What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


only people who have fun here are the ones who realize it's satire, others are paranoid schizophrenics

he means that he's a newfag

Fuck, even hiro falls into the trap of forgetting to add the extra /.

>le satire mayme

based gook moot

Mook is a beautiful asian boy.

/qa/ is reddit and tumblr put into one board.

All they do is bitch about Sup Forums

first post best post

also truth

What is he talking about? What did i miss?

The Jews fear the Samurai.

We are in safe hands.

It means he leaves the task of policing this shit hole to others

Link to the post for context?

reminder moot is a pedo



how many times do people on here have to say it, Sup Forums IS NOT SATIRE. Newfags from reddit come here and think it is then slowly become redpilled and racist


Do we have fun on Sup Forums?


He knows how to mine 'em though


> Pol is satire

keep thinking that.

mfw it's not satire and they really are mostly retarded conspiracy theorist.




t. Paranoid Shizophrenic

thread for context


the word "based" gets thrown around a lot these days, but...

If watching our countries come under sjw/feminist/liberal control and forced shitskin immigration are fun then, yeah.

I am having a blast.

It's called "plausible deniability" nigga.

The best part about this is that the Ozymandias face meme descends from a single autistic teenager shilling the abortion that was the Devil May Cry reboot on Sup Forums 24/7 until it came out and bombed harder than Hiroshima, yet people still use it to represent their favorable point of view without realizing they're subtly mocking themselves

Back to Sup Forums faggots. We dont want to listen to your tragically jealous projections. Maybe one day the president or times magazine will take notice of Sup Forums's best export, Dick Rate threads. But until that day comes we would appriciate if you queers would stop throwing a temper tantrum every time we make the headlines.

Thank you and kys faggots.

>j-just a c-coincidence, g-goy!

>Sup Forums is satire
Yes, the entirety of Sup Forums's posts are contributed by a Jewish comedy writer team that get's together to work with each other to create a board of perfect satire right? Who's the paranoid schizophrenic here? You can filter through the shitposts to get to actual facts on Sup Forums believe it or not and whether or not you buy bullshit on Sup Forums is your fault for not fact checking better.

delet this


Is that why Sup Forums constantly raids Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

This is a fucking anime image board and you people pretend you matter at all.

Those butthurt liberals and anime manchildren are begging him everyday to delete Sup Forums

Loving this meme. Fuck off, kike.

based gook moot destroying /qa/ faggots

You can't prove that.

Do we have any pics of her? Name sounds kawaii

>Is that why Sup Forums constantly raids Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
>S,Stop trolling my hugbox!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I should have told you back to /rk9/

This is Sup Forums website faggot. The quicker you learn this fact the less triggered you will be come.

or cry over >muh lost anime

You're retarded m8

This is Sup Forums's website. It gets the most traffic by far. Also, Sup Forums is more easily triggered than SJWs.

>Your the Conspiracy Theorist!!!!

>Let me tell you all about my unfounded Conspiracy

Kek. Just kill yourself.


Here ya go:
