaptation of a Frank Miller graphic novel, you silly dummy.

thanks for the data man

Are you a virgin? Seriously asking.

>tfw watch 300
>watch it a 100 more times
>favourite movie ever. literally cannot get enough of it
>finally get to read about the spartans in History
>try watching the movie again
>mfw it's all a lie
Leonidas wasn't as courageous as he was portrayed in the movie ;_;
The spartans though strong, weren't THAT strong. in fact they only lasted 2 days at the gates
they used to fuck boys as a rite of passage in their agoge right before they fell
Leonidas' son was a good leader but a dumb politician and got usurped right after defeating the persians for wearing persian clothings
Leonidas actually stole the throne from his bro through political shenanigans
Leonidas was a Jew of sparta ;_;
Athenians were the real heroes
The spartans with their holy days refused to fight and Athens took full brunt of persia's army
themistocles was also a Jew rat ;_; taking the reigns through political means

>his eyes actually move when she kisses him


>Sup Forums

Worse than /fit/ at it's peak

What if he did it ironically?

Well yeah conservative estimates are around 50-70 thousand. But does anyone honestly believe there were even a million people alive during those times?

>Believing Athenian propaganda

Sure, and the Thracians were all dumb savage cannibals

Ah yes, written by the ancient Greek historian, Frank Miller

>white is good
>black is bad
Just like in real life!

>It was written extensively about

sure throw down some sources, there is actually very little sources regarding Spartan pederasty sans the whole Spartan wedding ceremony which seems to imply that Spartan man had trouble transitioning to having sex with a woman rather than with a man, though we can't be sure about it.

>glorifying a women who was, in large part, responsible for the defeat at Salamis


Spartans were paired up with young boys to mentor them.
It wasen't uncommon that they had sex to strenghten their bond.
The implication that Athenians were pedophiles and Spartens werent was to appeal to the 'murica audience

Next you'll tell me that King Xerxes didn't actually look like a rejected Silent Hill monster.

>even a million people alive during those times
are you retarded? there was at least a quarter of a billion people at 1 AD.

Probably at least 100 million at 300 BC

>ITT anons not accepting their virile fantasy warriors to be gay despite it being the case irl.

I bet most of you post in other threads about how you'd love to suck on a "girls" feminine penis, too.

>Implying anything can beat /fit/ creating a collage of naked /fit/izens bodies in a strange pose

Modern historians are obsessed with turning everyone either gay or female.

>Implying you don't find their aesthetic display of male bodies to be glorious.

But m-muh strong honorable Spartans.

All caps makes every argument valid by default.

that is the argument Pausanias makes in Plato's Symposion. It sounds plausible but there is not the slightest emperical evidence for it. In fact personal feelings often have caused trouble.

>The implication that Athenians were pedophiles and Spartens werent was to appeal to the 'murica audience

Sparta was not only homosexual, it was the most communist society in all of history. Even the children did not belong to the family but to the Polis. Even your wife, if you could not impregnate her, was given to more potent men. Private ownership practically did not exist. Food was always eaten in large eating halls. Etc. It was an extreme social experiment.

It's because the Spartans were supposed to be Republicans and the Athenians were supposed to be Democrats. It's just war on terror pandering.

>mfw anons discover Spatans were homo and can't accept it

anal sex with other men does not make you gay bruh

Man of Steel was full of it though, it's just that Superman moves so fast that even in slo-mo he looks fast.

And like all attempts at communism, it was built on using slaves to do all the work.

While Sparta used slave like everyone else at that time, Communism usually does not employ slaves. It actually is based on the idea of freeing societies from all forms of slavery.
I don't want to be apologetic in any way towards communism, but criticising it with obviously uneducated rants does only provide arguments for communists.

I'm not saying communism as an idea involves slavery, but almost everyone that has attempted to create communism has resorted to slavery for one reason or another. For example the USSR and China, and countries models after them, all heavily relied on people being sent to labor camps on the filmiest of charges and were forced to basically work at gun point. I'm sure you'll agree that this is hardly anything other than slavery in t's purest form.

Actually, they didn't stick it in the ass.
They oiled their dicks and put it between the legs of the boy.

Remember that time when a bunch of random guys whose whole gimmick is being gay lovers with one another completely BTFO the Spartans?

he based it on the original ancient greek story dumbdumb

Labor camps exist in totalitarian societies like communist countries. That is clearly slavery. But it makes up only a minute portion of their economies and is not the reason for the camps. Oppression of dissent is enforced through them. Oppression and not slavery would be the charge against these regimes.
Anyway since freedom is restricted in totalitarian states one could of cause consider all work slavery as it is dictated by the government. Even if benign it is still dictation.

> you were born too late to fuck boy ass

My dick would fight harder. If you know what I mean.

>people complain about the historical accuracy of a movie with a were-goat

"based on a true story"


>the original ancient greek story
Holy shit. Have you ever read a book in your life?


citation needed. I'm a raging homo and always skeptical when I read this shit, I doubt pederasty was half as prevalent as people like to think

I can't seem to find a version of the story in English that features were-goats

can you at least give critical thinking a go?

Yeah m8 all that senate-drama in the graphic novel really ticked me off

Homosexuals are perfectly fine and healthy people guys

More like

>people complain about historical accuracy in a movie that is quite explicit in it's use of an unreliable narrator.

Seriously, why is it that people just kind of forget the first and last scenes of the movie.

not all of them, don't make generalizations.

>all the 'historians' who pushed the gay greek political narrative were all raging homo faggots

really makes you ponder

Just go to Afghanistan. Boy rape is quite normal there.

I think Sparta's pederasty was manly (at least in the eyes of the spartans), and they viewed the Athenians as fairies who like poetry and flowers.
Even with the extreme pederasty in all of Greece, Spartans continually produced great warriors and Athens produced great thinkers. So it strikes me as a simple neighborhood rivalry.

loving a man is not equivocal to sticking your phallus in his rectum and causing him at age 30 to wear a diaper lad

love between men in pre-modern pre-faggot LGBT world land was platonic and noble, homosexuals are mentally ill people who shame themselves with anti-social bumdrilling

>Athenians were the real heroes
Get out of here, Pericles.

I love playing Thrace in the games that let me. All the gloriousness of hoplite phalanxes, and all the badassery of barbarian falxmen.

Fucking Thracians

Both according to their enemies.

They fucked boys, they didn't love them like sissies.