New waifu

new waifu
old waifu

Other urls found in this thread:

It's so hot in my room

I hope everyone is well

You and your dogs.

Claiming best girl.

Open a window..

Finished SubaHibi yet?

Its probably hot because you're in there

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня


Cutest waifu

It's below 0 outside

I could weigh 300lbs for all you know

Maybe your blubber is keeping you warm
Maybe I like em thicc uwu

You don't have to keep it open forever you know..

cuz im a stupid piece of shit with low self esteem


you know, yuno

yeah i knwo Yuno

Claiming for a friend

A dog, coffee...
I feel like i missed something...

I'm the exact opposite of what you like

I don't think opening a window into a frozen wasteland is a great way to cool down



You like em thicc, huh?

Thanks, I am

not sure who dog is
but coffee is waifu

Have you tried? What about a cold shower? Those are fun.. Or just a cold drink.. Or something like ice cream..?

How often do you drink coffee?



You are that friend, pls don't angery Ɛ>






do you mean on one day or?
it's my best waifu

Yeah, how many cups a day?

I don't have an exact preference tho lol

Hello there, how are you?

flesh eater

I'm starting to cool off now, must have been from being sick or something

I'm still the opposite of what you want

How so?

i've gone to 6-7 cups per day mostly now

Describe yourself then.

Who is your waifu user? I bet it would be more worthwhile to claim her instead.


Sleepy. How's your Friday(?) going?

I thought we've been over this...

Because I don't want a relationship right now

Describe myself how?

Wish it'd go away that fast when I'm sick, but noo, I'm usually sick for days..

How big are your cups?


what do you think about coffee?

Your physical traits, your hobbies. Anything really.
Let us judge if you're really that undesirable as you think you are.

Good, and yes still friday

not sure how to describe them, but they're kinda smaller than the normal cup?
not like the white cup
they're higher
but less wider

Oh, this is interesting. Lets do it, Lurkers allowed.

sugar no sugar





You up all night?

nice, satan

trips it's more like 2 real cups?

I will be, probably. It's not even 9pm yet.

Might as well, I don't have much to lose

I'm 5'1" and last I was weighed, just under 100lbs
I have dark hair that is currently around mid-back length, pale green eyes

As I've said, I enjoy reading but I also enjoy working with children
I'm not much of a social person, but I can feign confidence easily enough to get by

It means I don't love you

the difference isn't that much

You don't love me YET.
You just don't know me enough to like me.

I drink it twice a day. My favourite is brazilian black coffee. I always drink it without sugar - I guess you could say I am a "non-sugar" coffee drinker!

Good to hear.

Yes, yes.

What do you do for a living?

taller than me but weighs less

i don't drink black coffee too often
because i enjoy sweetness way more
is it really bitter?
don't think i've had it before

Are you lesbian?

Male or female?
>hair that is currently around mid-back
Mullet then?
>pale green eyes
Vary nice.
>I enjoy reading
Not a bad hobby could always be worse.
>enjoy working with children
Why, Do you have kids yourself or just like them. But not a bad trait if female.
>I'm not much of a social person
>I can feign confidence
Bad but also acceptable.

You sound really cute tbh

I wouldn't hold out hope

How tall are you?

I can't really give a definite answer on that right now, but it leans more towards no

I'm a girl
And no, not a mullet
No kids yet either

she is

Everyone in this thread wants to date you lol

I don't, I just want her to be well again.

I just want to fug her


What are your favorite books? What books have you read recently?
I like mostly Light novels, but horror and scifi are cool too. Recently, I've read Jorge Joestar, Diary of a Young Girl, Hitagi Crab, 1984, and Welcome to the NHK.

extra sugar

Would be interesting if she ended up with Sono.

>a girl
Okay was going to say if you're a guy and 5'1" 100lbs you might have a hard time selling yourself.
>No kids yet either
But also likes kids with everything else you said you sound like a perfect sale. So go out there and catch yourself a guy, Just have some confidence.

converted to feet and inches it says
simply put my legs aren't really normal
that's about the height of a five year old

Sono is dating Rea

as if i'd date anyone from Sup Forums

I did not expect you to answer at all.
I wouldn't see why you would be undesirable.

A bit about me then:
I'm 1.88m, weighing in at about 95kg. Combination of fat and muscle, primarily fat.
Caucasian skin with just a slight hint of more brown in it.
Grey eyes with a slight hint of blue, constantly bloodshot.
Unkempt hair and beard, a mixture of dark-blond with grey or white hairs here and there (I've actually gotten grey hairs already, yes. No signs of balding) Overall more body hair then other people due to arabic roots from my mother side, but that's the only thing I did inherent.
Low, monotome voice that sounds like my nasal cavity is permanently clogged, but that's just how I sound.
Large bulky hands.

Can't comment on the hobbies part.

Photo is from a couple of weeks ago when I was still at work.

It's also already 05:44 AM here.

People here are pretty thirsty..
Is there? That's from what I usually drink from..

gimme your gold

You should end your life tbh

Fuck that's cute

it's pretty bad today, yeah.

She treats him like shit.

Close-up of my eye I made the other day. Can't really determine the color.


Not just today..

cut a bit off the top and yee

Yes, it has a strong taste.


Are those fucking worms???

yeah, fair. threads are a little weird all the time.

fuck off get your own
can't end what i've never had
it's really annoying
and i don't like kids

No, those are arteries.

i might not try it since i'm not really good at handling that
any cold drinks?

Can your small body handle my big dick?