Blue pill me on niggers Sup Forums, why do they act the way they do?

Blue pill me on niggers Sup Forums, why do they act the way they do?

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>Blue pill me on niggers Sup Forums

Dey dindu nuffin

Poor nutrition. Their diet consists of top ramen and malt liquor

Years of oprression and hatred
They act 'that way' because us white racists kept them down all time so theyre just acting how they are entitled to
In other words
> check your privilege

they're "demonic" in the true sense of the word, of the demos (the common people, plebs) ie of that which is earthly, the ground. they lack higher impulses and cognize on a lower plain of existence.

in the persian tradition, africans are seen as demons made by the devil mating with humans.

wow really makes u think

I heard they were KANGZ and sheit

short term reward system for a brain

like children


The environment in Africa is such that they did not need to develop higher thinking capabilities, only more athletics.

They didn't have a cold season, forcing them to think on how to prepare for the winter / preserve their food.

They had no need to create an abundance of food. Abundant food and housing eventually leads to exercising the brain instead of the body.

man fuck white people if we just gave them reparations they would be KANGZ and sheit again wow fucking really makes you think

lpbp html

Racism is saying the truth and difference between different races of humankind - What's wrong with it? I see nothing wrong with it

Here's just ONE fact about IQ (there are many more, just read them for yourself, I want to keep this comment short, for it to be easier to read):

^ Niggers got an average IQ of 70, which is considered as 'retarded' among whites, hence - niggers are considered retarded whites (=subhuman)

Those images are also true:

I'm serious, I'm not joking - There's no point in ignoring OBJECTIVE science

1st image (Niggers got an average IQ of 70, which is considered as 'retarded' among whites, hence - niggers are considered retarded whites (=subhuman))


Spread those 3 images everywhere

Dey Rich Bitch

They were kangz, but then whitey discriminated against them which forces them to do nuffin.

The popular explanation nowadays is lead poisoning. Niggers live in old houses with lead paint and pipes and it makes them stupid.


>why do they act the way they do?
It is all about genetics mate.

The negro race evolved in a very savage and inhospitable continent, their entire evolution was directed to survival in primitive conditions.

Other races such as the whites, the asians and even the middle eastern and native americans lived in continents with less inhospitable conditions, which allowed our evolution to focus less on survival in primitive conditions and more in developing our intelligence, social skills and science.

Like the negro, the aboriginal people of australia lived in inhospitable conditions, and just like the negro they amounted to nothing other than surviving in that inhospitable enviroment.

The american civil war ended 155 years ago.
That's maybe 3-4 generations. Where do you think you'd be if your great grandfather had been a slave turned sharecropper?

White man putting all these lies in history books about Africa and feeding our children the evil, bitter Babylon yams