How much do I correspond to stereotypes about Russians?

How much do I correspond to stereotypes about Russians?
I will write about myself 109 points.
1)I'm 29 years old, I'm a virgin. I am a guy.
2) I’m basement-dweller with 8 years of experience. However, the my experience with interruptions.
3) An inveterate introvert.
4) I've never had any friends.
5) My mother and I live in St. Petersburg. In summer or during the holidays, I come to the village to my father.
6) Mom's pension is 170 $. I rent out my apartment and get $ 260. I got this apartment as a legacy from my grandmother. When I worked, my salary was $ 400.
7) We spend about $ 270 a month.
8) I do not take loans. When I worked, I saved almost the entire salary as savings.
9) I saved up 12,000 dollars.
10) In June 2016 I bought $ 500 at the rate of 68 rubles. And the dollar later became cheaper.
11) When I'm in town, I spend almost 100% of my free time at the computer. In the village - 30-50%.
12) I go to bed at 4-5, and get up at 11-13.
13) I like it when it's warm in summer and frost in winter.
14) I'm very lazy and slow.
15) But if I get carried away with anything, it's difficult for me to stop. And in general I have a bad knowing of limits.
16) Maybe I'm a psychopath. But the diagnoses were not made. I will not go to a psychiatrist so as not to lose my license for a weapon.
17) I'm cynical.
18) I'm a coward.
19) I do not like competition, struggle and danger.
20) I have never been drunk. I'm very hot-tempered. Outwardly it is not noticeable. I'm afraid that if I drink I can commit suicide or even kill someone.
21) I have a melancholy temperament. Because of this, I'm afraid of people and I am bassement-dweller (hikikomori, хикки, хиккa, хиккaн).
22) I'm ethnic Russian. But not thoroughbred.
23) I hardly know how to communicate with people, and therefore I love the wilderness.
24) Colleagues on the job said that I'm an asocial personality.
25) As a rule, girls do not like me.
26) But one day, one MILF said I was beautiful.

Other urls found in this thread:

27) I like doing all the necessary things and do not depend on society and the state, as far as possible. Especially I like to grow food in the garden and obtain it in the forest.
28) I eat potatoes, meat and chicken. In the village I eat potatoes, bread and what I collect in the forest or obtain by hunting.
29) I like to be engaged in hunting. I've already caught a hare and a hazel grouse. I want to hunt large animals (elks, wild boars and bears). Of course, illegally.
30) I also prepare firewood without permits.
31) I broke the old hunting shotgun. To buy a new gun, I had to get a license.
32) I made potassium nitrate from ammonium nitrate. Then I tried to make homemade gunpowder. It turned out very bad.
33) I can reload spent primers with matches.
34) I do not smoke. If I smoked, I would grow tobacco or hemp on my own.
35) At school from the 8th grade I studied in absentia due to bad behavior. I got good grades.
36) At the university I studied full-time. I studied for free.
37) In the university I was also an excellent student.
38) After University, I evaded conscription for more than a year. Then I gave a bribe of 3,500 dollars, and I was released from conscription.
39) I once held to the Communist views, then ultra-right views. Now I'm partly right and partly left. I did not communicate with like-minded people.
40) Once upon a time I was an Orthodox Christian. Because of religion, I even stopped faping for 10 years. Now I am an agnostic.

41) When I was in school, I dreamed of becoming a pirate. It was stupid, but I had an incentive to learn geography.
42) I met the bear two times in the forest. I drove him away with swearing. I was scared.
43) When I am in the village, I do not pay attention to the appearance of clothes. For me, the main thing is that the clothes were warm, comfortable and cheap. I prefer natural materials. That's why I wear tarpaulin trousers, telogreikas, valenki, military jackets, etc.
44) I want to learn how to sew boots from the skins of wild boars.
45) In the city I also wear cheap clothes, but not attracting attention.
46) I can do almost everything that needs to be done in the village. I even know how to make bullets on a lathe.
47) I wash once a week. But very thoroughly. And without shampoo, only with soap.
48) I'm long-haired and bearded.
49) I worked as an engineer in military factories.
50) From the first job I was kicked out after 3 months because of bungling, viewing porn at work and stupid conversations. The boss said to me: "Write a statement of dismissal of one's own accord".
51) From the second job, I was fired for staff reduction. The plant began to experience difficulties. The bosses decided that it is necessary to cut first of all those who sleep at work and view CP on the working computer. In the second job, I did all the tasks, the boss tolerated me for 2 years.
52) At the 2 nd work I successfully did the calculations, which usually do only PhD.
53) Every day I masturbate once. Sometimes even more often. After masturbate I weigh the cum.
54) My record is 8.5 grams.
55) But most often 4-5 grams.
56) I can masturbate 2 times in a row without rest, but not always.
57) I masturbate to the drawn girls, and not only from the anime.
58) Also I masturbate to the photo and video with live girls.
59) I like anime and manga.

60) The size of my dick is 6.8 inches.
61) When I have a very strong erection, my dick is 7 inches.
62) I can masturbate for one day 7-8 times. But it is difficult. However, the next day I can masturbate again. According to Russian sexology, I have a strong sexual constitution.
63) Once I masturbated and at the same time watered my cock with icy water. The erection did not disappear.
64) I like girls with a flat face, a small nose and big tits.
65)Usually these girls turn out to be trash, and most often Asian.
Sorry, I do not know English well. I translated the word "быдлo" as "trash", but in online dictionaries there are many other translation options.
66) I also like pierced and tattooed girls, especially with tunnels in the ears. This strangeness is called stigmatophilia.
67) I have many sexual fetishes.
68) I have toucherism (frotteurism, groping). I respect the Japanese chikan.
69) I'm a voyeur. I spy on the telescope in the evenings. I'm interested in windows in the houses opposite. I spy on not only the girls, but also the loli.
70) I like amputee, one-eyed and toothless girls.
71) I like breaking the prohibitions and rules, especially secretly, without getting caught. At the same time I feel steep.
72) I like girls who violate the rules of decency. Smokers, drinkers, swearing obscenities, drug addicts, with tattoos and tunnels, dressing like whores, with a shabby look, who used to be in prison earlier, etc. Steep girls, shorter.
73) I like the girls on these pictures. I would have liked them even more if everyone had big boobs.
Nancy is a beautiful transvestite. If he was a girl, he would have liked me.
This transvestite is also beautiful.

76) I do not like that girls are usually self-serving. I like equality.
77) I think that sexual promiscuity is bad. I'm for one partner for life.
78) I think that masturbation, cues toys and sex dolls are not adultery.
79) I'm against abortion. I think that from the point of view of morality, a fertilized egg is already a human.
80) I want to grab Japanese schoolgirls by the ass. (see point 68)
81) I like watching asian dramas and anime, in which Japanese schoolgirls are engaged in the enjo-kosai.
82) I like photos and drawings with smoking Japanese schoolgirls.
83) I tasted urine.
84) I tasted the sperm.
85) I did not taste the feces. I do not want to puke.
86) When I'm home alone, I'm naked.
87) I have not gone to the dentist for 12 years.
88) Even on the board many anonymouses believe that I'm a moron.
89) Those who barely know me IRL, believe that I'm very smart.

90) One guy said that I'm a big kid. But he does not know the twentieth part of what I'm writing here.
91) In the 90's in my childhood I watched programs about maniacs. And I thought they looked like me in character. I still think so.
92) For me, ordinary people seem strange and incomprehensible.
93) I don't like dwellers of the Caucasus and Ukrainians.
94) I dream of finding a girl with a character about the same as me and with a externality that I like. If it does not work out, it's okay. The right hand is more reliable.
95) I dream of becoming an absolute monarch and severely re-educate society and engage in eugenics.
96) For example, I will imprison excessively tough guys who are popular with girls. And else I will forbid to have children by those whose close relatives were ill with deadly diseases for no reason.
97) I will execute by a terrible death of those engaged in corruption. Even if this official is prime minister.
98) I will build a palace with a gold toilet bowl in a near-earth orbit and a dacha on the other side of the moon. At the dacha and in the palace there will be an Internet connection of 10 Gbit / s.
99) In the palace there will be a telescope with a 5 meter mirror to spy on girls and loli from space.

100) For the building of the palace and dacha I will order the development of a huge rocket. Its carrying capacity will be 300 metric tons. As an oxidizer, hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 90-95% will be used. As fuel, a methyl boyarka will be used at a concentration of 96%.
101) I will place the spaceport so that the used stages fall on the cities (Lviv, Kiev etc) that belong to my enemies.
102) I will make the enemies pay me a huge tribute. Tribute will be spent on the luxury and the space program.
103) Remains of tribute will be spent to the development of science and industry, to the raising the standard of living, to the welfare for Russian hikikomori.
104) I dream too much) I will continue to talk about myself. Sometimes I piss in the sink and the bath.
105) I wipe the sperm with underpants.
106) Sometimes I'm too lazy to leave the room. I piss in a jar with a volume of 3 liters. I also pour the sperm into it after weighing. Once every 2-3 days I pour the contents of the jar into the sink. For some reason, the mixture of urine and semen is spoiled and begins to stink with cow's turd.
107) I hacked the wifi of my neighbors.
108) I think about gays more positively than negatively. The more of them, the less the competition between the guys for the girls.
109) I hate lesbians.

Sorry, I forgot to post a picture.



>"I have never been drunk"

fuck of u'r not real russki

but every russian ive met irl was really pussy and coward like u

When and where did you meet the Russians? Where do you live? Who are you by ethnicity?

хopoш пиздacтpaдaть, пapeнь

This is bad?



пoтoмy чтo тyпo. Кaкaя paзницa ктo кaк oтнocитcя к pyccким, зaпaдным eвpoпeйцaм + aмepикaнцaм глyбoкo пoхyй нa тo кaк ктo к ним oтнocитcя и чтo дyмaeт, a тyпopылaя pycнявaя пpивычкa cпpaшивaть y дpyгих нaциoнaльнocтeй из oтнoшeния к pyccким yжe нaкaляeт. Ютyб co cвoими - "чтo {дpyгaя нициoнaльнocть} дyмaют o pyccких" yжe пopядкoм пoдзaeбaл, и тyт ты co cвoими cтepeoтипaми.

и пpeкpaти cлaть япoнcкo-бypядcкo-мoнгoльcкo-кaзaхcкo-якyтcкo-кopeйcкo-pязaнcкиe poжи

Why do all the girls I like are whores?

Because you have low standards.

Кyдa бoльшe нaкaляeт тo, чтo ни aмepикaнцы, ни зaпaднo-eвpoпeйцы нe бyдyт хyecocить cвoих cooтeчecтвeнникoв и cвoю cтpaнy, в oтличии oт...
Хoтя ты нeбocь хoхoл eбaный, poт твoй чecaл.

Why is a girl who conforms to my standards of appearance, is necessarily a whore? Why do not there exist decent girls and virgins looking like in this picture?

ты я вижy нe в кypce, чтo кaждый aмepикaнeц выcкaзывaeтcя и кpитикyeт кaждyю мeлoчь в cвoeй cтpaнe (и чтo caмoe зaбaвнoe тyпopылaя pycня кpyтит этo пo глaвным кaнaлaм cтpaны вмecтo cвoих нoвocтeй)
я нe yкpaинeц. я pycaк poдилcя и выpoc в ДB. и к cлoвy yкpaинцы и pycaки этo oднo и тoжe. cтpaнныe poфлы y тeбя

дa и кcтaти ты в пacтe нaпиcaл чтo ты нe чиcтoкpoвный, ктo в тeбя в poдy?

Slavs, but not khokhly.

you would be more stereotypical if you stopped using the word "a"
>16) Maybe I'm psychopath. But the diagnoses were not made. I will not go to psychiatrist so as not to lose my license for weapon.

reads much better this way

и пocтит pязaнcкyю poжy, oкeй я пoнял
нe пpoдoлжaй

Russian, living in the far east - this is Russified khokhly. They create all sorts of gangs like AUE. They catch too much salmon. They cut down the whole forest and sell it to China. So they do harm to society, and to nature.

Because only degenerate pieces of shit would do that to themselves


Удвoю этoгo гocпoдинa. Я в cвoё вpeмя c aзepбoнcкoй пapaши cбeжaл из-зa yeбaнцeв coпливых, тaких жe кaк OП. И cюдa oни инoгдa зaпoлзaют, вoнь oт них тaкaя хapaктepнaя cocaчeвcкaя, чтo зa вepcтy чyвcтвyeшь.

I am a degenerate and a virgin at the same time. Why can not girls be like me?

I'm American. Where I live there's not many people from Russia. Only thing stereotypical I know about Russians is that they love vodka and they're tough fighters. Being an adult now i like vodka myself so I don't blame them. Being known for kicking ass isn't a bad stereotype.

The Russian love of vodka is a stereotype.

I could see that. At least in Russia there's no niggers like here. I can say on that subject just about every stereotype is proven true time after time.

no niggers
we have plenty of chyrki (this is russian niggers) and narrow-eyed.
>I can say on that subject just about every stereotype is proven true time after time.
maybe those Russians who live with you, different from us, we have purebred Russian little drink
PS: I've never been in America. though I want to. you are good and you are beautiful

>they love vodka
There are many drunks among us. But there are also many teetotalers among us. One Ukrainian refugee was very surprised by this. In their country, almost everyone drinks, but moderately.
>they're tough fighters
Very many Russians do not like and do not know how to fight. If all Russians were tough fighters, there would not be hazing in our army. These faggots ("grandfathers") would be beaten as a punishment for bad behavior.

those are central asians not real russians you fucking faggot.

This, stop ruining the image of your country by posting these abominations.

OP - dick.
He's an anime player, and the anime acts on the brains

Sorry, Google incorrectly translated the word "дeдoвщинa". Dedovshina - some soldiers mock, beat and threaten others or extort money from them.

>These faggots ("grandfathers")
Sorry, I forgot to give a link to the dedovshina video.

what is chyrki?

>42) I met the bear two times in the forest. I drove him away with swearing. I was scared.
i guess thats russian af



They are dwellwrs of the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as other similar peoples.

i see thanks russian anons

lol yeah i think i saw this guy when i got curious and searched what kind of memes do russians make

you understand Russian memes or not?
i am rus

Дa тa либo cтpaдaниe и нeнaвиcть, бoльшe ничeгo.
Heвoзмoжнo пpeдcтaвить тpeд, гдe aнoны бы бaб cвoих выклaдывaли - нaчнeтcя вoй и тpaвля, ecли cдeaнoнят.
Oбщий ypoвeнь тyпocти и ЧCB зaшкaливaющий.

Пacтa пpoтyхлa

[spoiler]eй бoгy, филиaл б в b[/spoiler]

im currently studying russian by myself so only few words i understand
and no i dont think i can understand russian memes yet because beside the language, i dont know anything about russian society

I meant the stereotype about nigs here man. Like watermelon,fried chicken,laziness,having 20 kids. It's easy to blame them for a lot of our problems but I think we're to blame for letting it get to this point.

тyт нe paбoтaeт этo , иди нa двaч

Oh shit

Russian memes are super obscure and often require to be a native speaker.

Пpиблизитeльнo этo я и имeл в видy.

I'll post photos of the girls I like. I like Asian girls.

yeah and theres not much english translated informations about russia
big shame but that also challenges me i guess
maybe too difficult

Пoчeмy, кacтaти, тaк?
To ecть тyт-тo aнoн тoжe cтpaдaeт, нo вce кaк-тo дoбpee.
Haпpимep, в тpeдe пpo caмoвыпил чyвaкa oчeнь cтapaтeльнo yгoвapивaли нe дeлaть этoгo, peдкo ктo пpocил cдeлaть cтpим caмoвыпилa. Бpocaли вcякиe pecypcы и тп.

It ain't really a problem to them though. Its what they truly want when left alone. Just look at any black "civilization" after whites leave, ex. Haiti, Zimbabwe.

Its our fault for thinking they were the same as us, therefore we must treat them the same as us

no. I'm Russian I understand English memes, but I don't know English, I translate through the Internet and since you are also human, same as I do and probably you will understand the memes
narrow eyes are not needed. it's not beautiful

But they're ugly, even you should have some standards at the very least

im curious but why do russian people dislike narrow eyed people?

I think that this is natural - some cultural levels of any culture are not accessible to foreigners.
But you can believe me, Russians love when foreigners study their language and culture. So you can get lots of support.

Because we fought against the steppe nomads for centuries.

it is ugly.

Yeah. I think a lot of people wanted to do good for them but had no idea the read truth .I believe in the basic good of human beings. When I started to think that maybe nigs arent completely human everything makes sense. All the chimping out and carelessness. They deserve Africa. All the droughts, disease, and famine.

yeah i understand that
but would they be the same if im asian?
dont get me wrong i dont meant to mix my blood into yours i just like russian avant guard art thats all
but what about a lot of asians who fought in ww2?

i dont mean to*

>even you should have some standards at the very least
My standards are very strange.

i was born in leningrad in 1977. i came to the US when i was 2.

when i think of russians, i think they suck. the nature of the russian language/manner of speech, is to whine. they're known to raise their voices, but it's totally fucking cartman whining to his mother.

russia is totally fucking repressed; no porn. computers used to cost 10x; even shitty 286s.

russia women are tough as fuck and mean. that's not too bad but there's not much of a spectrum in between, if you know what i mean. you don't, because this is fake.

at least i'm kin to blonde and russian blondes aren't full of themselves like western european blonde cunts. russian blondes are cool like nordic blondes who don't see anything special in being blonde. tell that to american whiteys who could never get it and are shy around useless, even fake blondes.

oh, i forgot... st. petersburg was leningrad until 1991.

It depends on what kind of asian you are. I presume that you are from the Far East?
Far East asians and Central Asia asians are very different.
We have lots of prejudice towards Central asia (and most of them are quite reasonable).
The most important thing is how you behave.
Russians value culture over blood.

yeah i am from far east
thanks for your words rus user
I think you're a good person

Jesus Christ, stop with this cringe shit already, it's embarrassing.

You should come visit Russia. But be sure to make some Russian friends beforehand via the web. Cause they can show you something real, otherwise you are going to be stuck in tourist traps.

yeah touristic places are the worst places to visit
thank you again for your advice!

Yes, user, do as this mongloid says. Come to Russia to meet your newfound internet friends so we can get Part 2 of 1 Guy 1 Hammer.

Remember kids - there's a reason why Russians are unhappy and poor.

Good luck to you!

Бля, и тaк вcя мocквa зaбитa кyчeй инocтpaнцeв, я poднyю peчь нe cлышaл yжe мнoгo лeт в цao. Кaкиe тypиcты. Ha пapкe пoбeды вooбщe oдни япoнo-китaйцы 24/7

well, thanks for your advice too
im just seeking for as much advices as possible

cлaвa пyтинy