Sup Forums btfo

Well Sup Forums?


because liberals decided to kill the coal industry with the EPA

Yes we know Canada is full of black people

Because the money in those states goes further

dont confuse deflation with poverty

I'm trying to make a link between the two statements and it doesn't make sense

what does "poorest state" even mean?

maybe the population is on average poorer but they mostly live and work comfortably whereas some liberal areas have some very rich people and a bunch of welfare college students

it's easy to make statistics say things that don't actually mean anything

moreover, cost of living is different between states.

A general measurement of income is a terrible metric to define poor.

For example the cost of living in Jew York City is severely different than the cost of living in Oklahoma. Where in Oklahoma you can survive with a $10 hr job with a nice condo, In California you are sharing a room to rent with 6 other roommates.

They've got the most niggers and mexicans.

So the states with the least amount of welfare spending have, on average, the poorest people? Well color me suprised

because the niggers make everyone vote republican when they live near their democrat welfare compounds

i don't know, but neither do you apparently.
i'm guessing though that things are more nuanced than "red policies make states poorer than blue policies"
so why even make that dumbass graphic? why even talk about this when neither of us know what's going on?

those black people sure as hell aren't voting republican though

>implying they're voting at all

Doesnt matter. They are blue voters living in primarily red states, and they make up a large portion of the population of those red states. Move them to blue states and you'll get the same in the states they were moved to.

niggers and beaners

You know those red-states are under a Democrat president. Wouldn't it be the Democrats' fault?

The short answer is that Southern culture is less productive and the long answer is Celtic history.

i have 1000$ total of living expenses every month in upstate new york. While I lived in new york that was half my rent.

What do you call your sub-states, counties?

Gee wonder why?

If democratic economic policies are so great for the poor, how come ...

Yes actually



Illinois here. You must be smoking something. Come to my state and see what the Democrats did to it.

"How come" lol

.. and? the states are poor because they have niggers, not because the whites vote republican

now show one with mexicans, asians, jews, whoever else you like to pin all the blame on

>Gee wonder why?

please add the sources to this data, otherwise the liberals will go apeshit because nobody taught them the basics of scientific research.

there's poll taxes in those states and red states are more heavily gerrymandered than blue

Every single quip the left makes against "red states" can be explained by their black demographic

This. Blue states have absurd cost of living, always.

This is an easy out, leeches don't stick to just blue states.

Damn, made me go mhhhhm, #ImWithHerpes nao


Oh kek blessed this thread with quads

Not all opportunities are evenly distributed. There has been more capital in Massachusetts compared to Kentucky since its inception. There are more ports and wealthy people prefer the area in Massachusetts compared to Kentucky.

Whether an area is rich or poor has little to do with its political affiliation. Some of the poorest ghettos vote democrat while some of the richest counties vote Republican.