Why do all the best countries have red, white, and blue flags?

Why do all the best countries have red, white, and blue flags?

You forgot that Brazil flag is Green and Yellow

Kill yourself.

>Implying anything from Brazil can be good.

You forgot Brazil is a crime ridden shithole

>not superior PR
You fucked up.

Norway is the only good country i see on there

>feels good


wat about rome

why the hat on a stick?


First Country using Red, White, Blue here
All these countries are based of Aquafresh

Because we want gift from santa :DDDD

I know right :3

>Puerto Rico is a sovereign country

>North Korea

wew lad

to get to the other side :^)

Red white masterrace


Based vacation spots.

We wuz aqua n shit

Because Canada, Denmark, Turkey and Peru are master race

>Best countries
>Britcuck colonies
>Bunch of shit i cant even recognize
Of what you listed, only Czechia and Slovakia are based.
Norway and Russia are ok tier, rest is shit.