So Sup Forums I fucked up and posted my gf on this site, now I need the thread gone...

So Sup Forums I fucked up and posted my gf on this site, now I need the thread gone. How cam I delete if it keeps telling me something went wrong? Also, are these posts archived anywhere? Can I get my posts off if there are? Really need some help Sup Forums
Also how easily could pics be traced? Not too much identifying info but maybe a location

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Haha you're fucked. Just don't do it again. She will be forgotten

And to answer your questions, yes there's archives of 404d threads and yes its easy to trace back. All i would need is the post number or post name and boiyah gf pics

Oh, and by the way to add on to what I was saying, no you can't delete it and take back the pics

What thread was it?

Haha you are boned my friend. And the pics contained full face right? And images from a social media.... yeah.. you dun goofed


The odds of it ever coming up again are very slim. There are literally 1000s of amateurs on here every hour. It's a drop in a massive ocean. Unless she plans on running for public office she will be fine.


Where are the archives? Hoping she gets forgotten soon
There must be some way to get them down
Obviously not gonna say
Yes I clearly fucked up and need to rectify

Go back to reddlt you retarded cunt