Race is a social construct

Race is a social construct

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but mental illness isn't

Is it though?

What is your definition of race?

Do you mean nationality is a social construct? Cuz I thought that you could do genetic testing to figure out details that most people would classify as "race"

What? No. Race, like gender are biological. You can change your culture but you can't change your race just like you can change your sexuality but you can't change your gender.

>can't change your gender

You can't change your chromosomes, but there are plenty of ways chromosomes can be fucked up anyways. A person can, for practical purposes, change their gender. Outside of Tropic Thunder, I'm not sure I've seen someone try to change their race.

>practical purposes

Apart from breeding, of course. Fake pussy don't give you a uterus.

Yes but genetically we are so similar it is pointless to use race as a category. Look up the human gene bottleneck / toba explosion. We are closer to each other genetically than most chimpazines are to other chimps.


Race is a pointless metric by which to measure people and race is a social construct (or does not exist) are different arguments.

I agree this is why Israel needs open borders. We need to encourage Israeli women to breed exclusively with African men. Israeli men should breed with each other by fucking each other in the ass. For a bright future for Israel we must open the borders and Israeli women must open their legs exclusively to African men who will breed the new and improved Israeli generation. Race is a social construct and Israel will pave the way to prove it. A truly progressive nation like Israel needs to be the first truly open bordered country.

yes, sure. no genetics involved or anything. nope.

chihuahuas aren't mastiffs.

Yes, its a social construct. And we use it to keep socially shit cultures at bay. Race being a social construct doesnt make certain races any less socially shitty.

Lol, sjw trash making their own definitions for words that have been defined over a century.

Different faces make race real huh? And they are idenfiable after the whole world made race an issue in like the 1600s to gain free labor power. Wow I would never expect an ideology that stuck around that long to sink in roots. Oh wait there is this thing called religion that does that all the time and people preach the same way they preach this racist garbage. Also mouthy Buddha is trash too but that's besides the point.

i agree with you op there is no such thing as race. hitler didn't target any particular races because race doesn't exist. it is a social construct.

I guess but one logically follows the other so I don't get your point very well.

>Different faces make race real huh

No, but genetics do. Kinda hard to argue the science behind it when I can send a saliva swab and 50 Euro to a company that can accurately tell me how much nigger I have in me.

And yet all the scientists working in genetics say race isn't a scientific term...

Or are you now going to say it's all a big conspiracy against your Sup Forums autistic beliefs?

>And yet all the scientists working in genetics say race isn't a scientific term...
that is certainly not true here in China

Different races are the result of millions of years of evolution. We all adapted to suit our own unique climates. Modern living makes most of those adaptations useless, but they're still a part of our heritage. Kind of insulting to say that we just made it up for no good reason.

That's because their scientific research is controlled by the state, and they have to put out propaganda that chinese are superior to americans and europeans. It's not true, though.

only white people can be this delusional

My point again is the level it effects people is like how hair color effects people. Yes there are certain genetics that go with race like sickle cycle enemia. But the big point is race has no bearing on a person and how they act. Just a fucking cosmetic skin like in God dam csgo, but everyone here likes to act like it is the great divider of people. It's not, it's stupid, and a super old idea. Plus it just makes you look dumb.

So what if she’s getting her tits out consensually virgin

as a jew i am in agreement with you. there is no reason to not let in refugees who really need help into europe/us/canada/australia you should integrate them by breeding with them and converting to islam. together we can progress the world into a better future. embrace our diverse cultures into one. we are all one people.

Reminder race denialists are pretty much flat earthers

>And yet all the scientists working in genetics say race isn't a scientific term...

Bro listen. Its okay. We're not actually all racists. You don't have to come here in a fucking tizzy about race not existing. Race is like breeds of dog. Different sizes, looks capablities, but they all got the spirit of dogs. Like humans of all races got spirit of human. Please. Stop being a fucking faggot

Races are real.
There’s humans, elves, half orcs, halflings, gnomes, tieflings, aasimar, half elves, dragonborn, and many more.

I didn’t know that csgo skins could change your IQ and physiology

Nice strawman faggot.
Everyone knows the earth is carried on the back of 4 elephants sitting on top of a giant turtle.
Get the fuck outta here, you grow up in Africa or some shit?

so? does not make me like niggers or other shitskins

No see that's mainly environment and nurture factors but please explain childhood development too me.

>yet all the scientists working in genetics say race isn't a scientific term

Quite wrong; they hesitate to use the word race but they certainly do use terms like "Negroid", "Asian" and "Caucasian" when categorizing people genetically.


“intelligence appears to increase over time, from about 20 percent in infancy to 40 percent in childhood to 60 percent in adulthood”

enviornment can not even be seperated from your genes anyway, your enviornment is a product which you craft determinant on your genetic ability

Stop repeating useless ideas. And you are because your actions continue this stupid crap. It's like a forced meme that gets people lynched or beaten or just treated like shit for nothing.Trust me I know I grew up in one of the most racist parts of the country. Also just fuck off, if you don't like my reaction don't say stupid shit. Write some OC fag rather than racism so old it's in my fucking history books.

He means creating different groups because of outward appearances is autistic.

Would you classify your family members as a different race if they had a different color eyes?

my rabbi was talking about this a month ago about how people need to realize we are just one people and need to live together. there is no reason why people in africa and the middle east cant go live and breed with the locals in europe. we are all one people.

should have included the full quote
>Another particularly interesting recent finding is that the genetic influence on measured intelligence appears to increase over time, from about 20 percent in infancy to 40 percent in childhood to 60 percent in adulthood

So as they develop more and more genes get turned on it effects your intelligence. What causes certain genes to turn on and off. Environmential factors. Thanks for wasting my time.

Low quality bait.

You have to go back

>there is no reason why people in africa and the middle east cant go live and breed with the locals in europe. we are all one people

Here's a reason.

The cultural practices in some of those regions are barbaric and grind up against our own. Why in the fuck would we adopt the culture these people are fleeing from in our own home?

“enviornmental factors” are all biological and this genetic in origin


I don't think you understood your sentence. Environmental factors vary and do affect biology and the genes expressed by creatures. But sorry nature and nurture are fundamentally different, hence the idea of 50 percent nature 50 nature. Which you seem to think is just 100 percent nature. Did you finish high-school? Or not take any pysch electives?

your enviornment is a product of your creation, a result of your genetics. This is how it is taught here

Their are races it's just that their aren't any consequences for being a different race their are just people with shitty views about life and there are people who don't have shitty views no one is immune to life's stupidity.

Interesting, does this hypothesis account for your environment being altered by other people imposing their genetics onto your environment? A proverbial hand in the cookie jar if you must.

>other people imposing their genetics onto your environment?
this is exactly how the thinking goes, that this makes envionrment and genetic causes inseperable

the enviornment in which people are raised in and which is said to be a factor is itself an expression of the genetics of those surrounding them. sorry if it it not making sense english is not one of my primary languages

Yes but you aruge that genetics is the most important. Which it is not. Also you create your enivorment. Explain that to me in a modern day scenario. I created what about the city I live in? I created the people around me and their ideas. Does history exist in this view of yours? Or like culture? This is two sides of a coin. Both are valid. Using one to justify racist crap is just stupid again.

whats with the pic? what race is she?

>what about the city I live in?
the city you live in and it’s affects on your development are a creation of people and an expression of the phenotype. a city in Japan will have more positive influenece on you than a city in Congo or Tinredae, but is this enviornment bot created by biological organism? History, diet, politics, everything is a creation of people and their DNA



>expression of the phenotype

Don't use words you don't understand.

>composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits, such as its morphology, development, biochemical or physiological properties, behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird's nest).
>behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird's nest).
products such as the city which it may create


said every nigger ever

I mean again you can go to that logical extreme I guess. But it's not like genes are written in stone. A traumatic experience can turn on or off genes that may not have been active in your DNA. Or bad cell replication. As DNA as the original instructions I see your side better now. But sorry fall more in favor of human agency than that. And I like favor hard determinism as a concept. I think culture, environment, and memes set the limits for people's expressions. Like George Orwell with his ideas in 1984 that limited language limits thought. Bad or limiting environments whether cultural or family related shape people more then their starting genes by about 50 percent. Genes are the other 50.

keep telling yourself that schlomo.

>behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird's nest).

Show me where you got this form.

As I was taught, phenotypes are this

>composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits

Not the byproducts of society.


brb refunding my education


eveyone with a western education should do the same
mine cost no money at all, and there was no state sponsored obfuscation of quantitative genetics

Alright then Good Will Hunting, I am sure this anecdote is only going reinforce your delusions regardless of what happens next.

Good luck with all the internet arguments.

many people criticise the genetic determinism hypothesis as absurd absolutism, but this idea that enviornment can be seperated from genetics is equally derided here

True, some people never grow and shit post in b

Okay, yes the idea of race is made up. Its just another way for people to be like "us vs them" people like being on sides(fucking losers) if we had a species destroying humans then you'd see how people would group together to be on another level of "us vs them". Second I see that when you mostly think of race then you might consider lineage of ancestors and genetic make up from past generations adapting genetically to their surrounding by skin pigment and physical conditioning. So yes its made up, but you faggots are to shallow to let it go because all you see is just the outer layer of a person.

Amen my friend

No its not, you jew

Do what? That doesn’t make it invalid or meaningless. It’s still very important and has a big effect on things

This happens when Sup Forums talks seriously.