"What? No, I'm not Leo or Brad. My name is Jonah Hill."

"What? No, I'm not Leo or Brad. My name is Jonah Hill."

Dubs and OP is banned for life

Is Frenchie implying the 3 of them "bat for the Red Sox"?

>Then Id say Ill have what shes having

how about

"i dont get it"

Dubs and this guy gets banned for his anti-Jonah pro-frog sentiments

>her having to explain the joke
>"and then I fuck both of them"
>"so the joke is you're a whore?"

Dubs and my cock will be wet tonight and you will still be sitting here coming up with imaginary rebuttals for Jonah fucking hill

dubs and you find yourself roasted even more than Jonah so that you finally empathize with his pain and suffering


Jonah showed class and maturity by not responding to her and not returning any insults.

>"i hook my friends up with sluts all the time"
still the best


Directly using the word slut sounds too butthurt.

>"Oh, I get it. It's because I forgot to bring cash, right?"
Something like this is better.

You guys are banned for life.

What about:

>I bet a trip to the ATM would change that.

I hope you get diagnosed with a obesity related illness and succumb to it, you talentless fat fuck.
You and James Corden should really just kys


Why is he so fucking fat?

nah OP is alright

he ordered a single subway sandwich but got dubs instead. Too much subway


"That's cute, honey. I have a fantasy, too. It's a world where comments like yours will be considered unacceptable no matter what gender you are and where women finally pull their collective head out of their collective ass and acknowledge men for the imagination, hard work, and forward thinking that unshackled women from the stove in the first place.

Maybe someday you can join me in it."

He lost weight some time ago and they stop giving him jobs, so he did what he had to do

>tfw came up with perfect response in the shower lol xD

>Yeah haha so funny, make fun of someone based on their physical appearance while they're extremely successful and all you've done is become a shitty interviewer that will lose her job as soon as she starts aging. Guess what, I fuck girls way more attractive than you on a regular basis because I'm wealthy and famous. Maybe you felt good about yourself the few seconds after you made that joke but I'll feel good about myself my entire life because I'm not an inconsequential little brat.

Worst one. We'd be ripping him much harder

>can I at least stay and masterbate?

>This translator sucks ass he says you said a really lame joke

>Yeah haha so funny, make fun of someone based on their physical appearance while they're extremely successful
Stop there otherwise it starts to sound butthurt

When no one in the thread got dubs yet. Kek

Dubs and I get dubs


dubs and Jonah finds peace

>burst out crying asking how can she be so mean.

Still the best.

"Yeah, I have dreams like that too. I keep them to myself."

dubs and the poster below me livestreams his suicide


dubs and this is Jonah with the french lady

double digits and this meme stops here

I only went 30 pounds overweight and now I have ugly ass stretchmarks everywhere. How do fucking huge lardos deal with the fact that their skin is going to be fucked up forever if they decide to lose weight? Gluttony really is a sin and God punishes you for it big time. Don't ever let your children get fat.

dubs and ur a faget



He had been fat for so long when he was building his career that losing weight makes him seem sickly and depressed.

So a blimp he must stay.


propensity to stretch marks is partly genetic, but yeah after a certain point it happens no matter what. I have some stretch marks just from puberty.

Anyways, their 'skin' is messed up regardless. Maybe it'll be a bit embarrassing to go to the beach or have sex, but you spend most of your time in public clothed, and you'd much rather be skinny than obese.


when will a biopic of this user be made?


Damn these are nice.

trips and I'm banned for life.

And remember, dear, Don't forget to wash your 'dirty little peepee' before you rape your children, stock of hypochrist dead pussy libellist duelist 2312planet