It's time

it's time

check my 9s faggot

an hero nigger

this shit's going slow, I'm just here waiting for the 999999 or the 000000

Yo gonna do it or just another attention whore?

Do it before 755999999 you faggot!

should i livestream?

Yep. Past due here. The muthafuckin check is in da muthafuckin mail. Gotta find a better way than a rope tho. Failure=exponentially fucked.

You should eat and wait until you want to shit, then hang yourself, you'll leave your body all shitty for the police.

come on 999999
or come on eileen

this muthafucka gets it

like i care

Witness all those 9s you mother fuckers!!

if i could get hold of a gun, i would have killed myself ten years ago


that's ... cute

Witness my 9s fucker, traps are gay!


See those 9s!!


Do it faggot

Check em!

holy shit so close

oh, you're finally charging your laptop?

Oh well 999999 and 0000000 already passed, oh yeah your post, do whatever the fuck you want, nobody cares about you

wtf user only a child would believe that would strangle you. your on here you weigh at least 120. that would be a terrible mess youd just fuck your throat up and you might rip your jaw off. stay alive dont be a dumbass. maybe you should spend some time in the Navy... Then you might know a little more about ropes and how fucked hanging is.

dont quit yer gayass day job ya fargin icehole.
or nice dubs or something. homo.



burning myself?
OD on heroin/barbiturates?
pesticides? nicotin overdose? gimme something

dude that dogge is bad ass and stuff . real pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anyone. fedor is pulse

gun to heart. then head if it's takinng to long, the only thing i'm worried about is like soul/body separation/ chakras and shit. maybe a bathtub full of saltwater+some wired up shit. or use cops, they seem to be 10/10 at lighting muthafuckas up lately. dont burn yourself, od is a fucking super painful, pluse possible fails...of course, there is the entertainment could like blow up a clown academy or something. or even just a volklswagen full of clowns. fuk clowns

sorry i forgot to add you could just go full on rasputin madman and go for the gold. like a fuckin satanic boss maniac. google 'limit experience' and maybe at least you could truly live

i imagine death as sleeping without a dream and never waking up, that must be heaven

thank you for your inspiration.
soul/body separation/chakras etc. -> nope, doesn't exist, doesn't matter, it will be like pic related

finally peace

i'm sick of eating, doing hard drugs, having no money, getting bullied, being alone, masturbating/fucking hookers (women)

life is like a magazine subscription somebody else gave to you (for selfish reasons) and you don't want it anymore after x years

I hope so...

or like a shitty girl flick movie that lasts for years.
at some point you just wanna leave the cinema or turn off that fucking television

you just don't want to come back even more fucked up than you are (if this is a prison world/hell)

you're sick of hard drugs and fucking hookers?!?!??!
i mean the rest sucks but, seriously, cry me a river, weaktits. just keep it up with the hookers and dope and you'll end up jake.

Not OP, but it all comes crashing down sooner or later.

it's just not nearly enough to keep me alive
actually i just want love, but oh my i can not afford that, wayy to expensive, to get ""love"" you need a career/steady income for 40 years, then you get "the girl" (hooker) and have to feed her with your resources so she doesn't monkey branch (what she will do sooner or later, because it's never enough for dem greedy sluts)
i'm sick of playing monopoly

What do when you quit your job, don't find another one and rather hang yourself than go back to your old job?

Tfw 30 single and I hate everything about life.

In a week i plan to jump off one of three tall buildings in my city. I'll get incredibly fucked up before taking my dive

Should i rob a few stores to leave cash behind for my mates?

love isn't real dude. the closest thing if it is real is for yourself and noone else, that's why being selfish is so stigmatized.

kill trump

Yeah because THATS the guy who should be made a hero/martyr, and Pence is totally not Hitler minus the cool-ass stache... THINK dumbfuck, THINK.

I would rather kill niggers and fags.
Trump is alrite why don't you do it?

The problem with getting fucked up is how do you know you did it? If you wake up somewhere, how do you not know you are in hell/living the last few seconds of the jump in super slomo in your mind, etc.... I think you need to be sober to get out

well, people (or the cia) killed kennedy, and what's good enough for him is "good enough" for trump the least

buy me a plane ticket to the us