My gf sent me a text message today

My gf sent me a text message today.
She said that she wants to end our relationship.
I asked ''why?'' She sent me this picture.
My dick is 6.5 inches long.
What should I do?

If you want to save the relationship, dick growth surgery.

It sucks, but she's right. A 6.5 is only enough to satisfy small girls (under 5ft) so either go for a short girl or get surgery.

Tell her to get a big cucumber.

nice fake story bro.

9 inches are maybe 0.05% of the male population.


That's true, not a lot of men have a giant dick.

6.5 inches? hahah! wtf???
Are you underage?
My dick was 6.5 inches when I was 13 years old.

>6.5 inches

i have like 4 inches and its legit fine,

LMAO!!!! 6.5 inches when you were 13??!! My dick was 10 inches before I even hit puberty! What a loser!

6.5 inch it's a OK sice.
Most of men have that.

Holy fuck op are you really this much of a faggot? Don’t listen to any of the virgins on this website. You literally can satisfy a girl with any cock over 5 inches if you know how to use your dick and not be a wet towel in bed

>believing porn things




>found the actual smol dick

She did the right thing.
It's not physically possible to satisfy woman with 6.5 inch small dick.

6.5 inches?!? Haha. My dick was legit 4 ft long when I was eleven. It's now got it's own zipcode.

>My gf sent me a text message today.
>She said that she wants to end our relationship.
>I asked ''why?'' She sent me this picture.
>My dick is 6.5 inches long.
>What should I do?
Find a dwarf who likes smaller cocks or tell her that you love her and do not mind of she dates other men for sex. Before we were married my wife expressed that she would be seeking satisfaction outside our marriage and that was a condition if we were to be married. Small-dick guys have few choices if we love women who like bigger cocks. Before you fags all flame saying I am a cuck: I know that I am a cuckold and am proud to be the submissive cuckold of a sexy lovely sweet smart lady.

6.5"?? I was born with one longer than that. Now my dick books its own seat next to mine when we fly.