Did they get this kid at a discount or something?

did they get this kid at a discount or something?
>acting is shit
>looks are shit

is it me or looks like she had Botox already?

>reverse search the image on google
>"The Flash"

Your fault for watching capeshit, plebus.

she was a lot more cute in Fargo

capeshit or not. there is no excusing this one
at all

really looks like a discount daddario

Hoping it was just poor direction

Am I looking at something from a character creation screen?

Fuck that was the girl from Fargo?

How can the CW ruin someone so bad?

Joey King's a disney brat but she's a really solid child actor

That's just Flash having bad direction

Whats this from?


she's always been fucking weird looking

>Terrible looks
>Average actor
>Decent Career

Do I even need to check her ethnicity?

She looks like a pudgy teenager which is fine

Just sucks for her because her fat went to her face whilst her sister's went to her tits

Kind of. Though the wardrobe makes things worse

Her face is so squishy

I think it's cute

She looks like a crackhead version of chloe

a FEMALE crackhead version

She looks so fucking gross and retards on this board have her as a waifu

Someone left her in the microwave too long


you guys are mean


So, what's this from?

>"We want the maisie williams fandom"
>"Don't worry senpai, i just have what you're looking for"



DSL Queen

I like that Gyrados tank top in the background.


her sister is an Emmy Award winning actress

damn those are some emmy award winning titties

Her sister doesn't look like a freak wearing a rubber human mask

Dude she's a fucking child, it's perfectly fine for kids to have babyfat on their faces.

Good for kisses too

Why the fuck are her lips so big compared to her head?

For extra long kissing sessions.

Jesus fucking christ she's fuckable


>Hey, let's put the worst possible lighting on this person

>one thigh high boots
>one barefoot
they know anons

How old was she when she started sucking cock?


It's just a bad makeup/hair combo made on purpose to give to the impression she is a bit crazy. She is a qt irl.

was not talking about the makeup look
was talking about a very bad performance in the last Flash episode.

you are free to watch and judge for yourself

Holy fucking shit


Oh sorry, I don't watch capeshit.

>literally named Joey

nah, don't even bother

I think that most of them migrated to cripplechan

Give me more lewd joy plz. Anyone have her twerking vids?

Damn, is that Henry Rollins?


can't find the beach twerk one


Why is she so fucking thick..fuck I'm hard

Hnnnng I'd like to bite her thighs

looks Like I'll masturbating sooner rather than later

I want to lick her asshole from today to next week non stop

Female pedophiles are great.

ew, she looks like the female version of a boy i knew when i was a wee bairn

flash is shit. so is arrow and probably supergirl, the first 2 were bad enough i didnt want to even give supergirl the time of day..... only a mention here. these shows should DIAF


>puffy nipples
oh man now i'm turned on.

She was average. Only her psychotic turns were really bad.


D-d-do you reckon she picks out disney kids and then raises them to be her sex slaves when they get older

Her sister has big hooters, can't wait til she's a little older. She already has a good ass.

What's with all the ripped pants all of a sudden. Is it all the rage with the kids nowadays? Back then I wore baggy pants with ripped leg holes, and I was considered off-kelter and unkempt.

Of course she does but she probably gets rid of them when they get older though.

She like them young.

>he's an ass guy

She teaches them how to masturbate in front of producers and casting directors

She looks great sometimes. You're gay if you don't want these lips on your dick.



being a fat fucking pig isn't botox

I believe most chicks have at least one good feature. I like ass, titties, hips, legs, lips. I don't see why limiting yourself to on category is a good thing, when there's so many features to fap to. All at once is better than disregarding everything save one thing.

Except skeletors and washboard chicks. Might as well fap it to twinks at that point.

Not even joking here but she has too much attachment to kids and may be a boderline actual pedo.

Nah it's child actor syndrome

Never got to have a childhood so she still enjoys shit like playing with kids

Plus it's like 80% of her audience so good pr

DC in the CW has more curves than the DCEU

>playing with kids

Yea pretty much.

I just hope she doesn't go full 'JUST' or something when shes older.

She's in rehab right now IIRC

So at least she's getting help, her and demi were both majorly fucked up

>not even joking

>implying I'm joking

>So at least she's getting help

>implying this is her first time in rehab

>literally went to rehab because she got mad that Bieber was fucking models and started talking shit to him on his instagram

CW didn't ruin her.
Her shitty genetics turning her into an uggo ruined her.
See Maisie Williams for reference

I didn't even know that.

Also I remember reading how crazy Demi was during her Disney days.

Seeing how fucked up former child/teen actors are makes me wish they were movies about them.

It a goldmine of untapped potential when it comes to that subject.

>glorious jewish plus white genetics
Maps to the Stars tries it but it's shit

>all of a sudden

Dude are you for real? Did you just miss everything from the 90's up until now?

>enter thread thinking she looks like shit
>leave thread after discovering a new "appreciation"

Good thread

The Jews would never let you release a movie detailing how fucked up they leave child stars

I want to suck on them

>I didn't even know that.

Joey is a boys name

Oh I know that but beside that Map to the Stars movie which I heard it shitty, there must be some movies that are subtle enough that jewish hollywood doesn't realize its about how they fucked up child stars.

Is this shopped or are the areola that prominent? Is it just the bra? Need another opinion quick...

lol this is what I recognized this girl from when I saw her in the flash. nothing else, just this picture

Looks just like a younger less fat version of my friend's wife.

how are her lips so big?

she's a semite