Why are Trump supporters okay with this?

Why are Trump supporters okay with this?

Why do they think this a smart investment again?


hehe u mad bro? haha ;)

Because, if in doubt, keep ‘em out.

yes I'm mad. 18 billion for something that wont work

hehe stay mad snowflake hehe ;)

I thought illegal immigration was going down?

Why are we threatening to tank the fucking economy over this?

Should've asked for more

are you retarded? its not gonna tank the economy. were spending even more then double then 33B on illegal immigrants already.


its all well and good to support trump, but dont get down on all fours and start sucking his cock. there is nothing wrong with having a bit of skepticism about the president you support.

It probably costs 18 billion to keep one of your foreign military bases open each year. At least the wall will save you money in the long run.

hehe u seem upset ;D

people have been building walls for millennia. this is no different


Different user but the cartels (who smuggle a shit ton of people) will just use tunnels or boat them to a different coast. An actual wall is fucking stupid, border security seems like a better idea.
>This is coming from an American born latino

not anymore! holy shitaki mushrooms look at those quads!

Most of the illegal Mexican imigrants in this country arrived via the airlines. How high is this fucking wall going to be?

I thought the Mexicans were paying for the wall. That is what Trump said.

Because Trumpfags thought Mexico was gonna pay, because the believe the lies of a useless fucking millionaire. So glad I am on the other side of the globe

you seem have made a very bold claim
please back up your numbers with actual facts

oh. retarded shillary bots are still posting like mad on Sup Forums. imagine my surprise.

your boss is going to jail. DOJ re-opened the email case. can't wait til your paychecks dry up and this place will empty itself of cuck shills.

Trump supporters especially the young ones are weak pathetic individuals with zero stamina for the real life , they barely manage to get off the keyboard to take a piss

Isn't Mexico going to pay for it?

because we've invested trillions of dollars in iraq and afghanistan, yet have nothing to show for it.

i think the "billions" of dollars trump wants to use in thw U.S outweights the "trillions" we've dump in other countries, dont you?

fucking retard.
