Your age:
Number of women you've fucked:
>No trolling edition.
Your age:
Age: 25
Number of Women: 13? 14? I don't really remember. Had a desperate period in college where I fucked just about anyone who wanted to. Not really proud of some of my lays.
22 53 and counting ;)
I rarely go outside
I am trolling you.
You have been trolled.
dat ass
30 yr old kissless dateless friendless virgin
19 and 1
small dicked brainlet detected
haven't fucked in over a year and in a relationship of two years...
im glad someone said it
19 almost 20 never even kissed a girl I'm not bad looking and go to the gym 3 times a week
damn dude why the no sex?
Age: 20
Womens: 5, for 1 year the same one
Hardly been out of long term relationships my whole life
20, 2 women, 1 guy
one girl i was in a ldr with for 3 years, she finally came to stay for a week and we fucked like rabbits
one milf who let me cum in her ass
one guy who fucked me (im a trap)
honestly idk, she got yeast and then her pussy just tighten, she cant even use tampons
Full on penetrative sex: 7
Oral at least: 11 or 12 by now.
3 months since last lay.
Probably could have pulled in 5-10 more.They liked me, but I'm an autistic idiot.
Your age:29
Number of women you've fucked: 30+
I went crazy after my divorce to fill the void in my life. Now I have herpes
23 - 10
Most were gfs, had my first gf when I was 15 and wasn't single (or sexually inactive) for more than a three month span until I was 21 where I kinda stopped trying so hard to find girls and just waited for the right person. Found the perfect gf and we've been together for a year and a half now, she was 17 when we first started dating (in canada legal age is 16)
18, 2
dude get on her about that, she's just being a pussy. Get her a small dilation device like a really tiny dildo to just keep in when she's asleep and start moving up to larger ones until they're around your length and width, should work out fine
similar to me. Minus the herpes. In my early 20s I was going on horrible date after horrible date and had a ton of chicks that were super easy.
3 girls and one person who identifies as non gendered but was born with all the genitals that I as a cis male enjoy.
its either that or she doesn't want to fuck him/cheating
24, my guess is about 20
Honestly, I hated it in a way. My friends were jealous but they only saw one part of my situation
most likely doesn't want to fuck, no girl would prefer pads over tampons as they're basically wet diapers that get super messy and smell rank as fuck
Age: 18
Girls: 5
I did too. I wanted an actual relationship with steady sex and whatnot. It was so shit going on date after date with chicks that weren't what I was looking for or they were liars about one or multiple facets of their life.
Hahah, life's shitty, barley any bj's, a few handjobs, no sex, and i go down on her every weekend we meet...
thanks for pointing out what's what, people might have thought you fucked 18 binches at age 5
28 and like 4
Most of the people that post in these are full of shit.
I feel like I have not lived good enough because I've only fucked two chicks
I met a couple that liked them and also were worried about Toxic Shock Syndrome.
On top of spending so much money on dates.
Number of women - somewhere over 200
Females: 97
Males: 38
Overly sexually active transgirl. Ama.
> 28/3
> First gf, coworker, wife
> Extra points: also fucked a guy
It got bad... Usually it was half and half. Only some of them I would pay completely. I remember I took one chick to fucking Taco Bell lol.
Age: 27
Women Fucked: Around 50
Fucking somehow I was super popular in high school and college....and now I'm saddled down with a fat skank who currently pays my rent while I look for gigs. Kill me.
Girls: 1 Japanese and 1 Korean
Another one worked a a restaurant. She would get food from there and I would get us a hotel room (4hrs) and we did that for a few months.
thank you tinder
honestly dude you gotta ask yourself if you're down to be sexually frustrated for the foreseeable future, this kinda happened to me with an ex and I straight up said "we need to go on a break, I'm not getting my needs met". She was pissed off at first and I went off and slept with some girls in our grade 12 class but after about a month she begged me to take her back and she was much more sexually receptive and proactive after that. On the other hand you could just outright leave her and find somebody else, you've already acquired one gf, finding another is a matter of just asking girls out.
You'd have to be a legit retard to get toxic shock, but some people are pretty dumb so maybe it's a good idea if the girl is a complete space cadet
Tinder is fucking awful now. I used it 2yrs ago and would get matches like every other day. Its a ghost town now.
also stop eating her out, she kinda doesn't deserve that kind of attention anymore if she's so sexually frigid
I agree but chicks are fucking neurotic. I have met some that if you even mention the possible side effects they wont use it.
yeah Badoo has worked for me twice (it's full of bullshit profiles and freemium shit) but you can actually send girls messages without them having liked you and you can see when they're online
Agreed. If a girl did that to me or wouldn't reciprocate Id talk to her about it and if no improvement or willingness to change id move on.
Underage b&
5 cunts
stopped fuckin around some years ago, stdĀ“s are disgusting.. humans in general are disgusting...
29 yo
14 girls
3 that were worth my time
Thanks, that's good advice
Become rockstar. Profit.
if you count your sexual experiences youre a faggot. im 15, only fucked once but other experiences quite a few times for my age. i dont have a fucking list that i check back on like a creepy little faggot
> Be in college
> Have no idea how to get girls
dude wat get the fuck out of here
Im 41 and fucked 8 or 9. Always long relationships , but i was alone in 1998 and fucked 3 or 4 just for fuck itself.
Age: 19
Girls: 3
All of them being whores..
literally just make friends with some girls and don't be an awkward sperglord. Once you're friends with a couple girls and they know you're a safe, nice person you'll get introduced to their friend group and you can start testing the waters to see if anybody is into you. The reason getting girls is so hard when you've never done it before is because you have such heavy investment and intentions when you talk to any girl you find a suitable mate, the weight of that emotional investment and physical desire end up screwing up your ability to just be normal and laid back around them. The trick is to make friends with a couple girls that you mentally force yourself to see as people that you will never get with and that it simply isn't an option. Once you've moved past that you can be yourself and let your personality shine and you'll meet some of their friends and get invited to social gatherings and provided you aren't super fat or otherwise very unattractive you'll have a gf in no time (or at least lose your virginity)
pic related?
>soon Sup Forumsros
8 and hopefully 9 really soon
>Feels bad man
1, my fiance. She's wonderful.
Yes, it is true
But I realize my passion and hobby
21 3
27 fucked between 15 and 25 women {had a crazy 6 weeks on meth and ketamine and woke up next to naked girl in my bed a fair few times} and I've been with 18 guys {getting fucked}
Want to make double digits before I'm 20
went in approx. 10 dates on tinder. never succeed
Ketamine is just the best. Where does one go to go on these crazy weeklong benders?
3 different partners.
2 for a longer while.