So user, it sounds like you're saying African-Americans are just inherently more prone to criminal behavior?
So user, it sounds like you're saying African-Americans are just inherently more prone to criminal behavior?
Bentley Howard
Chase Mitchell
are these people only drinking water?
Anthony Ortiz
Michael Campbell
Its obviously a vineyard you uncultured swine. Water is the pallete cleanser. But of course someone from /b would go to a vineyard in california and expect mountain dew.
Evan Martin
why are peasants talking about the crime-rate of African-Americans?
Anthony Gutierrez
i was just watching lock up on netflix and yeah, 80% of the inmates were melaninmen
Oliver Taylor
what's a vineyard?
Hudson Russell
Niggers are like a mixture of all the most annoying members of the animal kingdom. They look like chimpanzees. They're loud like howler monkeys. They steal shit like hyenas. They run in gangs like baboons. They get shot like deer.
Mason Fisher
that is the beautiful lauren southern
Luis Smith
Where wine grapes are grown...