"I-if you don't..*sniffle*... s-stop making fun of me I-I'll s-SUE YOUUUU!!! *sniffle*"

>"I-if you don't..*sniffle*... s-stop making fun of me I-I'll s-SUE YOUUUU!!! *sniffle*"
>publisher changes release date to the next day
>becomes audible #1 best seller

You guys were right. Drumpf is a great deal maker. He tried to stop a pretty unknown book that would have flown under the radar from getting published, and made it release the next day as Amazon's top seller. I am getting tired of all of this winning! MAGA!

you misspelled im mentally retarded again

stay mad kid

Sure kiddo

stay mad kid

It doesn't matter; conservatives can't read.

Biggest POS dotard loser on the planet. His followers are retarded as fuck.

I love the way that POTUS has to use playground insults, thinking it makes him look like a big boy
>Little Rocket Man
>Crooked Hillary
>Sloppy Steve

Here's another for him
>Orange moron

funny how this guy is going to play the left with this book.

so weak

so mad
stay mad little boy

Sure kiddo

helps derail thread.
so easily used

Trump is actually quite a smart guy.

His businesses have a lot to do with branding, even before running for president he was quite well known. He acquired much of his publicity from picking fights with people and throwing insults around. He became president through similar means (as well as selling himself to people pretty effectively)

This may have been an error on his part, perhaps he didn't want this to happen. But he thrives on attention and whether or not that is positive or negative attention, he doesn't seem to care. Just look at his election campaign. During a the campaign he also leaked a video of himself pretending to be one of his employees over the phone to a reporter. Look it up.

Sure kiddo

He can't sue, it's just bluster.

If he sues, then Wolff and the publisher will be able to have their claims examined in court, calling witnesses under oath. POTUS could never stand up to that, as if only 10% is true, it'd be seen to be legally true and Donnie's thin skin and insecurity would never allow that.

But what Donnie has done by getting all butthurt (against the advice of his team) is to draw attention to the book and give it some credence because of the level of invective.

I cannot imaging any other world leader acting so immaturely, with the possible exception of Kim.

as I said
so easily used


sure kid
you lawyer?
you must be some butthurt kid then

Did you read the part where Trump wanted Hillary to be president instead of him?

Didn't think so.

Sure kiddo

proves he doesn't know shit


like I care kid
the gullible in action

You don't have to be a lawyer to apply a little bit of logic.

You do, however, have to be a retard to pepper a thread with "sure kiddo", thinking it constitutes a response

sure kid
stay mad

sure kid
stay mad

get a room and circle jerk each other you fucking niggers.

Actually, I corrected my own typo before anyone else did, using it as evidence why my post can be disregarded

stay mad kid


Just answering this retard

stay mad kid

The book raises some interesting questions

If Trump didn't want to be president, why did he collude with Russia to win the election?

for the simple minded it would

so gullible

such a retarded answer
not suprised. it doesn't take much brain power to sit around and bitch

ok kid
so easily used

Havent read the book, but I heard excerpts where people in the campaign looked scared and stunned as shit on election night. The whole "Trump is so disconnected and shit at this, there's no way he actually wanted to win" thing was just a meme, but then independent third parties witness them literally dreading that they won. Shit is cray man

sure kid
stay mad little bitch

haven't read the book but let me quote it.
so weak
so desparate

Now kiss.

back to facebook with the lot of you niggerfaggots jesus christ

sure kid

so weak
lay off the soy kid

>"you havent read the book so that means that the information is irrelevant even though it is literally in the book as evidenced by people who have read it"

Trumpies grabbing for straws as usual

Trumps a dumbass but anybody who believes this fucking book is even more of a moron than trump.its partisan politics.plain and simple.divide and conquer and y'all idiots eat up the propaganda and form your baseless opinions and think you're smart for having an opinion.fucking degenerate retards

try to stay in reality kid.
so you read someones tailor made opinion.
special made just for you.
so special
so retarded

>claims everything in the book is a lie
>send lawyers to threat with a cease and desist for revealing confidential information

the retard can't even stick with his own version that the book is full of lies

Yeah I regret voting for this Israeli slut.

Fuck this moron.

the funny part is they are paying for it,

cool feels bro

"I call people kid which makes me superior to them"

this retarded

>the absolute state of trumpcucks

Nice mental breakdown you spastic faggot

sure kid
stay mad

you do? thats nice

stay mad kid

"I try to be condescending by ignoring quotation marks"

Oh yeah that would've never been attractive to liberals.

>How Trump's administration sucks

Are liberal bubbles this small?

He tried to stop the publishing because it is all bullshit. Wolff himself put a disclaimer in the front in which he stated that the contents came from sources that couldn't be verified, were blatantly untrue, or contradicted each other. Wolff himself has a reputation form being wrong or just making shit up, that's why he was let go from the Washington Post. Anyone who takes anything in this book seriously is the true retard. That being said, simply ignoring this piece of toilet paper and issuing a statement disputing the contents within would probably have been a better move, the press would've forgotten about it in a couple days.

stay mad kid

"I say stay mad kid because it makes me feel superior. I am such a good internetter"

Also I have a mutha fuckin toblerone, I couldn't be mad if a badger was clawing my balls

I know, can't wait.

>triggered trumpanzee

Wolff was considered super nice from the trump team until he wrote this book.
Maybe because non of these retards read anything, Wolff book about Murdoch should have ring a bell, especially given how close they are with Murdoch.
This administration is just plain incompetent and treasonous.

sure jew
stay kike

over a year later OP still not come to grips with losing in 2016

sure kid
you replied with speculation as to my eating habits.
talk about losing big time.

>y-you are trying to talk shit about me and my great achievements

the only shit the retard has done is cutting taxes for corporations and millionaires and make Israel the greatest ally

So much for the man who was the little guy champion...

answers with speculation.
another loser

read the book, dumbass. it addresses both

stay mad kid

Those... Those are my eating habits you illiterate lil trumpy. It's my toblerone, get your own

>trump won election
>is now exempt from all criticism and can do no wrong

Cuckservatives are such shills, my god

over a year later user is still a dumb piece of shit

dumbass reads book,
still clueless

so you fat pig then?
not suprised.
still speculating
now you just a fat loser

specualtion. the tell tale sign of a loser

how much jewcocks do you take in that ass daily homie?

>So much for the man who was the little guy champion...

A New York billionaire is the champion of the Little Guy? That's retard level stupid right there.

stay mad kid

stay mad

> Claims speculation
> Speculates about emotional state, weight, age

Holy fuck. I didn't even include like 15 more posts from you. Are they paying you per post Ivan, or do you actually have this little to do in life?

more speculation
time to give it up kid

stay mad little boi

sue the donald and he sues you for sueing him

this retarded

> Speculates on my speculatory habits
> Speculates on me not being bored enough to carry this on

it's because of the freedom you have as an american citizen
think about it..

Why can't you and your President accept VERY BASIC criticism? Every other President did. Your blind support is not normal...even though you surround yourself with that kind of media and friends. It's not normal outside of your very finite comfort zone.

Trump is unfit to be President. his skin is much too thin. he can't deal with high profile satire, criticism, or even being called out on his own bullshit. He's little more than a sandlot bully in a 70ish year old man's body that has ALOT of money invested in it to look younger... sort of.

He's insucure, childish, wayward, unprofessional (I.e. Poltically incorrect. Same thing, except poltical correctness in the corporate world is called professionalism), and his utter lack of political experience is abundantly clear in his incessant tweets talking about how big his nuclear dick is compared to North Korea's. That man is gonna get a bunch of Civilians killed and alot of viable land lost to fallout if he keeps pushing the baby-faced dictator.

Mutually Assured Destruction seems to be the only reason Baby Face Unn hasn't pushed his nuke button yet, but the man is unstable, insecure, and megalomaniacal enough to do it anyway if pushed hard enough, even though he'll lose hard and he knows it. The fact of the matter is that participating in this dick waving contest is a dangerous gamble with innocent civilian lives that we can't recover after wiping North Korea off the face of the earth. The damage would still be done and nothing we can muster can even come close to making reparations.

Because Russia knows America will be weaker under Trump instead of Hillary, leaving them vulnerable to them.

>has a reputation form being wrong or just making shit up
Just like Trump then.

he keeps replying trying to get the last word in.

you haven't.
that much is obvious

Who fucking cares?
>well, I guess boatloads of butthurt klinton voters that need a new blankie.

Then again millions bought that crap Dianetics from the $ientolgi$t kook.

yes because accusing him of raping his children is basic criticism

I'm ill, I'm bored, I have most of my toblerone left.

I am ready