


>File: so1.png 1515167697145.png (123 KB, 496x622)File: so1.png (123 KB, 496x622)

i can take screenshots of you and post you. why are you posting this? meta is the worst kind of shitposting.

>I love you too

I love you too

>I have a relative that insulted and threatened me last night. Any tips?

i don't really know what to tell you. do what you can.

>OP your back! Now show Bob

...does it look like i have...

>The latter, he thinks it's "fake shit."

a lot of people think acting nice is fake.

a lot of people think acting mean is real.

i have the scars to prove it.

>I meant the only time I imitated you was the stupid "fund my site" play. Sorry I'm not the person you thought I was.

you also imitate me with the number thing. that's similar to what they were doing. except they saved my exact images. oh. if true.

to be honest. i don't like you fighting. because it is toxic. and self-destructive. here. right now. sincerely. i have seen this many times before. that's why i would sort of rather be treated as i was before or have you leave or apologize.
