Does anybody remember when a cop-killing black man was exalted as the King of Sup Forums?

Does anybody remember when a cop-killing black man was exalted as the King of Sup Forums?

We used to celebrate people who shat on the system, and now I see this board - and site in general - flooded with 80,000 newfags who think that Blue Lives Matter and use the word "nigger" without a single hint of irony.

Why has this site changed so much in such a short timeframe?

Sup Forums has always been racist, sexist, and every other -ist in the book. If you think this is new behavior I have some bad news about who the newfag is.

I miss Chocolate Rambo

yeah pretty much this we always hated niggers.

Yes, Sup Forums has always been anti-black and anti-woman, but it also wasn't particularly pro-anything, either.

Back in the day, when we called you a nigger or spammed your answering machine with rape threats, we did it because it was funny, not because we saw Sup Forums being touted as an "alt-right forum" by Faux News or CNN.

The man in the picture was a great and inspiring individual who committed an act on unquestionable bravery and heroism.

When it happened, most Sup Forumstards agreed with me, because what he did was lulzy as fuck and struck real fear into the hearts of the NORP law enforcers.

Now people complain about cops getting shot like it's not one of the greatest things you could do for this country and, more importantly, for the lulz.

The lulz.

That's why we do it.

Sup Forums has forgotten this.


What are you, a nigger?

You saw this frog>? Is so funny
There are a lot of pictures of this guy out there

It's not easy to draw the line between what we hate more, cops or niggers. Maybe we just like to see niggers and cops killing each other.

I remembah that mista.

Back when blacks got some balls.

Today they are all being kicked and killed by mexicans straight outta Compton.