Why is everyone so mad about the Logan Paul video...

Why is everyone so mad about the Logan Paul video, the only remotely "joking" thing he does in the whole video is just says to his friend "what you've never been near a dead body before", is this whole thing just something for bored SJW to get triggered at?

I have no idea what youre talking about
give me an tl;dr or go fuck yourself.

>Logan Paul
>Log of shit
>Andy Sixx

Watch Japanese yuta explain why. it's not that he's not funny or tasteless or dumb or doesn't have an ounce of class, it's the lack of respect he has towards everybody and everything.

Hi! from youtube section?

I actually saw his response and tbh I thought the shit he was doing in the other vids that Yuta showed were more disrespectful than just filming a corpse

Yea same. The corpse thing was over hyped to hell. At least when jackass was there they knew when to chill out.

the sjw can't figure out how to fit this into the racism or sexism box, so they get angry about things that confuse them. it wouldn't be a big deal if they stopped getting angry and insulted by literally everything.


logi bear

Idk man, to be honest the video didn’t offend me as someone who has struggled with suicidal thoughts, but at the same time nothing other than personal attacks in front of my face really does.

I think the reason this was blown out of proportion was for a few different reasons.

1. It was in Japan and a bunch of weebs want to act like they are cultured by talking about how “serious” suicide is over there as opposed to here.

2. You have your standard sjw snowflakes who are offended by everything.

3. The Paul brothers are an easy target, and I feel if this video came from a less notorious youtuber it probably would of blown over by now.

Maybe I’m wrong and people actually do care because of rainbows and blowjobs, idk.

ITT: clueless sociopaths

Found the tween!

I love these threads. You can see just how full of 11-14yr olds Sup Forums is. They post about what is important to them...faggot YT'ers

Far too many.

the only part I found funny was that he needed to put on his Gucci jacket first.

Mostly because it's a "Youtuber"

Anything to do with that pathetic subset of overgrown autists is automatically going to annoy and enrage the functional adult male

you are too young or corrupt to know what decency means.
you can google it, maybe?
I doubt you'll understand the meaning tho.

I saw the whole video and it really wasnt that bad. nothing to get mad at really

or maybe I'm too old to care.

>Why is everyone so mad about the Logan Paul video....is this whole thing just something for bored SJW to get triggered at?

>Why is....
They're not. It's not a thing. You are the echo chamber

Latchkey tweenagers on the internet

>so mad
Literally no one who has ever mattered cares at all or has ever cared

>Logan Paul video
Who? Oh the kid STILL trying to tobbogan that corpse down to actual fame

>bored SJWs
Nope, even they have realer things to worry about

Thank you, yes.

Go home Logan, no one cares about your publicity stunt

yeah preety much

I'm 26 actually and at what point did I say I had any personal appreciating towards him? Just commenting on a topic that's currently making headlines...

Cuz he's a YouTuber and we will take any chance to take down YouTubers

Because the only thing more easily upset than a SJW is the Japanese and their communal delusion about suicide and honor. They really just pretend it doesn't happen except in anime.

>Nope, even they have realer things to worry about
>has one of the fastest growing petitions ever going against him to get his account removed from YT

sure thing bro

you care enough or else sjw's wouldn't be able to trigger you so easily

>they have realer things to worry about
They really don't. Remember, SJWs usually are the same kind of nitpicky retards who genuinely think men sitting on a train with their legs apart somehow oppresses an entire gender.

They should have mentioned that people with depression are defective, and suicide is nature's way of correcting the problem.

Suicide is natural and should be embraced for those wanting to do so, its the best fir the person, society, and Humanity.

yeah I'm totally triggered. thanks for the diagnosis, cock doc

Are industrial accidents nature’s way of killing the inferior pieces of shit who dared stand in the area where a peice scrap metal happend to fall?

What about people killed in thrill kills, is it their faults for having crossed paths with a sociopath?

What about that guy killed in that swatting incident, is it his fault for having the address that he had?

Shit happens you sheltered faggot.



>Are industrial accidents nature’s way of killing the inferior pieces of shit who dared stand in the area where a peice scrap metal happend to fall?

Yes. That is why smart people from advaced cultures came up with safety regulations, and spent time, money, and man power enforcing them. If you die on the job, either you are faulty and didnt follow the rules, or your culture is to backward to make safety rules because they don't value life anyway.

>What about people killed in thrill kills, is >it their faults for having crossed paths >with a sociopath?

If that sociopath was aloud to self terminate, society would not be burdened with their defects.

>What about that guy killed in that >swatting incident, is it his fault for >having the address that he had?

Worthless attacking the worthless. Both the victim and the perpetrator were gamer lowlifes. One is dead, and the other is in jail (out of society). Kind of like when gang members kill each other. "And nothing of value was lost"

>Shit happens you sheltered faggot.

Yes it does, and the weak go away, and the alpha thrives.

>If you die on the job, either you are faulty and didnt follow the rules, or your culture is to backward to make safety rules because they don't value life anyway.

Because no system ever fails. Ever.

You're retarded.

>about the LOGan paul

Go to liveleak, industrial accidents, traffic accidents, even the elevator and escalator accidents from China and SEA, cultures that put very low value on safety also tend to have a very low value of human life. Places where suicide is only delt with as formality, but no one really cares.

In Japan's case, they are demographically fucked and the young people know their defective culture is dying, and the middle age know there is no hope for an honorable death.

Suicide IS the solution. That guy from the YT vid, the White Western guy, the wealthy alpha, was pointing out the shortcomings of a defective society.

Didn't see video and don't have to. Logan Paul is actually pretty intelligent about building viewership. The point of the video wasn't to make a joke or be disrespectful - the whole thing was to cause controversy. These guys are like ESPN (who just released a special item on how the Patriots are fighting over who deserves credit for their dynasty) - it's all about being the source that gets talked about.

>Accidents also happen here from faulty equipment and not every system is perfect. Unless you check your brakes and iron levels everyday by your own logic you have just been getting lucky and if should anything happen to you, you deserved it.

>Assuming psychopaths want to kill themselves.

>I admit the guy that was killed didn’t exactly look like a winner, but please explain to me how nature would of discriminated against him less if he was going to law school?

Right now I’m drunk as fuck, if a zeppelin were to crash into my house and I lacked the coordination to do some Batman shit and leap out of dangers way because of my intoxication am I to blame for deciding to drink?

If you drank all the zeppelin fuel then yeah.

It's not just SJWs mad at him though.

It's just that he does a bunch of stupid kid shit, like this dude is 22, who should know a little better at least. It's not necessarily that he showed the dead body it's how he acted with it. He went there for the intent to find a dead body and get views from it. Plus he's in another country, Japan to be exact, and he's doing what he shouldn't. Japan is all about respect and honor, and while they turn their heads to suicide, they wouldn't act like suicide isn't a big deal either.