How psychopathic are you Sup Forums? I want to hear the most evil machiavellian shit you've done

How psychopathic are you Sup Forums? I want to hear the most evil machiavellian shit you've done

I kicked my dog when she tried to grab my food :(

I eat cereal without milk.

I have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.


sick fuck

Do you really think that someone who has done something as horrible as feeding a girl her own mother's brain would simply come to this place and post about it?

I mean, imagine it, imagine this idiot just posting how he planned it for almost 8 months on daily basis and then executed the plan to perfection down to smallest detail and possibility.

Would that person actually EVER tell anyone about it?

No matter how hard the ego wants to gloat and brag, I would say they would just smirk and never post about it.

P.s. he probably raped the girl afterwards for maaaahaany days

Probably not that psychopathic but started fucking my friends sister, they lived together her freshman year of college and the only reason I started fucking her was because I wanted him to hear her get railed. He never found out it was me and she was in on it

i spammed a picture of a banana

I post oldfag shit on Sup Forums

Witnessed a crime, got a very clear picture of the person. Found said person and took personal justice.

The psychopath part is getting everyone to believe I had nothing to do with it

What happened when he opened the door and everyone walked the dinosaur?

This sounds like a psycho narcissist trying to subtly boast

No u

No u

8 months of planning while knowing there are too many unknown variables, sounds like a stupid person to me

I couldn't get through the first two sentences without getting so bored I needed to leave the thread. Well played if deliberate.

>be me
>in 4th grade
>running around the school's playground during break
>there's this autistic kid who wears glasses
>he's definitely got some sort of issue
>I'm minding my own business, probably pissing in dirt and playing with the mud it creates
>I hear Ms. Clarke (7/10 50 yo teacher I had a crush on) scolding someone
>look up to see some little cunt crying, his arm bearing bite marks
>see teacher forcing autismo to apologise to snotty crying kid
>being the attention-starved little goblin I was, I saw my chance
>I turn away from the scene and bite my own forearm so it leaves behind teeth marks
>run up to the teacher and say the retard bit me too
>teacher forces him to apologise to me, although he did jackshit
>walk away feeling satisfied that I got sympathy from my hot milf teacher

It's only a small thing but I still feel terrible. Sometimes I wonder where autismo is now

I did a similar thing in middle school but I was beating up a kid and when he told the teacher I said he was lying and she believed him over me lol.

She even said the marks I left on him from punching him were self inflicted and gave him detention for lying

Taking advantage of a retard is pretty low, man. Hope you got that titty tho

One time I wiped my ass and then sniffed the tissue afterward

I thought about killing myself one time but then I came to my sense .

Convinced a girl to dump her boyfriend so I could fuck her and only fucked her once and never talked to her again.


Not true. There's a reason most criminals return to their crime scenes. They will definitely post about it as long as it's played off as fiction.

I shot out someone's knee caps over $150 once

Well for starters, when I was 11 years old I got put straight into juvi for stabbing my mom in the kneecap with a pencil after school and I lost my shit when they took me in so I punched a couple cops. Long story short, I need my fucking tendies.

You watch the butterfly effect?

Shit went badly with a friend, he tried to do me in for an eight ball, ended up stabbing him to death (self defense), I fucked his girlfriend within 4. Days and his mom a few months later, my first time telling anyone about this

No, why?

You don't have to be evil if you're a psychopath.

I've killed 13 people for sure, and there's more but I don't know if they actually died, nothing that didn't have to be done, me or them, nobody knows this though, I'm a normal guy, I have a job, all that shit. Just goes to show you never really know what type of person you're associating yourself with


Used to go to illegal horse races and cock fights, saw lots of gun fight over lost bets, shit was gold till task force shut the operations down. Miss the adrenaline rush

Shit haunts me at night man, that shit will stick with you

Just business?

I know that I'm pretty attractive so I like to lead people on, both sexes, so that they can compliment me on my looks and personality. I act sweet to them, flirt, all that stuff that makes the heart skip a beat. They think I'm a nice person on the outside, on the inside I'm just a narcissistic vampire that feeds on people's energy and admiration for me. I know it's fucked up but I enjoy the hell out of it.

If tru this is the coldest shit ever lmao

Dated a girl for years after college because she didn't want to date me during college. Fucked her almost constantly, even while she was asleep, even when she didn't want to. Dumped her.

I really want to kidnap a girl my age and torture her to death then drink her pee and fuck her corpse.

Not trying to be edgy.
It started out small with simple rekt threads and devolved into masturbating to shit on gurochan. Now I scour the web for dead girls that shit their pants to masturbate to. So far found only one on the surface web.

Wish I could get my own girl.

Yeah man, I got kicked out when I was 14 so I started selling whatever I could get my hands on, I got better at it, started taking business from other people, boom. Next thing I know there's a price on my head, that was when I was fourteen, I'm 19 now. The price is still on my head

Feel ya bud, ma old man was involved in kilo business and grew up around that environment. Almost like a cartel lifestyle, but i learned from his mistakes, im better, smarter and gained respect from picking up for him. Yet i live a clean life

Slapped my own grandmother.

Kek, You're the devil!

I onced raped tiger and cat stuffed animals when i was like 12-13. Felt good man

That's not that bad. I used to fuck girls, then I made a book with their name, age and address, along with a photo of them naked (they all went to the same University). I then gave the book into a fraternity anonymously and watched their lives unravel

Yeah man, if I knew then what I know now none of that would have happened, it's a dirty game man, we have to handle our own shit

Slit a chick's throat when i was 13

Haha me too man, I'm so relieved someone else did that