If you've been on the chans since 2008 or before then, how has your life turned out?
If you've been on the chans since 2008 or before then, how has your life turned out?
could be worse :P
newfag spotted.
Actual oldfag here, I quit school and live in a moldy tiny shit appartement. I make enough money to drink myself unconscious in the weekends and spend my free time playing video games. That's about it.
I'm a home owner and make a decent living. Friends, children, decent hobbies & interests.
I remember the old raids, the LOIC days and hope some of the fags who make me laugh back in the day are doing well.
Not bad. I'm just like anybody else my age these days. I think it's the kids browsing nowadays that might get a little fucky.
I miss when the web was terrible (slow, decentralized, less people, no faces attached to usernames--kind of an adventure to comb through search engines to discover cool shit) and memes were still called fads.
since 2008?
I failed two Colleges
my mother died cause of lung cancer
same time i started smoking
I spent years and years being unemployed
the few jobs i had i lost mostly after a couple of days
or weeks in best case
my father married again a retarded woman
who wants to throw me out and inherit the house
normal i guess
fucking shit but i wouldn't have it any other way.
i don't think memes even had names. I think even Sup Forums called it in-jokes or something.
Sup Forums was a nightmare to navigate though. No extensions, no catalog, forgot to type in noko? Say goodbye to your thread because you will never find it.
Ahh ye. YTMND called them 'fads,' and there was a lot of bleed between Sup Forums, YTMND and Something Awful, so young me figured recyclable jokeson the internet were all 'fads.'
>since 2003
>19 then
>33 now
>got my degree in computer science
>work as a programmer/consultant for 10+ years now
>like my job
>bought a house I like in the city
>great social life and great friends
>in a relationship since 2008
>had a daughter last year
>generally happy in life
Pretty good. The worst part about my life is still coming here.