If my vid gets20 likes I'll pull the blanket down on my gf and expose her naked sleeping ass

If my vid gets20 likes I'll pull the blanket down on my gf and expose her naked sleeping ass

Nah thanks

Bump because i am very gullible


It's working I already got 5 likes.. I'm not playing either I already took the naked pic

The likes stopped coming in my friends. I know some of you are virgins. This girl means nothing to me Ima kick her out soon anyway...

dump her outside while she is naked and record it

For 150 likes I'll try. She's a great grappler no joke

Hurry before I go to sleep Sup Forumsoys



Hurry? Just fucking post it


post face OP?

15 likes right now


There ya go fucker I'm your 20th now post vid


come on muther fucker

hurry OP


it has 20 now faggot post it

nigga just post some ass or prepare for a trap take over

It has 22 likes. Do it m8


Post it or else another trap takeover

Free likes
Feels good man

Post it OP you pussy

OP's a faggot who doesn't fufill

Fulfill the promise op

post it fag

Im hoping this fag fell asleep and posts the goods tomorrow. Im checking in tomorrow

op = fag confirmed

Going to go dislike this cunt's video

Fucking haha