if given an option would you
A. kill all liberals
B. kill all non whites
C. kill everyone under 100 IQ
D. become president of the USA
If given an option would you
Kill liberals. Everything else is consequential
Your argument is shit. No matter where you go on the planet, all rapes are committed by men, but not all non-whites commit crimes.
So there are reasons to believe that one of those things is inherent whilst the other is incidental.
>that image
The thing is, the right is sympathetic. Aroundblacks.jpeg. Avoid the ghetto. So, then the left is also sympathetic. Don't travel alone or allow yourself to go or remain alone with a man you don't trust (particularly important if they are minorities). Quality risk assessment.
>B-but I'm not responsible for the other member s of my sex/race
Yes, you are.
C makes B obsolete
Option D to use all other options was already attempted by a very special man
>kill everyone under 100 IQ
This will probably do A and B by itself. And I wouldn't have to worry about D, then.
>all rapes are committed by men
At least Australia puts effort into their shitposting...
This board will cease to exist
Wasted get
And A.
ur fucking austistic
"100%of rapes committed by men"
women rape men too
just not as often
and reported even less
"Responsible" is a wrong word.
You are obligated to try to make a better image for your own sex/race and try to make them better people but you can't blame a person for something he had nothing to do with.
C. It fixes all other problems and I no longer would have any desire to rule.
>a piece of fucking foliage
And? You don't think every single Sup Forumsster here wouldn't destroy Sup Forums if it would fix the world?
You're probably just terrified of what will happen to you and your family if you hit C
C. Because it includes A, B and D
>it's only rape when men do it
And then use the shock of this cataclysm (reducing the population MASSIVELY, especially in those areas that are a drain and preventing other achievements) to bring all of society together and forge ahead with a new unified world society, using hi-tech industry to make up for the depletion of man-power.
A so fucking hard
A would make the world a beautiful place, omfg A x100000000, A is all I want for this world