Etherem beg thread?

Etherem beg thread?

some Sup Forums tard will get lucky one day.
Wish you all luck

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how do i advertise on Sup Forums op?

I could give you couple of btc now but fuck it now I'm too lazy
ethereum? fuck this do not invest - in a week it will reach about 478$

no really how do i advertise on Sup Forums?

You only investing in bitcoin? If not, what else do you think is a solid option?

In case you feel motivated enough to send some BTC to an internet stranger, feel free to send here.

Happy to get whatever you are willing to send. Or not. Will take what i can get.

Not to sure on where Etherium is going to go though, looks on the way back up?

iota and ripple in 3 days

I think I'm gonna go big on ripple tomorrow. Why 3 days?

Why do you think it'll drop to $478? The support was 620 euros for the last two weeks.

because you buy cheap and bbc is expensive