Yo how do I slog through this shit game? I'm at the dragon bridge and it's still not fun

Yo how do I slog through this shit game? I'm at the dragon bridge and it's still not fun

Making a game hard doesn't make a game good.

You die and die until you don't die

it really is a good game tho

it is exactly what makes it good you casul, i bet you read rock paper shotgun and want a skip button in every game kek


The game isn't hard. It just has a steep learning curve. Just like OSU. Learn one thing and then use it till you have to learn more. The game isn't "Hard" its just a challenge. People play it because it's fun to overcome obstacles as a player. The Lore in the Souls series is amazing.

You can see the small letter

I've only played 2 but it fucking sucked. It really is just endless hours of boring, slow-paced combat and boss fights take fucking forever. It's not even about figuring out how to beat them, it's about having the patience to repeat the exact same moves over and over again. After beating it I couldn't help but wonder why I spent the time playing it, and will never play another Dark Souls title ever again.

also keep in mind that for the first game the real deal was pvp, the flipping havels, giant dads, hexers, grass crest with straight swords and all other sort of cancers were way harder to beat than any game boss ever holy shit