I've just told my BFF that i love her, she replied with an evasive answer, but I know that she doesn't feel the same way I do. Sup Forums how do i fucking kill myself? quads gets to decide if its gonna be on stream
I've just told my BFF that i love her, she replied with an evasive answer...
Send her a dick pic
what for lmao, if i were a nigger that wouldn't be such a shame cuz mah dick is only 18cm long
As someone who has been in this situation for years — don't. You'll feel better. If the friendship is good, you won't lose it.
how could i stay in this friendship knowing that she'll date other guys, its like keeping a dog that bites you once a day but the rest of time he'll be just like a pet you always wanted. Its hard for me to end this friendship but i think i have no choice, I have fallen in love with her too fucking deep
Prolly with a gun to make sure. Live stream regardless
You learn to live with it. Eventually feelings fade, and if you're lucky your situation will change — either she'll fall for you or you'll fall out of love. Either is an improvement.
Then just say sorry I was drunk the next day kids and make up, least she seen your dick that’s as close as you’ll get
nah m8 it was an eye to eye i can't say that i was drunk bc i was clearly not XD she hasn't seen my dick yet kek
Fuck off. Don't listen to this faggot OP. The only thing you realize is that she isn't your BFF (also don't say BFF, only women and faggots say BFF). You want to say she's your BFF so you can imagine there's a stronger connection between the two of you than there is. Either move on and accept that you two aren't the friends your heart (dick) thinks wants you to be and go on with your life or kill yourself.
As for the killing yourself advice, sneak some upskirt pictures of your "friend" and print them out. Go in her closet with them and lay them on the floor. Tie a belt around your neck and begin jacking off. Try your hardest (pun) to cum before dieing.