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In the end it really was a song of Ice and Fire.
The most obvious plot development ever?
I guess this is canon now, since fat fuck will die before finishing his shit
Please explain this picture.
What is this a picture of?
Ned was alive the whole time.
Is that seam beam?
why is he still wearing cold weather clothing?
She's just seeing him in a dragon dream you idiots.
>Finally i became The Game Of Thrones®
jesus christ really?
i'm on season 3 finale, does winter ever come?
its not on this persons feed?
Post yfw Jonerys happens and Jonsa gets BTFO
nah mate.
Ned Stark has come back to life
i wish daenarys had been prettier
It's the biggest tv tease of all time, sorry m8
Why cant we have anything nice at all?
>screenshot of a photo of a photo
GRRM would never do this obvious shit.
At last, truly, finally, as it was foretold, the prophecy, after all this time, we have become a Game of Thrones
>T H I C C
fuck off nigger
Thats kit not bean
>people actually thought Dany couldn't do it
This fat hack has the audacity to call out Tolkein when his series is going to be cliche after cliche leading up to the ending. None of the "main" characters actually die, only the interesting side characters do.
The series is going to end with that ending someone memed up with Tyrion looking at Jon and Dany remarking "Twas truly a song of ice and fire!!!"
>The series is going to end with that ending someone memed up with Tyrion looking at Jon and Dany remarking "Twas truly a song of ice and fire!!!"
>This fat hack has the audacity to call out Tolkein when his series is going to be cliche after cliche leading up to the ending.
This isn't him at this point, though. The show caught up with the books more than a year ago.
That being said, I'll bet anything that Dany, Jon, and Arya all get a dragon.
Well you have to remember that some of this shit is still based off broad outlines of the ending. So major happenings will probably happen in the books, some might just be changed for D&D/fanservice reasons. Dany and Jon will probably wind up together in books & show.
Winter has come
Dude this is a feminist show. MUH DRAGUNZ :) was going to win this shit yes or yes. How fucking stupid you have to be not see this coming since the very first season? All the good male characters like Stannis, Tyrion, Daario, Jon Snow ect. Had two fates they were killed or turned into beta nu-males. All the female characters have plot armor and when they die they do it in a forced heroic way.
How the fuck could anyone still watch this shit and say, I'm a intelligent human being. Fuck you and fuck this show is for cucks. KEKS. C-U-C-K-S.
So he is a sell out as well as a hack? Good to know.
Only the first book was good anyway.
Jon snow was a son of ice and fire
looks like a pelican from the thumbnail
I read that they're going to make two short seasons, and then be done with it. So, in other words, they're going to split the last season in two parts.
>None of the "main" characters actually die, only the interesting side characters do.
So who are the mains?
Dany, Snow, Dwarf, Jamie, Arya, CIA
This post would have been a lot better if you disnt say cuck
Who gives a fuck, real question is who's getting nude? Sansa tits when?
there are only 4 ninja turtles and you named 6 people
Daenarys is doomed to die then. she has to make the Lightbringer.
why do all the best characters have to die and the manlets, meme dwarfs and feminists remain?
Did you forget Splinter and Casey Jones?
It's like life.
So deep.
literally dropped this show after the first season
who the fuck could watch this without Ned and Bob?
i know right I just want a prequel show/movie or some shit about the rebellion
much more interesting than this LE FIRE AND ICE DESTINY shit
This, the prequel storylines seem way more interesting