Do you still own any VHS movies? If so, what are they?

Do you still own any VHS movies? If so, what are they?

>Cheech and chongs next movie
>Falklands War documentary

Other urls found in this thread:

A shit ton
>the Star Wars ot, rambo, die hard, mission impossible, tombstone, every godziller movie

only a couple snuff films

I've got a few, but not as much as some of the hardcore collectors.

No, I'm not an old geezer.
You old fucks should leave Sup Forums asap.

Why do you keep them all

Thank fuck most of gen y will be killed off when hillary invades Russia

a box of probably 100 full of shit my grandmother taped over the years

it's almost depressing because she thought it'd be useful now I have all of it at my fingertips.

Simple answer is nostalgia. I spent a lot of afternoons on rental shops with my dad. I'd spend hours pulling out tapes and marvelling at the box art. I'm a big horror fan and VHS is a super important part of the genres history.

>those floating mugs

I donated all of my video tapes to the Victorville films archive.

Watch some

I think a ton of vhs movies will be lost over time


>star wars
>a ton of old mst3k tapes (keep distributing)
>evil dead 1 and 2
>bunch of old anime
>jingle all the way
>quite a few disney stuff like aladdin
>old monster movies
>then a ton of stuff i recorded

what's a VHS? I own an xbox 360 if that's what you mean.

I have a shit ton of porn I recorded from cable, also a lot of animes and some episodes of pete & pete a d clarisaa

VHS is one of the worst data storage methods ever

It actually deteriorated with use. Man one thing I wont ever miss is fucking VHS tapes fuck that shite.

My grandfather has over 1000 tapes of about 6 hours each (mostly movies.) Surprisingly, his vhs is more than 20 yo and is still going strong, except for a missing button. They made stuff to last back then.

I've seen so many movies at his place while growing up. Some of them aren't even on dvd yet.

space jam

Yeh the tape in some of mine are covered in mould

I have a large pile of them in my garage, underneath my DVD/laserdisc pile.

Not true. Unless you buy shitty quality tapes. I have old tapes that are more than 25 yo and my dad, then me, used to play them several times a week for years because they were our favorite movies and they still look great and don't have any problems.

>shitty quality tapes
ie all of them?

There will be. Considering tape mold and tapes being binned I'm sure we've lost a tonne of stuff already (probably nothing of great value tho).

That sounds like a gold mine. I love tapes recorded off of tv, it's a window to the past.

Tape mold can be fixed, but it's time consuming. Whatever you do, don't try and play the tape, it'll perma fuck your vcr.

DVDs are worst. You can watch a VHS tape hundreds of times, pause, rewind, etc. without any major degradation. Do the same with a DVD and it becomes useless and can serve you as a shiny coaster for a glass full of your own tears.

VHS has life expectancy of 30-40 years, if stored properly. A non-rewritable DVD is supposed to last 100-200 years, but anons ITT won't be around to put that to a test. DVD-RW will degrade in 5-10 years.

>I love tapes recorded off of tv, it's a window to the past.
So do I. Most of them are on youtube/torrents.

A lot of the dvds you can buy cheap are actually low-quality dvd-rw. That's why they get fucked after less than a dozen viewings or so.

A good quality dvd costs more but is worth it if you intend to watch what's on it a lot/keep it for a long time.

I've got some tape rips downloaded that are a lot of fun to watch. I've also got a lot of tapes recorded by my parents from back in the day. Great stuff.

I love when people get proof of something people thought was just a rumor/urban legend. Like that special episode of Too Close For Comfort/The Ted Knight Show where Monroe gets rape by two women. For years people claim it wasn't real, but some guy had it on vhs and put it on youtube.

It was actually a pretty decent episode.

>I'm sure we've lost a tonne of stuff already (probably nothing of great value tho).
Arguably of cultural value though

Somebody even taped max headroom TV pirate

Single layer DVD-R burned real slow is your best chance to keep 5.4 GB of data for your entire life.

Unfortunately I haven't had a disc drive in my PC since 2011.

what kind of question is that
anyone who used vhs has dozens upon dozens of them

DVDs were supposed to last near forever. Is that not the case?

Factory made ones or non-rewritables. RW will turn to shit in a decade.

And autistic manchildren that frequent Sup Forums are real bad at throwing old trash out

>only a couple Reddit films


This is true. The biggest loss of film has been film kept on nitrate stock. Estimates put it at over a 70% loss, and up till the 40s (ish) that was the stock of choice.

The princess bride
The shining
Saturday night fever

That's all

>tfw lots of 70s/80s low-budget horror vhs
>lots of italian horrors/post-apo movies

My most prized VHS possession is the very underated erotic psychological thriller Zandalee with the masterful Nicholas Cage

>The reddit bride

Beatles - A Hard Days Night
Beatles - Yellow Submarine
Puff the Magic Dragon
Willy Wonka (the old one with the freaky-ass boat ride)

that's literally all of them, they haven't been played in years. but they all worked back then, idk if they are still intact.

all in original boxes too

Double, Double Toil and Trouble
The Baby-Sitters Club

I don't even have a VHS player

Now you've done it. Now you've done it!

You had to mention reddit didn't you? look at what you have done now you bufoon

What the fuck did you just fucking say about reddit, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Nindo Ryu Bujutsu Kai school of ninjutsu, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla welfare and I’m the top kyūdōka in the entire Japanese armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another fagglet. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about reddit over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of ninjuns across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, faggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bear hands. Not only am I extensively trained in one arm wombat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Afrikan Famine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shill furry all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I had dozens, including some pornos nabbed when Playboy channel was working for free for whatever reason (god bless the buggy cable network of the 90s). this started when i was about 7 years old and could operate a VHS.

i'm 30 now and none of these VHS are around anymore. some were destroyed, most got tossed when my parents died and i had a ton of horseshit to get rid of.

i make haunted video tapes on purpose and leave them in spooky abandoned houses for people who aren't very nice to find and watch so that Bad Things happen

i loved the smell of vhs cassette

I did that for real. I used to spend a lot of time on /x/ though.

did you also make one good film, one mediocre film, and one really bad film about it though